Competitive Jerks Racing and Training - 2023 (Read 575 times)


Hot Weather Complainer

    Dave - Great race.  It looks like you paced it perfectly, I doubt you lost much overall time with missing your targets for the first 2 miles.


    SomethingClever - Probably a wise move, not much to gain by cooking yourself before you're ready.


    Mark - Nice week to round out the year, and a great year it was too.  Very cool to see you mixing things up.


    me - Good week to close 2023, before a down week next week.  A new mileage record for me of 4294km (my 4th in a row!).


    Yesterday and today were pretty hard sessions in 28-30C, and today had a brutal headwind including up some decent climbs.  I actually felt the beginning of cramp with 5km to go today.  Took 2 gels and had one electrolyte drink.  I guess it's because of the fatigue of a big weekend and a lot of time over the lactate threshold.  Yesterday I crashed in the last 2 reps but it's been a big month and with the warmer weather I don't plan on getting too stressed about it.


    Weekly for period: From: 25/12/2023 To 31/12/2023

    <caption>Weekly Grid</caption>
    Date Name mi km Duration Avg/mi Avg/km Elevation Gain
    in m
    25/12 Recovery 6.69 10.76 01:01:22 09:10 05:42 22
    27/12 Warm up 0.34 0.55 00:03:09 09:16 05:44 0
    27/12 40 mins @ goal marathon pace 10.68 17.19 01:22:16 07:42 04:47 15
    28/12 Warm up 0.32 0.52 00:03:07 09:44 06:00 0
    28/12 Easy hour 7.48 12.03 01:03:00 08:25 05:14 24
    28/12 Warm up 0.33 0.53 00:03:05 09:21 05:49 0
    28/12 Thursday Double 3.76 6.05 00:31:45 08:27 05:15 12
    29/12 Warm up 0.34 0.54 00:03:05 09:04 05:43 0
    29/12 Friday Strides - 6 x 15 seconds 5.02 8.08 00:42:30 08:28 05:16 17
    30/12 Warm up 0.33 0.54 00:03:05 09:21 05:43 0
    30/12 Zone 2 into Zone 3 into 7 x 3 mins LT 12.37 19.90 01:34:54 07:40 04:46 11
    31/12 Warm up 0.36 0.58 00:03:20 09:16 05:45 9
    31/12 Summit Road 14.47 23.28 02:05:19 08:40 05:23 489

    Totals: Time: 08:39:57 - 🦅Imperial: 62.50 mi - Metric: 100.56 km

    5km: 18:34 11/23 │ 10km: 39:10 8/23 │ HM: 1:26:48 9/23 │ M: 3:29:54 6/24


    2024 Races:

    Motorway Half Marathon February 25, 2024 1:29:55

    Christchurch Half-Marathon April 21, 2024 1:27:34

    Selwyn Marathon June 2, 2024 DNF

    Wellington Marathon June 23, 2024 3:29:54

    Foster Park Run July 20, 2024 19:02

    Dunedin Half Marathon September 15, 2024

    Timaru Ten October 26, 2024



      Doh! 4418km / 2745 miles.  My best is 4437km.



      I’m at 2742 miles but have one more day. 



        Andy - I should probably retract my statement that Garmin's software sucks in general.
        Especially considering they're the best in class when it comes to GPS accuracy.
        There's a huge amount of post processing needed to make our GPS maps look correct.
        That said, I've been seeking for a while now how to disable the step counter but can't seem to find it anywhere.


        Cal - How's it going today? Please receive once again my wishes for a speedy recovery!


        RP - Why be the king with all the duties when you can be the King maker 
        By the way, I'm absolutely certain you will run sub 18 for a 5k.


        MT - Lifting will save your running career! I know it saved mine.
        From the moment I started running in 2009 till I finally gave up being lazy and decided to do strength training in 2019 it was one injury after another, to the point I spent 26 weeks injured in 2017.
        After that, I really only ever had the odd minor strength training injury.
        You can start with the same routine that Commander Keen is using, then go from there.
        Injuries most often come from a muscular/neural imbalance, which gets fixed by consistent strength training.

