2018 3:20 (and beyond) (Read 582 times)


pie man

    Is sneaking onto famous tracks and running a lap considered a hobby?  Cause that might be my new favorite,  Feels like I was pretty close to gettting reprimanded at sac state.  Some nice history on that one—2000 and 2004 trials and all that.  Strange it was more secure than Stanford where the fastest distance times are usually run.  Although Stanford had a bar across the first three lanes to keep them fresh.

    11:11 3,000 (recent)

    Running Problem

    Problem Child

      DW: 6:55 pace. About 10 seconds slower than my 10k in March. My distances and times never line up like they should. Yes 7:09 M pace would have 6:44 paced T miles after it. I picked 7:17 ish pace which has 6:50 pace T miles. About 3 seconds below my 10k pace. I created a T window for training of 6:45-6:55 which covers T pace at 7:09-7:24/mi.


      ace: eh, it’s not too hard. In/out as you feel one foot hit the ground isn’t hard. Plus it’s a JD thing where he said it’s what elites do so, you know, we do it so we are elite. Much like lots and lots of miles instead of time.


      PJ Stanford is a much nicer area. Heck their students can sit in the water fountains if they want. The whole college, and a small area around it, are the “town” of Stanford so yeah, Stanford is a different place than Sac. Couple great breweries in Sac though. Are you talking about Track 7?


      work sucks. It killed my steak which had more miles in it than my current one. 32 miles behind hitting 2018 in 2018 pace bunny (I’m a slacker) which seemed so impossible when I said i would try it a few months (January) ago.  Ow it’s almost close to possible. Weather today is awesome too....low 70 with 15-20 mph winds. Not a great weekend to spend in Tahoe walking around for 200 miles. Good thing that party is in 2 weeks.

      Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

      VDOT 53.37 

      5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22


        PJ: I think you’ve got a good thing going. Keep up the sneaky track invasions.


        brew: We are SO elite it’s crazy. I’m about 50 miles behind on 2018 in 2018. Mainly that month of recovery from the hip injury put me behind.


        Tempo went well today, not perfect. Goal was 6:30 pace. 2.5 easy (8:05), 8 @ 6:37, 2.5 easy (8:30). Felt solid, but tired legs. Phone said 68 degrees and 99% humidity at the start. Sweat a ton today. First time I’ve had a build up of frothy sweat on my legs. Looked like one of my mom’s horses after a ride.

        Road Mile: 5:19 (2017), 5k: 17:09 (2021), 10k: 35:54 (2021), HM: 1:21:55 (2020), M: 2:53:18 (2021)


        Mother of Cats

          Brew - ah - that makes more sense.  I thought I read on the other thread that you were doing 6:30 pace for the T - that seemed a bit out of sync with the times you're targeting.


          Ace - nice tempo workout in that humidity.  I've been running in similar conditions for a lot of this summer, and it's tough.


          PJ - I like this bagging tracks thing.  It's like high points, but each one takes less effort and there's more of them to bag.  I do something similar with Golds Gyms, if that makes sense.  (and no, it doesn't make sense).




          My week:  61 miles plus 8 "miles" pool-running

          M: 11.5 miles, including a track workout of 4x(800, 400) in 3:00, 87, 3:02, 88, 2:58, 88, 3:01, 85.  Also injury prevention work and recovery swimming.
          T: 8 miles very easy (8:50) plus drills, strides, DIY yoga
          W: 5.5 miles very easy (10:00) plus drills, strides, failed attempt at upper body strengthwork in lousy gym,

          Th: upper body strengthwork and core plus 8 "miles" pool-running.
          F: 12 miles, including 8K tempo in 32:17 (6:34/6:30/6:30/6:25/6:18).  Also injury prevention work and recovery swimming.

          Sa: 10 miles very easy (9:02) plus upper body strengthwork and core.
          Su: 14 miles progressive - first 4 miles averaged 9:09; next 5 averaged 7:50; last 5 averaged 7:04.  Also injury prevention work and recovery swimming.

          Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


          And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.

            My week: no problems with every other day jogging


            M:6 easy

            T: 1h XT

            W: 6 easy

            Th: 1h XT

            F: 6 easy

            S: 1h spin

            S: 7 easy


            total = 25

            Running Problem

            Problem Child



              I've reduced my alcohol consumption for the last couple months of training. I typically do this. It's not a drastic change. I go from 5-7 drinks per week to 0-2. Last night my wife and I made a couple drinks to sit on the porch in fall-ish weather. I made an old fashioned for me and a G&T for her. Woke up with a splitting headache for this morning's run. So, I guess the lesson for me is I need to drink regularly or not at all. Tough choice. 


