Home Made Gu (Read 2126 times)

    Funny, RunnerJohn! Those of you who do the PB/honey, doesn't the PB ever come back to bite you? One of my worst runs ever was when I had some PB for breakfast 2 hours prior. I was swallowing it back down every quarter mile. Horrible!

    Certifiably Insane

      Actually, yeah, it does. Good point, my recipe probably is not the best to use during a race/hard workout. I don't have any trouble eating them like an hour or so before I run hard, but they'll haunt me if I eat them too soon to a race. They are great when I'm biking long, though. (Here's a tip...) And no matter how good of an idea it seems at the time, do not use molasses in place of half the honey or corn syrup. (Don't ask...) Especially if you eat one just before a really hard workout. You'll have nightmares about the taste for weeks. PB always sat in my stomach for a long time. Since I switched to almond or soy butter, it doesn't seem that bad.
      On the road since 1978! "To be good is not enough when you dream of being great." I am not obsessed! I'm just INTENSE! "Nothing is foolproof to a talented fool." Why? Because race results stay on Google forever! (Reasonably recent) PR's: 5K - 16:40 10K - 35:04 HM - 1:18:30

      Misinformation Officer

        I wish I worked for these people, but I don't. They make the coolest product ever: powdered peanuts. www.bellplantation.com It's called PB2, and it's leftover from pressing peanut oil. It mixes perfectly with honey for a.maz.ing homemade deliciosity. The chocolate one is pretty tasty, too.

        Certifiably Insane

          thinbyxmas, that is a pretty cool idea. I may have to look around to see if I can find the same thing, but from other nuts. I have a mild allergy to peanuts, so I try to stay away from them. Good idea, though, thanks for posting that! BTW, thinbyxmas? Must have been a past Xmas, or you're already there for this year. I have a friend who's been telling me for years that I should go into the same profession you have. I just started looking into it. It looks pretty interesting. I do the raspy, out-of-breath runner voice real well! Big grin
          On the road since 1978! "To be good is not enough when you dream of being great." I am not obsessed! I'm just INTENSE! "Nothing is foolproof to a talented fool." Why? Because race results stay on Google forever! (Reasonably recent) PR's: 5K - 16:40 10K - 35:04 HM - 1:18:30

          Break on through

            This is Charles Corfield's recipe (3rd at the Leadville 100, 2007). He's British and a scientist, so units are grams, sorry :-) ... Vitamins, ginseng, squashed newts, lightly killed frogs, or other favorite additives... ...
            How about Larks' toungues in aspic... better than wrens' livers or wolf nipple chips, I guess. Smile

            "Not to touch the Earth, not to see the Sun, nothing left to do but run, run, run..."


              Holy crap. King Crimson!



              Break on through

                Yeah! ... and Monty Python. Two of the best things ever!

                "Not to touch the Earth, not to see the Sun, nothing left to do but run, run, run..."

                Misinformation Officer

                  BTW, thinbyxmas? Must have been a past Xmas, or you're already there for this year. Big grin
                  You're so kind! It took me almost 3 years to lose and maintain a 40# loss, but I finally did it. Being healthy is so much more fun than being fat. Ok, back to the Gu chat...