Humiliation at the club (Read 1911 times)


    Last night I went to the track for an interval session, and the coach said to me: "Hey not seen you in a while!" I explained that as I am doing marathon training I find that with all the miles I do in a week, if I do the Intervals too as I tend to break down. His response was,"What weight are you?" I replied "195lbs". He laughed and said straight out, "You need to lose 28lbs!". I was so humiliated, everyone in the room heard and kind of looked at me as if to say..."you fat b******d" I didn't know what to do or say, so just laughed it off and agreed. What they all dont know is that I have come down from 270lbs, so I have been trying. He then went on to say that, "if you dont lose the weight you will always be a jogger and never a runner!" Perhaps his intentions were good but I cant help feeling that as a coach he could have handled this a little better. For the record I am still trying to lose more weight, still following Weight Watchers and doing the marathon training and it is coming off slowly, but without making excuses I am somewhat at a plateau at the moment. Feel free to advise. After these words I went out on the track and did 16x300m with 1 minute jog in between, averaging 59 secs for each, so not bad for a fatty eh! Comments welcome

    "I've been following Eddy's improvement over the last two years on this site, and it's been pretty dang solid. Sure the weekly mileage has been up and down, but over the long haul he's getting out the door and has turned himself into quite a runner. He's only now just figuring out his potential. Consistency in running is measured in years, not weeks. And over the last couple of years, Eddy's made great strides" Jeff 14 Jan 2009

      I wonder how fast the coach could run those 300`s? Evil grin
      "I never said it was going to be easy. I only said it would be worth it."

      My legs are killing me

        Hold your head up high! You've done a great job losing so much weight and you have a lot to be proud of. Unfortunately, there are negative people in this world and I would avoid this ahole. Good luck on your marathon!

        Self anointed title

          Eddie mate. Ditch the coach. This guy is clearly not what you need - and probably should not be coaching people. Does you club have any other coaches that you might get on better with? Any who are actually supportive? Recognise achievement? Encourage? Hold your head high - you have come a long way. Whether or not you feel you have weight to lose is immaterial. What matters is what happens on the streets of London in April. And you will make it happen.




            Evil grin You should have said, "I've lost weight, may lose more, but you'll never lose the fact you're a Pr*ck"

            2010 Races: Snicker's Marathon(2:58:38), Scenic City Trail Marathon(3:26:36), Laurel Highlands Ultra 77(19:13:44), Ironman Louisville(13:07:07) 2011 Races: Mount Cheaha 50k 5:22:47, Tobacco Road Marathon, Mohican 100 Miler

              F**k him. You are doing great. A coach should encourage and guide you, not insult.
                What an idiot comment from the coach. Well done on what you have achieved, that's amazing, and your log doesn't exactly make you look like 'just a jogger'...whatever that means in the first place!!!

                 "Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow.  Don't walk behind me; I may not lead.  Just walk beside me and be my friend."

                Hey, nice marmot!

                  He then went on to say that, "if you dont lose the weight you will always be a jogger and never a runner!"
                  "I've been following Eddy's improvement over the last two years on this site, and it's been pretty dang solid. Sure the weekly mileage has been up and down, but over the long haul he's getting out the door and has turned himself into quite a runner. He's only now just figuring out his potential. Consistency in running is measured in years, not weeks. And over the last couple of years, Eddy's made great strides" Jeff 14 Jan 2009 What's your coach's marathon PR? If it's faster than 2:38:06, then you should listen to him. If not, listen to Jeff. Wait a minute. Nevermind. Listen to Jeff. FWIW, your coach sounds like a bit of a tool. Please tell me you're not paying for his "advice".



                  "The world is my country, science is my religion."-- Christiaan Huygens

                  Prince of Fatness

                    Comments welcome
                    You are doing great with both your weight loss and your running. Don't let the coach goad you into thinking that you need to go on a crash diet. That would do you more harm than good if you are preparing for a marathon. Eat healthy, but do eat. At the end of the day the only person who's opinion matters is yours.

                    Not at it at all. 


                      Looking at your PRs, I would hardly say that a sub-19:00 5K would be considered a "jog". dont let it get to you, there are just some people out there like that.

                        After these words I went out on the track and did 16x300m with 1 minute jog in between, averaging 59 secs for each, so not bad for a fatty eh! Comments welcome
                        Can't say I like his style but he did get a response. Eddy, your'e doing fine. Forget the coach and keep making progress.

                        Runners run

                          Consider the source and keep on running........I am just guessing that you have too much to do and are way to busy with work, family activities and your training to waste even 15 seconds on what someone has to say...... SCREW HIM....... Good luck in your Marathon.....

                          Champions are made when no one is watching


                          One day at a time

                            Ack, that's horrible. Brings back painful memories of my 7th grade gym teacher pulling me aside and telling me that if I lost some weight, I would be better at gymnastics. Real helpful for a 12-year-old girl.

                              Why are you doing 16x300?

                                Why are you doing 16x300?
                                Obviously it's because even though they are clamoring to be let loose, the demons will never be satisfied with being free. They need to destroy something. So , it is not enough to open the cage and let them out. You've got to make them lean enough, strong enough, hungry enough, and mean enough that they burst the walls of the cage on their own.

                                Runners run