              I forgot this little note from my trail race a couple weeks ago. They had a kid's mile before our race. My kids watched it, but afterwards my oldest daughter, who is 4, asked if she could run the next race!


              Good job on the daughter being interested. I’d say sign her up for a turkey trot mile if you could do it with her. Some local races put the kids mile BEFORE the adult runs so parents can do it. My wife said she did a 5k where a young child was running it and dad said “know where you’re going? Okay see you at the finish” and I explained how it’s safe and with the number of people in the 5k he probably wouldn’t get lost, or kidnapped. Plus dad was obviously faster


              as for not drinking....who does that?  It’s a horrible decision. Drink all the time and you’ll avoid the headaches. Just don’t drink TOO MUCH before a hard workout or long run. I speak from experience. Just plan on your weekend runs being about two or three hours later than usual.


              as for being behind I was MUCH farther behind. A marathon training cycle helps get you closer.

              Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

              VDOT 53.37 

              5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22


              Resident Millennial

                brew/PJ- i've sat in that Stanford fountain Smile I've run through campus a few times and one such time it was like 90 degrees. gross.
                agree - sac state track has a huge stadium and all, whereas stanford's track doesn't look like a whole lot, especially not next to their football stadium. I have not run at either but I've attend meets at both. USA outdoors was at sac state in ~2014 - lot of olympian flybys on the american river running path behind the stadium!

                I did the sneak-in-and-run-a-lap thing at Hayward 5 years ago. In jeans!


                Very behind. Sigh. I've been reading, though!


                I've been racing XC. I got to high-5 jim during his race last Saturday. (Women race first, then masters men, so we are often cooling down when jim and his people are racing.) That was in Santa Cruz. This past weekend's XC was in Santa Rosa, funnily enough the same weekend as the Santa Rosa marathon and associated events. I believe jim was pacing the marathon again.
                Had to run on the treadmill once this week (ugh) because the AQI was like 160.

                Also doing long runs - nothing crazy long yet. Today was my first 16, and it actually felt pretty good. Weekly mileage is mostly in the 60s - I hit 67 last week.


                kk- congrats!!!! I like how you casually slipped in the good news.


                ace- 8@6:37 is killer!! nice job


                rovatti- glad to still be seeing time on feet!


                dwave, max- hi!

                mile, 5:26 /5k, 19:34 /10k, 41:00 /13.1, 1:31:49 /26.2, 3:12:58

                Running Problem

                Problem Child

                  Had to run on the treadmill once this week (ugh) because the AQI was like 160.

                  Also doing long runs - nothing crazy long yet. Today was my first 16, and it actually felt pretty good. Weekly mileage is mostly in the 60s - I hit 67 last week.



                  Be careful looking at just the AQI number. Ozone is the smallest and most dangerous stuff. HEPA filters and face masks (yes people walked around wearing them at work) won’t protect you. Race day is a long way away so remember that when planning a run with poor AQI. No sense damaging your lungs for life for a jog.


                  darkwave if I said that I was probably drunk. I sometimes wish I could pull such speed off however it means faster training which means more work which makes marathon training suck.


                  Im starting to wonder if my foot pain is caused by my shoes.

                  Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

                  VDOT 53.37 

                  5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22

                  Running Problem

                  Problem Child

                    Wednesday's workout was HARD. It's the one where max said we should go off TIME not DISTANCE. I was impressed with being able to pull out 6:55 pace for 2 miles after 8 at 7:15-7:18. I cut out the second 2T run because I knew I had NOTHING left. Almost the entire time I was thinking "This makes a 3:07 a 3:06" and just thinking of those last 2 miles of a marathon. Friday I was so pissed about work (boss can't seem to get me ALL corrections in the first review, but says I can't get her work the first, second, or third time) I just skipped all running. I was even going to do it super early and be proud.

                    Sunday I was thinking about breaking it into a 3x4M workout. 7:18ish, 7:13ish, 7:08ish. Being 6 weeks out I'm supposed to be aiming for ACTUAL goal pace now (7:08) which I thought I'd try for at the end. Turns out I did it at the second loop, didn't slow myself down and then started thinking about time vs distance. I started getting some stomach pains/twisting around mile 9.50-10. I'm not sure if it's from only having Gatorade drink and gels being too much sugar, having pancakes an hour before starting the run, or just pushing too hard (fear) for the run. I cut the last mile out and really didn't want to but I didn't think I'd be able to run it. I told myself I'm making the last mile strong if I'm not going to run the 12th mile...and surprised myself with what I could do (I pushed 6:30 pace at points)...but I also had 2 days of rest before doing this run. So now I have to figure out fueling and if it's the Gatorade stuff causing my stomach pains.