        I was browsing through the advanced running subreddit this week, and the fact that people were answering all the questions with "do more strength training" made me chuckle. I guess my cult is growing in membership.


        WCRunner - I agree with you that it's probably a combination of those factors. I can assume bouncing back at your age will be an annoyingly long process, but if I can think of anybody with the discipline to go through that to collect the fruits on the other side it's definitely you.


        Fishy - You're now the dictator so you can name the thread whatever you like, and you can also set whatever rules you like.
        As in real life though, there's no guarantee that the people will follow any of that 


        Dave - Outstanding job at the 5K, holy moly 81% age grading 🏆


        me - We visited Athens for a week and it was spectacular. Very pleasant weather and the food, mamma mia, the food was great.

        The city is also very hilly so I could keep my regular diet of daily hills. All easy runs, about 60 miles last week.

        Happy new year to everybody!

        Running Problem

        Problem Child

          2,233.7 miles for the year. Shy of my 2,500 mile goal, and I took at least three straight week off.

          Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

          VDOT 53.37 

          5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22


          Are we there, yet?

            Another good race, Dave.


            Mark and Dave, nice yearly totals, whether you you get those few additional miles/kms or not.


            Flavio, looking forward to year when you crush your marathon goal.


            Closed the year with a very encouraging run, though the last 4-5 months killed my chances to exceed 2,000 miles again. Finished with 1591.  This week:
            M: Rest, celebrated Christmas with family
            T: 5.2 miles, sort of a hybrid tempo-interval workout: 4 x 450m at about tempo pace, full 450m jog-walk recoveries
            W: 3 miles easy run-walk
            T: 3.4 miles easy run-walk, finish with 4 x 1:00 accelerations (easy run :30, easy stride :10, moderate stride :10, fast stride :10)
            F: 4.2 miles run-walk, cut short because not recovered fully from Thursday
            S: Rest, but lots of slow walking at Longwood Gardens Christmas lights display
            S: 6.5 miles run-walk, walk .5 cool down, longest run since my ablation in mid-September

            Weekly total: 22.8 miles / 36.9 km
            4th month in a row under 100 miles

             2024 Races:

                  03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                  05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                  06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour, 35.82 miles
                  10/12 - Hainesport 12-Hour





              My Week


              Date Name mi km Duration Avg/mi Avg/km Elevation Gain
              in ft
              12/25 Lunch Run 6.04 9.72 00:42:35 07:03 04:23 108
              12/26 Lunch Run 4.05 6.52 00:28:34 07:03 04:23 72
              12/27 Afternoon Run 7.00 11.27 00:59:59 08:34 05:19 0
              12/27 Afternoon Row 1.86 3.00 00:13:09 07:04 04:23 0
              12/28 Afternoon Run 6.06 9.75 00:46:18 07:38 04:45 338
              12/29 That run that got me to 2,600 3.05 4.90 00:24:31 08:02 05:00 167
              12/30 Afternoon Run 8.05 12.95 01:00:30 07:31 04:40 509
              12/31 Lunch Run 6.05 9.73 00:46:05 07:37 04:44 381

              Totals: Time: 05:21:41 - 🦅Imperial: 42.16 mi - Metric: 67.83 km


              Year in Review:


              First training cycle of the year was for the Salisbury marathon on April 1st, for yet another attempt at sub 3 hours. Before that, in February, managed a 61:37 at a club challenge 10 miler which had some hills, so that gave me confidence. Then FINALLY cracked 3 hours at the Salisbury marathon with a 2:59:27, with wind and rain in my face most of the race.


              Ran the 6 race summer series again and beat every time from last year but one, but it was very hot that day. Came 3d overall in the series.


              Bunmped up the milage and long runs for the Erie marathon on September 10th. Managed a 2:56:47 with a 1 minute negative split. 


              Then did some experimenting with ultras, starting with a 6 hour endurance challenge October14th, which went well and was very fun. Managed 35 miles in 5:36:XX. Then finally the JFK 50 on November 18th. Not my best day, but I survived in 8:23:31. Spent the last few weeks working through some injuries, but I believe those are behind me now.


              Total Miles: 2,614.4, Kilometers: 4,209 A new all time high. Also hit an all time high 7 day total this year with 85 miles, some time during October, which was an all time monthly mileage high with 320 miles. I plan on beating all of these in 2024.


