2019 3:20, And Beyond (Read 444 times)


Resident Millennial

    tracked about a million people this morning and the results were all over the place. classic boston. largely pretty good though! a few blowups, as usual. the elite men's race was boring until it WASN'T. and the elite women's race was boring, boring, EXCITING, then a little boring again. still not sure how i feel about jordan/NOP but if i feel okay about her, she did great ftoday and that's a solid comeback from 2 sfx.


    Ilana- A win is a win, huge congrats! Momentum!


    Jim- Great to see you too, good racing! Mojo coming back.

    KCam must have been in GGP on Sunday also...



    yeah so a bunch of us raced a 5k yesterday. my team hosted it, so in addition to racing I had various volunteer duties. it was fun and was a success! (well, seemed to be a success, maybe jim and kcam can provide candid feedback Smile ). It was my first race of the season after a slow start to 2019 and also fully enjoying ski season this spring and not caring much when ski days replaced run days. So I was a bit anxious, not knowing exactly where I am and since a race tells you exactly where you are (sometimes good news, sometimes bad news). I just wanted to pace well and feel good and have a kick, hopefully go under 20 minutes. Was also trying to not look at my watch.


    Mile 1 was 6:25 (team coach was reading splits) and we had a headwind and a bit of uphill at the end of the mile. But it felt pretty controlled. Ran with a few teammates the next mile, we had a downhill and then an annoying uphill and a few little rollers. Coach had scuttled over to mile 2 and read out 12:50, for 6:25 again (though my garmin split later said 6:32? Ah well). Was starting to get tired but still in control.

    Mile 3 starts with a nice downhill and then we had a slight tailwind. I'm picking it up, dropping the teammate I was with and trying to catch a group of a few teammates ahead (who are often sorta far ahead of me in races). Then I get caught by a teammate (who wasn't racing all out today, would typically be in front of me) at about 1200m to go and she says "c'mon R we're going to kick it in hard!" so with the extra motivation/help, the last mile was 6:05. I've never closed that fast, and it felt good (but hard!). Was trying to catch the pack of teammates ahead but they were kicking hard too - I was still close behind. From mile 3 to the end it was 5:40 something pace.


    19:34 in the end, 28th F (which isn't bad for these USATF races), 6 second PR. Happy with the time and where this puts me for the start of the season!

    mile, 5:26 /5k, 19:34 /10k, 41:00 /13.1, 1:31:49 /26.2, 3:12:58

    Running Problem

    Problem Child

      rlk damn good job. I'm not surprised with the amount of skiing you've done. I see a few people ski and run (sometimes in the same day) and have probably sunk in DEEP to a RB he can do both and call it marathon training. If only they hadn't canceled the local marathon (lack of participation, not a certified course anymore, not 26 miles long...can't imagine why 3:20 won). Great job on the PR. I probably won't catch you on the 5K side of things any time soon.


      Is it just me or are the BAA medals larger this year? All those years of tiny unicorns now supersized. I tracked what I could online. I plan on BEING tracked for the 124th. Anyone want to go to a Red Socks game 4/19/2020? Late Birthday gift.

      Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

      VDOT 53.37 

      5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22


      Mother of Cats

        RLK  - fantastic job on the PR!


        (and a belated welcome back to Jim - it's been too long)


        Congrats to Ilana on the return and the win!


        Brewing - I'm about 80% sure I'll do Botulism next year, but will NOT be attending a baseball game the day before.


        Now that the excitement is over, I'll dump my week and my race report for the BAA 5K.


        Week: 44 miles running plus 8 "miles" pool-running and 1000 yards swimming.

        M: 8 "miles" pool-running

        T: 3 miles very easy (9:11), yoga, 5 miles very easy (8:50), drills but no strides.

        W: 7 miles very easy (8:57) plus drills, hill strides, light upper body strength and core, and DIY yoga

        Th: 7 miles, including a very short sharpening mini-workout of 4x400m at 10K effort with 100m float, 300m float, then 2x200m at 5K effort with 200m float.  (Splits were 1:23, 1:33, 1:31, 1:31, 44, 43, and yes, the first was an oops)

        F: Travel to Boston and DIY yoga

        Sa: 3.5 warm-up, 5K race in 18:53, 3.5 cool-down.

