Performance Enhancing Drugs (Read 128 times)

SMART Approach

    or you will crap your pants during your run.


    If you don't currently ingest caffeine prior to running, be sure to test out how it affects your bowels prior to an important run or race!  It speeds up...everything.


    LOL. You are funny! AND good insight. I have heard that effect and have a couple friends who use coffee that way in am. It doesn't affect me that way but I see it. I also think we kind of program our bodies too to have a morning routine. I asked a couple people who I trained some years ago who swore the coffee made them go to the bathroom in am. I asked them to have a cup at 2 pm for 2 days in a row. It had no effect. I also had them try it in supplement form with no effect. With that being said, I totally agree with you to always test new things. In this case, nothing wrong with ingesting 2 hours before, you will still have a positive training effect. You don't want a bathroom surprise 5 miles from home.

    Run Coach. Recovery Coach. Founder of SMART Approach Training, Coaching & Recovery

    Structured Marathon Adaptive Recovery Training

    Safe Muscle Activation Recovery Technique


    Joann Y


      I'll show you inappropriate!



      Is this arriving in a PM or coming in some other way? I keep refreshing my inbox but so far nothing.


        I keep refreshing my inbox



        Runners run


          Is this arriving in a PM or coming in some other way? I keep refreshing my inbox but so far nothing.


          I don't think RA PMs can handle 1TB, so it will probably be some other way.  I'll send you the Dropbox link.

          There was a point in my life when I ran. Now, I just run.


          We are always running for the thrill of it

          Always pushing up the hill, searching for the thrill of it


          English Villain

            or you will crap your pants during your run.


            If you don't currently ingest caffeine prior to running, be sure to test out how it affects your bowels prior to an important run or race!  It speeds up...everything.




              I don't think RA PMs can handle 1TB, so it will probably be some other way.  I'll send you the Dropbox link.




              Runners run

              Joann Y


                I don't think RA PMs can handle 1TB, so it will probably be some other way.  I'll send you the Dropbox link.


                Great, thanks. Then I can just download it to my hard drive.

                   download it to my hard drive.


                  You and your innuendo!

                  There was a point in my life when I ran. Now, I just run.


                  We are always running for the thrill of it

                  Always pushing up the hill, searching for the thrill of it

                    There was a point in my life when I ran. Now, I just run.


                    We are always running for the thrill of it

                    Always pushing up the hill, searching for the thrill of it

                    Joann Y


                      You and your innuendo!



                      Mamma mia! I'm not that wicked and, furthermore, for the rent I pay in Chicago if you insult me again like that I could grease the palm of any of the cats around here to kick your ass so hard you'll be singing Abie's Irish Rose!



                        Runners run