                    I'd kind of believe running 11 miles at, or near, marathon pace would be enough to know what's going to work/happen during a race. I DID run the M pace miles by feel which could explain the middle 4 being too fast. I took gels 5 minutes before the race, at 45:00 and 90:00 of total time to simulate race day as much as possible. It's not TOO hard to open one with a water bottle in your hand. My heart rate was about where I'd expect it to be if it was the last 12 miles of a marathon. The M miles ended up being almost an hour and 20 minutes.


                    Something I thought about AFTER the workout is how this is pretty much identical to a Hanson's Tempo run. 1.5-3 mile warm up, 10 M, 1.5-3 mile cool down. This is probably the only similarity between the two. Lots of miles at marathon pace. Oh and NeRP got me sick. I didn't sleep well Friday night and woke up (drug induced) late Sunday. I don't think it really impacted Sunday's workout but it's annoying, much like our air quality not being perfect. Thanks California (It is considered moderate).


                    My Week

                    Weekly Summary
                    Monday, Aug 20, 2018 thru Sunday, Aug 26, 2018

                    <tfoot> </tfoot>
                    Day Miles Pace Description Link
                    Mon 6.0 8:36 That time I wish I had a day off strava
                    Tue 10.0 8:26 That time I was feeling lazy strava
                    Wed 15.1 7:56 That time I figured out the ‘why’ part. strava
                    Thu 7.7 8:24 That time I want to be shiny strava
                    Thu 4.0 10:29 That time I’m not a pavement princess. strava
                    Sat 2.7 22:29 That time we tried to take a nap. strava
                    Sun 15.0 7:45 That time I wonder if you could make a pass. strava
                      60.5 8:55    

                    Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

                    VDOT 53.37 

                    5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22


                    Cobra Commander Keen

                      Ace - Sounds like you have a tough call RE: alcohol. 8 at ~6:30? Nice one.

                      DWave - Impressive week, especially with the travel. I totally get the "bagging Gold's Gyms" thing. It's a nice system you have worked out.

                      PJ - I can appreciate the track sneaking. Seems like an interesting thing to "collect".

                      Rovatti - Hooray on not having any problems! Here's hoping that continues for a long time.

                      RLK - Racing XC sounds like fun, and you've hit some good mileage lately.

                      Brew - Impressive week and workouts, and good job on working on race nutrition. I typically only take water in races, since I always know what's in that and my gels, but the sports drink may be strong or diluted compared to the "real" stuff , and that can vary between water stops as well.
                      Bummer about NeRP getting you sick (and him being sick as well) - hopefully it passes quickly for the both of you. With DD1 & 2 off to school now that's something I'm a bit worried about myself. Blasted kiddos and their germs!
                      "Pavement Princess" still gives me a gigle.

                      New weekly mileage PR for me, by ~4 miles. I had to move my LR to Sunday to help accommodate some family stuff, which also means that I will almost certainly end up with a new weekly (rolling 7 day) mileage PR by this Saturday as well, since I'll have 7 days of running in a row. Hotter (75-80F 23.8/26.6C) low temps have returned, but for the last couple days the Kiwi point and humidity have been a bit lower than usual, so those temps haven't seemed as bad as usual.

                      DD1 isn't going to have her first soccer game this Saturday like I thought, so I'm now quite strongly considering running a 5k this weekend on what's one of the fastest courses in the state. Stimulus-wise it would be a suitable replacement for my first I session of this training cycle and should be good to get an idea of where my fitness is. My one hesitation is that short, fast races kinda scare me, especially since I'm pretty unsure of what I could run now. I should probably just put on my big-boy running shorts and pink racing shoes and go for it.


                      Weekly Summary
                      Monday, Aug 20, 2018 thru Sunday, Aug 26, 2018

                      <tfoot> </tfoot>
                      Day Miles Pace Description HR Link
                      Mon 17.3 7:44 Daniels' 2M + 12x 200m R + 2M 138 (70%) strava
                      Mon 3.1 8:55 Easy 5k in Innsbruck 126 (64%) strava
                      Tue 10.3 8:41 Easy strollerin' with DD3. 126 (64%) strava
                      Wed 12.1 8:25 3 owls, 1 coyote, and 1 rabbit 138 (70%) strava
                      Thu 15.1 7:53 Daniels 4E, 3T, 2T 149 (76%) strava
                      Fri 7.3 8:26 Zero wildlife. Is that how this day is going to be? 135 (69%) strava
                      Fri 3.1 8:37 This workout room could seriously benefit from some fans. 126 (64%) strava
                      Sun 18.0 8:12 NHP to Hefner lollipop with my buddies Heat and Humidity. These guys are wearing out their welcome. 139 (71%) strava
                        86.3 8:12      

                      5k: 17:58 11/22 │ 10k: 37:55 9/21 │ HM: 1:23:22 4/22 │ M: 2:56:05 12/22


                      Upcoming Races:




                      Speed Surplus

                        Hey guys, just a quick drive-by with an even quicker race report from HTC.