        Su: 12 miles very easy (8:36), drills, strides, 1000 yards recovery swimming.

        Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


        And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.


        Resident Millennial

          Jim said to me yesterday that he needs to post here more - so let's hold him accountable to that! Hehe.


          brew- thanks!


          dwave-  thank you! And likewise to you. Always fun to read about your logistics (usually super smooth, which this engineer very much appreciates) and quirks (like Dr Scholl's sticky pads on your shoes!). Congrats on a great race AND the prize money - pro runner status Wink

          PS I expect to see see photographic proof of the cat unicorn horn hat on instagram!
          PPS "tetris" is definitely a verb


          I guess there was no meetup brunch this year...? I know flyrunner raced, but I guess nobody from this direct thread

          mile, 5:26 /5k, 19:34 /10k, 41:00 /13.1, 1:31:49 /26.2, 3:12:58



            Hey all and congrats to the Boston runners.


            Just checking in. I had a great Zion 100 race and hit my sub 24 goal which I honesty thought would be around a 26-28 hour finish coming of of injury and sickness in February and low miles in March.  No long runs and very little vertical.  I guess I still had some benefits of the marathon training block.  Really surprised that I came in 11th place considering I wasn't really trying to race.  Had no major problems and was able to keep plugging along.


            Now I need to decide where to go from here.  I think just base maintenance and some workouts.  I have really enjoyed the faster paces.


            Anyway, I have enjoyed reading the training thread even though I don't have another marathon planned.  Excited for your races.

            12-23  Last One Standing  -  Finished 102 miles

            2- 24 Grandmaster 100 - 22:32, 1st place

            4-24. Cappy's Backyard - 17 yards, 1st place

            5-24  Bryce 100



            Running Problem

            Problem Child

              Congrats beryl. I would say to pick another road race if you want to keep speed work in your weekly and monthly routines.


              Dwave: I’m a little surprised you’ll run it. Figured the “Magic of Boston “ wasn’t very magical to you anymore.

              Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

              VDOT 53.37 

              5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22


                What a Boston finish!  I got zero work done when I got in ... I didn't watch the video feed (that woulda been maybe a little too much) but I kept refreshing the LRC Boston thread.  I actually like those idiots and their comments as the race unfolds!


                I did race in GGP yesterday.  I never thought about the weather at all when I left San Jose, which was warm, and I ended up freezing my butt off before the race in GGP.  I had no gloves or hat but at least had a long sleeve shirt to wear.  It wasn't really that cold but that wind ....


                Congrats to rlk, JimE (very nice race) and anyone else that raced Sunday.  Maybe I can meet some of you all in real life at one of these races.  Anyone else running The Great Race?  It's on the schedule and it REALLY is a great race!


                I ran 21:27 chip which was disappointing but that course is not a 'gimme'.  The 2nd mile with the ups/downs around Stow Lake did me in and I really had nothing left to take advantage of the tailwind and overall downhill bias of the last mile.  My splits were 6:53, 7:07 and 6:38 (plus some change to the finish).  I have to keep telling myself to be patient but I'm really anxious for some results!  Many of my peers I used to beat easily are a minute ahead of me now.  It's been a long time since I have not been quick enough to score on our team but I was 5th 50+'r on Sunday so got left off the scoring team - and I'm the Captain!


                Having said all that 'woe is me, feel sorry for me' I had a great time at the race.  rlk you guys did another bang up job putting on the race.  I've always run the Impala race, back when it was the PacTherx 5K in Woodside.  I like the GGP setting much better.  It's the same course that we used to run called 'Zippy's 5K' several years ago.  I'm glad Impalas brought that race back.


                darkwave - that close to a PR means if you run that race again you get a PR.  Nice work on training to get in that shape.  Keep it rolling.