              I feel very strong and confident going into 2024. I have some big goals for this coming year to be announced in the 2024 thread.


              Happy New Year to all !!!


                Dave- Congratulations on the race!!  You are absolutely killing it this year.  2024 is looking really solid.


                MMerk Can't wait to see the goals/races for 2024.  This year was a breakthrough but I have the feeling it was just the base for what's to come!!


                Steve- another consistent excellent week.  Looking forward to the payoff in 2024.


                RP- You came in First on the 2024 thread which must mean something moving into next year Looking forward to the 5K results and speedwork.


                Flavio It's your year!! Slay the dragon, burn the ships, storm the castle and all that other jazz!!


                Finishing out the Year:


                My goals were "Goals for 2023: Steady improvement. Race more and post more!" I can say I met both of these


                Set PRs in the 5K, Half and full marathon distances. From my Garmin:


                Activities: 311   Distance: 3,206.68 mi    Time: 427:37:25   Calories: 368,763


                Last weekly of 2023!! I can feel the re-entry into marathon training.  Not looking at paces and I can see the accumulated fatigue. Track workout went really well exccept for an annoying work least it came during the warm-up


                Weekly for period: From: 12/25/2023 To 12/31/2023

                <caption>Weekly Grid</caption>
                Date Name mi km Duration Avg/mi Avg/km Elevation Gain
                in ft
                12/25 GA 7.5 7.68 12.36 01:01:44 08:02 05:00 446
                12/26 track 1600,1200,800,400,200,200 8.01 12.88 01:04:23 08:02 05:00 108
                12/27 AM commute 13.16 21.18 01:54:58 08:44 05:26 400
                12/28 GA 7.5 7.60 12.23 01:01:38 08:07 05:02 167
                12/29 AM commute 13.16 21.18 01:54:22 08:41 05:24 410
                12/30 Recovery 7.64 12.30 01:04:50 08:29 05:16 436
                12/31 LR neg. split 20.44 32.89 02:47:56 08:13 05:06 774

                Totals: Time: 10:49:51 - 🦅Imperial: 77.70 mi - Metric: 125.02 km

                5K 18:36 (2023), 10K 39:40 (2022), 1/2 1:24:37 (2023), full 2:58:36 (2015) 



                  Nice to “meet” you MrMatt. I hope your continued rehab continues so that you can start targeting a fall marathon in March. 


                  Flavio, I know you posted your yearly recap, but I’m too lazy to go back and find it. So I’ll comment from memory. Great year. I think I remember a 5K and 10K PR, and a covid-half. The marathon is memorable, but I’m sure the best is yet to come with that race. 

                  Nice miles last week, especially while traveling.


                  Mt79, I second all the folks that more miles will make the short races faster. I would encourage you to also sign up for a few longer races, even if you don’t “race” them, to get your mind used to focussing for longer. It helps with the mental game for the 5K/mile. That was my experience, at least. 


                  Congrats on sneaking in one more PR for 2023, Dave. Officially an 80%er. That’s awesome!! 


                  Also some great yearly miles, Mark. 


                  SomethingClever, had I seen your post yesterday, I’d have said go for the time-trial anyway. You may have surprised yourself. I certainly did today after jumping into a local 5K. Sure, I had to run conservatively due to the iffy calf/achilles and knee, but still had a pretty good run! However, I guess a miler is a lot more fun, and does the same thing :-) Just sorry to read about your streak!


                  Big week, Steve. Congrats also on that mileage PR! Putting in the work for a stellar fall season. 


                  Glad to see the 10K+ run, wcrunner. Things definitely seem to be looking on the up-and-up.


                  Awesome year-recap, mmerkle. You crushed the marathon this year-you certainly got the 3-hour albatross off from around your neck. It was also cool to see you get into ultras! Intrigued about about your 2024 goals. 


                  Also great year-recap, Fishy. Seeing those PRs fall one-by-one were a testament to the consistent, strong training you seem you have put in all year. Also amazing total miles. I think you’re only second to Keen, probably. Pesky work call. Hope those don’t happen until during the cool-down for the rest of this training cycle. 