                        I cannot seem to get the hang of this event. I did the exact same thing I did 22 years ago - fail to avoid extreme stiffness after running.


                        So the paces on my legs went like this:







                        Anyway, here's my week.


                        <tfoot> </tfoot>
                        Day Miles Pace Duration Description HR Egain Link
                        Tue 5.2 8:17 0:42 Treadmill. About 600 meters at 10mph at the end because why not? 144 (78%) 0 strava
                        Wed 3.6 8:23 0:30 Last shakeout before HTC. Clear air can't arrive soon enough! 143 (78%) 0 strava
                        Fri 5.5 6:23 0:34 Hood to Coast - Leg 2 157 (85%) 0 strava
                        Fri 6.0 7:27 0:45 Hood to Coast - Leg 14 163 (89%) 136 strava
                        Sat 5.7 9:27 0:53 Hood to Coast - Leg 26 147 (80%) 242 strava
                          26.0 7:57 3:26     378

                        5:27 / 18:49 / 40:32 / 88:12 / 3:12



                          Be careful looking at just the AQI number. Ozone is the smallest and most dangerous stuff. HEPA filters and face masks (yes people walked around wearing them at work) won’t protect you. Race day is a long way away so remember that when planning a run with poor AQI. No sense damaging your lungs for life for a jog.



                          Two weeks ago (I think?) the ozone here hit "very unhealthy" levels (Ozone more than .106ppm). It was really gross.  My OB has told me not to run in anything other than a "green" or "healthy" day, which I guess Utah has decided is measured as PM 2.5 less than 12 ug/m3 and ozone less than .55 ppm. It's limited a LOT of outside exertion.  But apparently Utah is a great case study for people getting lung cancer and such at increasing rates. which doesn't fit with the population of mostly non-smokers.

                          PRs: HM: 1:32:59 (2015); FM: 3:18:36 (2017)


                          Resident Millennial

                            brew/kk- yeah, ozone also sucks. airnow displays concentrations for ozone in addition to pm2.5, which is useful.


                            sclever- owww that sounds painful! how was HTC overall?

                            on that topic, i saw via twitter that apparently the RD gave out awards for winners of overall, corporate team, a bunch of other divisions, walkers ... but didn't award female winners. and when they asked if female winners got awards the RD said something like "go complain to someone who cares". a lot of bigtime running world people (hansons ODP, shalane, molly h, dave monti, dena evans, etc) chimed in to say that they care. also, apparently 70% of participants in HTC are female.

                            mile, 5:26 /5k, 19:34 /10k, 41:00 /13.1, 1:31:49 /26.2, 3:12:58


                            Mother of Cats


                              Two weeks ago (I think?) the ozone here hit "very unhealthy" levels (Ozone more than .106ppm). It was really gross.  My OB has told me not to run in anything other than a "green" or "healthy" day, which I guess Utah has decided is measured as PM 2.5 less than 12 ug/m3 and ozone less than .55 ppm. It's limited a LOT of outside exertion.  But apparently Utah is a great case study for people getting lung cancer and such at increasing rates. which doesn't fit with the population of mostly non-smokers.


                              Oof - that sounds awful.  I won't complain about our humidity again - it certainly beats that.


                              Rovatti - good to see an active week from you.  BTW - I'll be in NYC in 2 weeks for the Fifth Avenue Mile.


                              RLK - I love it when they run separate heats, so you can race AND cheer.


                              Brew - I've observed this before, but...wow - Daniels looks tough.  I've seen it work for those who pull it off, but tough.  As for gels - I pre-tear mine - just tear them slightly to start it.


                              CK - I think you should race the 5K.  It will do you some good - racing so much faster than MP.  Plus, I hate to pass up a fast course.


                              SC - were I to do a relay, I suspect my splits would be similar.  That's assuming my teammates didn't kill me beforehand (I preserve my friendships by not forcing my friends into sharing tight quarters with me for a long period of time).

                              Hi to all others.  Yoga and 8 "miles" of pool-running today.

                              Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


                              And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.

                              Running Problem

                              Problem Child

                                Dw my new personal favorite workout is Thursday’s. 40 min E + 4x2T wth 2 min rest + 2x1T with 1 min rest + 1E. Estimated distance...17 miles. 40 minutes to do 6 miles at an easy pace. I don’t even know what pace that would make threshold but I assume somewhere around 4:30.

                                Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

                                VDOT 53.37 

                                5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22