                Beryl - jeez what can one say?  100miles!  (deserves about 10 exclamation marks).


                Make sure you guys pencil in my club's race in June - One Mile Bang.  Hope to see yall out there.


                Resident Millennial

                  kcam- totally agree re. that mile 2 - and I run that loop multiple times per week! I think I'd prefer if the lake loop went the other direction, so it's a short steep downhill to MLK but then a gradual uphill. But people were glad we brought back the Zippy course, as you mentioned, and it's certified with the current directionality, so we're not going to change things anytime soon. Thanks for the positive feedback!


                  Yeah it was a little chilly, I jogged over from home in a long sleeve but then felt perfect in a singlet + shorts during the race.
                  Also boo hoo, I think I've scored for my team a grand total of once :P

                  I just registered for the Great Race. New to the circuit! Should be fun and it looks like there are nice bike paths nearby to add on cooldown miles. (I haven't spent much time in south bay.)


                  Definitely planning to do the One Mile - we laugh at the fact that it's called "Bang" haha. I think I'll try to focus on the short circuit, though I already know I'll miss Morgan Hill 5k on July 4th.

                  mile, 5:26 /5k, 19:34 /10k, 41:00 /13.1, 1:31:49 /26.2, 3:12:58


                    The first year (2017)you guys had it in GGP the loop around Stowe Lake was run counterclockwise, only last year and this year has the loop been CW.  It hurts the same both ways!

                      well done everybody running this weekend!!! I have been following the discussion, but didn't get much time to respond...

                      also great weeks all around (some impressive miles...)


                      hope your week started well



                      PRs since re-started in 2013:

                      5km: 19:43 (Belfast park run Sep-16) | 10km: 40:16 (Belfast Lagan side 10K Sep-18) 

                      HM: 1:30:09 (Belfast city Half Marathon, September-18) | FM: 3:25:05 (official chip time Belfast city Marathon, May-19, marathon was 0.3/4 longer, original time 3:27:20 for 26.5/6...)


                      Upcoming races:  


                      Running Problem

                      Problem Child

                        I think I'll try to focus on the short circuit, though I already know I'll miss Morgan Hill 5k on July 4th.

                        WHAT!??!?!?! unacceptable. Your journey to the desolate waste land far beyond the confines of BART and CalTrans is an annual tradition I enjoy reading about. Mostly how you forget how far away it is. Plus there is a sweet parade you should stick around for one of these days. Maybe snag a hotel in town over by Nordstrom Elementary so you can shower after and enjoy the booming metropolis of the South Bay.


                        I'm still intimidated/scared about race day. The upside is marathon training is over Thursday (10 day taper per the book) and I fly out a week from Friday. It's here, but it's scary here...like..."did I train correctly" here, "Shouldn't I have a nutrition plan" here, "The magic of Boston just happening' here.

                        Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

                        VDOT 53.37 

                        5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22


                        pie man

                          Checking to celebrate the fact that my PR is still sub JJ!  Barely!


                          Went down to the south this weekend for the indy race and to celebrate a little bit.  Only did one run and one hike, but both were nice.  Plus 5ish miles just walking around LBC each day.  It's weird down there.  And, to further demonstrate when I hit about Salinas on the way back it started to rain.  Although they got a bit of same down there and everything is green and blooming.  Maybe that's why it's weird.


                          I think we had forum alums TTM and Aggie running yesterday.  Both seemed to be satisfied with their results given less training?  I probably would have struggled in that weather.  I only peeked at twitter randomly to get updates cause I was driving.


                          I missed Lake Sonoma 50, which had some heavy hitters in the ultra world chasing a golden ticket.  Kinda of a shame, i've been down there a bit.

                          11:11 3,000 (recent)


                          Resident Millennial

                            WHAT!??!?!?! unacceptable. Your journey to the desolate waste land far beyond the confines of BART and CalTrans is an annual tradition I enjoy reading about. Mostly how you forget how far away it is. Plus there is a sweet parade you should stick around for one of these days. Maybe snag a hotel in town over by Nordstrom Elementary so you can shower after and enjoy the booming metropolis of the South Bay.