                  Not going to bother with a weekly recap, since it’s boring. I wanted to double my 11 miles from last week, and fell short. But I did manage to stay in one piece during a 5K test run today, so I guess I can continue slowly doing while I’m doing while working/waiting to get better. 


                  My 2023 Recap, with a few hints of goals for 2024: 


                  I went into the year with a few goals: sub 3:30 marathon, sub: 21 min 5K, proper ultra race, and stay healthy and injury free. 


                  Of those goals, I met 3/4. And I was healthy, for the most part. I did deal with injuries for the last few weeks, but the knee was something that I’d already starting having an issue with about this time last year, and since it kept going away (with the help of some good sports massaging and home remedies), I figured I would be fine. This time it’s not going away, and since it would be stupid to think it will get better during marathon training, I’m trying to start 2024 off right by seeing the doctor and actually getting professional advice to do something about it. This will hopefully get me healthy in time for a half marathon end of January and the goal marathon in April. 


                  I ran many a lot of races in 2023 and I’ve raced a few as well. All told, it’s been 1 1-miler, 5 5Ks, 0 10Ks, 1 10K wannabe (9.8km), 1 half-marathon, 2 marathons, and 2 Ultras (an advertised 40 miler that was about 41.5 miles and 34.6 for a 6-hour race). 


                  That’s 163.9 race miles (263.77km) on 1768 miles (2845.32km) of running. Did I want to run more miles this year? Yes. Did life and health get in the way? A little. That being said, it is the third year in the row of 1750+ miles, which is more than I’ve accomplished previously.  I also did 822 miles (~1323km) of bicycling, which may helped the knee more than hurt, I’m hoping. 


                  More of the year in review: turned a BQ attempt into a 50k training run (Feb) in preparation for a 40-mile ultra (March), PR’d and broke 21 minutes in the 5K (April), took things way too easy for a few months (May- August), trained for and ran a sub 3:30 marathon (Nov), rebound for a decent half (Dec) and now am now working through the early part of 2024 to get healthy again. I also tried aqua jogging for the first time in a few years, but go figure… the pool is too cold for that right now. 


                  I learned a few things this year about running and races: Firstly, ultra races are a lot of fun. If they didn't interrupt training cycles, I’d jump into them more often; my body at 32 is not the same as at 22 (but I guess it's still better than at 42); a recovery run after a race is not always the best idea, I know better what to look out for now; more strength training! 

                  Qualifications: I like to run. In Florida. In the summer. At noon.  

                  Last race: June 29, Hasenheide Parkrun, 22:19. A bit disappointing time, but it was still a fun event. 


                    2023 recap

                    4418km / 2745 miles


                    With a new baby due in early June, I didn't really expect a lot from 2023 running-wise.  The plan was to train hard for Waterfront HM in early April and Southern Lakes HM in early May, then just kick back and enjoy the Xterra trail series over winter.  The first half of the year definitely didn't go to plan, the pregnancy was pretty tough on my wife and there were more than a few visits to hospital before the baby was even born.  I won the inaugural Clevedon HM in February, but DNS'ed Waterfront (sick), and Southern Lakes was a slog into a headwind the entire way.


                    But boy, that Xterra trail series was fun. I mean, the first couple races absolutely kicked my ass, but there was so much fun to be had exploring some very cool trails and areas and enjoying some incredible scenery.  Slow, tough, but boy was it fun.  The highlight was definitely winning the Waiuku Forest race but I enjoyed each and every one of the 6 races even though they were humbling (or possibly because they were humbling).  I'm committed to trying at least one new trail race each year now.  Managed to keep the training volume ticking along pretty well over winter even with a new baby too.


                    Back on the road for the first two races in the Auckland Half Marathon series at Devonport (early Oct) and Omaha (early Dec).  Devonport was almost a reintroduction to road racing after 5 months of trail events, and one of those races I felt I never quite emptied the tank... I think trails make you a bit more conservative because you always feel like you need to save a bit just in case.  Anyway, trained hard for Omaha, and was glad I did because I needed it to win a sprint finish for 2nd place there... and I did genuinely empty the tank that day. I've now taken every single podium spot at Omaha which is kinda cool (especially considering it's probably my favourite race).


                    I ended up running my 2nd biggest mileage year of all time, and it would've been my biggest if I hadn't gotten sick in December resulting in a couple of lighter weeks.  Overall I was pretty healthy for most of the year though, which I'm grateful for.  I think I managed to reframe my attitude towards running too... in the past it's been all about the hunt for PBs, which isn't sustainable in the long term.  Now I get a lot of enjoyment out of just cranking through the work in training and doing my best to execute races well - and exploring new races and events is definitely something that keeps me motivated.

                    3,000m: 9:07.7 (Nov-21) | 5,000m: 15:39 (Dec-19) | 10,000m: 32:34 (Mar-20)  

                    10km: 33:15 (Sep-19) | HM: 1:09:41 (May-21)* | FM: 2:41:41 (Oct-20)

                    * Net downhill course

                    Last race: Runway5 / National 5k Champs, 16:22, National Masters AG Champ!

                    Up next: Still working on that...

                    "CONSISTENCY IS KING"


                    Hot Weather Complainer

                      Really enjoying the recaps, great way to remember the whole picture for each person.  Here's mine...




                      Mileage:  4294km/2668 miles

                      PRs:  5km 18:34, 10km 39:10, Half-Marathon 1:26:48, Marathon 3:34:49


                      I started the year having just taken on a new coach, with the goal of performing well at the Christchurch Marathon after a shocking debut marathon in October 2022 when cramp destroyed the second half of the race.  My other big goal was to qualify for New York by running a sub 1:28 half - it was difficult to find a fast race that was AIMS certified in the second half of the year but right on schedule a new race in Melbourne around the grand prix circuit was announced and fit the bill.


                      Leading into Christchurch I had a tune up race planned, the Motorway Half Marathon, but got sick the week before and was nowhere near recovered to race.  Aside from that week, my training went really well with some big workouts and no cramp.  Unfortunately, just as I began the taper I got sick again, coinciding with moving house in awful weather.  On the worst day of the sickness, 2.5 weeks pre-race, I would have stayed in bed if not for it being moving day.  A week later I felt much better and decided with the coach to run it, after briefly considering dropping to the half.  Race week went well, weather was breezy but not hot and...I felt cramp at 20km before it came on properly at 27km at which point I'd already decided to pull out.  I wasn't willing to go through the suffering I had in Melbourne.


                      Pulling out gave me the opportunity for a quick recovery and another crack at the Selwyn Marathon 7 weeks later in June.  This mini cycle went really well, no sickness, no cramp, no house moves and some big workouts. Race day was cold but certainly not as bad as it can be in June.  I saw a mental skills coach the week before the race and had some techniques to stay positive, deal with mid-race bad patches and try and stay relaxed.  The first half was great but going through the 26km aid station I got a sharp cramp again, re-grouped to get to 32km and then 36km with small stretching stops, before the last 6km was an absolute horror show.


                      From there it was recovery and looking towards the half in Melbourne in September, forgetting about the marathon for a while.  Along the way I got a 5km PR at Hagley Park Run (18:40) and a 10km PR at the Canterbury Road Running Championships (39:10).  I got to Melbourne feeling pretty confident and had the dream race smashing the qualifying time and setting a new PR of 1:26:48.


                      After taking some recovery time with lots of easy running it was back into a marathon block, starting with a Park Run to gauge my HR threshold - another great race to PR in 18:34.


                      I have to consider that my best year since I started running, even though the main goal of a good marathon eludes me.  Maybe 2024 is the year!

                      5km: 18:34 11/23 │ 10km: 39:10 8/23 │ HM: 1:26:48 9/23 │ M: 3:29:54 6/24


                      2024 Races:

                      Motorway Half Marathon February 25, 2024 1:29:55

                      Christchurch Half-Marathon April 21, 2024 1:27:34

                      Selwyn Marathon June 2, 2024 DNF

                      Wellington Marathon June 23, 2024 3:29:54

                      Foster Park Run July 20, 2024 19:02

                      Dunedin Half Marathon September 15, 2024

                      Timaru Ten October 26, 2024