                            I try to avoid CalTrans (statewide highways). CalTrain, on the other hand... Smile


                            BF has a family reunion, they're every other year around July 4. Two years ago it was in South Dakota so I'm just excited for it to be located somewhere a little more, uh, interesting this time - Colorado! So we'll climb a bunch of 14ers that week and see my dad and then see all of BF's family. Did enjoy that race last year though.


                            PJ- I intermittently checked IRunFar's twitter feed on Saturday. As usual, I'm like "Oh look Camille Herron is way out front. Last time she did this it didn't end well." And also "YiOu is pretty far back but won this one last time and is strong as hell". So it kinda played out how I expected but still in an exciting way.

                            And men's race was good, I spotted a certain Golden Ticket winner and his Citius Mag friends walking around my neighborhood on Sunday afternoon.

                            mile, 5:26 /5k, 19:34 /10k, 41:00 /13.1, 1:31:49 /26.2, 3:12:58


                            Cobra Commander Keen

                              RLK - Awesome job snagging a PR so early in the season. It should be interesting to see what you can do by the season's end.

                              Beryl - Congrats on Zion! I've heard that's a beautiful race.

                              DWave - Great job on the BAA 5k as well. And I wholeheartedly approve of "tetris" as a verb.

                              The OKC Marathon just announced that "course changes create the need for wave start". Considering that the start and first ~3/4 mile are the same as before, I haven't heard about any congestion issues since they starting checking bibs at corrals, and marathon finishes have been trending down for years I have no idea the real reason behind this. Who knows if this will have any impact (good, bad, or neutral) but it does make me suspicious when there are so many changes made to a race (or anything, really) with what seem to clearly be BS reasons given to support said changes.

                              Might as well dump my weekly:


                              Monday, Apr 08, 2019 thru Sunday, Apr 14, 2019

                              <tfoot> </tfoot>
                              Day Miles Pace Description HR Link
                              Mon 10.3 7:39 The sheriff didn't catch me until mile 4 today. Am I getting faster or is he sleeping in later? 144 (73%) strava
                              Mon 2.4 7:52 Discovering I can squeeze through the fence like a middle schooler 143 (73%) strava
                              Tue 10.2 8:26 6 ducks, 3 deer (3 strides), 1 owl, 1 rabbit, 1 heron, & 1 shooting star 142 (72%) strava
                              Tue 2.5 8:20 Why am I out in the heat of the day? 140 (71%) strava
                              Wed 8.1 7:45 Nope. - London 140 (71%) strava
                              Wed 2.6 7:56 I didn't appreciate how much wind resistance the beard causes until running into a 30mpw headwind. 145 (74%) strava
                              Thu 10.1 7:08 1x 5:46, 4x 4:40 @ 8min power (337w) - London 153 (78%) strava
                              Thu 2.5 8:13 Another late runch 128 (65%) strava
                              Fri 10.1 8:26 6 herons, 2 hawks, & the year's first scissor-tailed fly catcher 133 (68%) strava
                              Fri 2.7 8:06 Trying out the new PATH Projects hat during runch. Thanks, Floris! 133 (68%) strava
                              Sat 14.6 8:32 4 hawks, 2 scissor-tailed fly catchers, & 1 rabbit 135 (69%) strava
                                76.1 8:02

                              5k: 17:58 11/22 │ 10k: 37:55 9/21 │ HM: 1:23:22 4/22 │ M: 2:56:05 12/22


                              Upcoming Races:


                              OKC Memorial 5k - April 27

                              Bun Run 5k - May 4


                              Running Problem

                              Problem Child

                                keen the waves could be marathon start and half marathon start 2-3 minutes later. It might have been half marathoners wanting the space. I think our local races wait 5-10 minutes for some races even with the 5k/10k starts. NICE week. I didn't realize how many miles you were putting in.


                                rlk must be hard getting to CIM when you try to avoid the highways. 

                                Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

                                VDOT 53.37 

                                5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22