3650 Miles in the Hurtlocker

Who had a good workout this week? (Read 2359 times)

    No, I was confirming what Tater said about running by effort.  The pace I could hold for a full marathon fully tapered was a challenging 10-mile workout when done three weeks earlier in the middle of a full training load.


    But sucking it up is never a bad idea either. Wink


    I have found this true as well. Both parts Wink



    Ostrich runner

      One of the most useful things for me when trying to figure out my HM pace was demystifying the distance in training with some overdistance. That said, I almost never run with a watch or a specific plan for a given run pace wise. 



        But to me a training run at HM pace IS harder then the feel of an actual raced HM. When I ran at McMillians calculated HM pace leading into my HM PR race, I felt the same way you did, that it was way too hard and there was no way in hell I could run that for the full distance. But once you're in the race with everyone else, the feel is different from your adrenaline and the competition.



        This is nice to hear. I think for now, I'm going to keep the pace the same for future runs. While those miles hurt last night, I feel fine today.

        Have you qualified for Boston? I want to interview you!

        Message me!





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          Had a nice structured "fartlek" run last night -- by signing up for all five events at a track meet, and doing some jogging in between them. That gave me a nice alternating set of run fast, pant and feel exhausted, jog, wait for start, repeat...


          Plus I had the thrill of coming in dead last in two races (heats) -- 100 and 400.

          It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.

            Sean, maybe you need to define "hurt".  My most recent tempo runs were at a pace that my brain said was awfully quick for me, and the first couple miles didn't feel particularly pleasant ... but afterward, they weren't bad at all.


            And I second/third/whatever the notion that HM pace in training =/= HM pace in a half.  I hit the 10mi mark in my last HM 46sec off target; although I mini-imploded in the final 5k, that first 10mi felt easier than had shorter training runs at the same pace.  Also, your tempo/HMP run was at dinnertime -- was it hotter then than in the early-AM when a race would be run?  Even if not, you had a full day before the run, which may have taken more out of you, physically and mentally, than you think.

            "I want you to pray as if everything depends on it, but I want you to prepare yourself as if everything depends on you."

            -- Dick LeBeau


              Sean, maybe you need to define "hurt".  My most recent tempo runs were at a pace that my brain said was awfully quick for me, and the first couple miles didn't feel particularly pleasant ... but afterward, they weren't bad at all.




              It "hurt" in the sense that I cannot imagine keeping that pace up for even two more miles, never mind 13.1. I think what I am hearing here is that yeah, it's gonna be harder than an actual HM would feel.

              Have you qualified for Boston? I want to interview you!

              Message me!




                Sean, maybe you need to define "hurt".  My most recent tempo runs were at a pace that my brain said was awfully quick for me, and the first couple miles didn't feel particularly pleasant ... but afterward, they weren't bad at all.


                And I second/third/whatever the notion that HM pace in training =/= HM pace in a half.  I hit the 10mi mark in my last HM 46sec off target; although I mini-imploded in the final 5k, that first 10mi felt easier than had shorter training runs at the same pace.  Also, your tempo/HMP run was at dinnertime -- was it hotter then than in the early-AM when a race would be run?  Even if not, you had a full day before the run, which may have taken more out of you, physically and mentally, than you think.


                Great points.


                The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff


                2014 Goals:


                Stay healthy

                Enjoy life


                  There were a few this week that were good but it was good to get above the 70 mark for the week.  Long run (17 mi) mid-week at 6:41 pace, a couple of good strength sessions, and a good progression run yesterday.  Progression run was 13 mi total with 3 mi warmup, 8 mile building (6:40 to 5:30 mpm increasing pace by 10 sec/mi each mile) and a 2 mi cooldown.  It felt like a good quality week!  I'm ready for more!!!

                  Just a dude.

                    Well, I guess I'm pretty happy with my progress...


                    Down to 230 pounds..


                    Up over 20 miles for the week.


                    Starting to feel like I am running and not just forcing myself to finish... Most days my ankle is feeling pretty good too...


                    Hope to get to the high 30s to low 40s a week next month and down to 220 lbs...



                    Getting back in shape... Just need it to be a skinnier shape... 


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                      My first long run in months, this morning -- although I did a couple long races recently, to make up for my inability to go out and do long runs by myself.


                      PS: Congrats Kelly -- great job moving everything in good directions.

                      It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.

                        mbehr - that 13 mile progression sounds tough! Up over 70 miles/week looks like you're rollin'.  Nice work.


                        Kelly - way to get back at it and congrats on getting the weight off.


                        Amores - congrats on the long run. Maybe this is the start of something big!


                        July was a big month for me.  628 miles on the bike, 101 running, and 13.3 swimming.  Also my first 100 mile ride followed by a 3 mile run which was a surprisingly good pace.  13 weeks until the Ironman.  Lots of miles ahead.


                          Sounds like you and I are in rebuilding mode Kelly. Keep pushing it.


                          I had a good 5.5 tonight in the 95 degree heat and humidity. Tough run but I sucked it up and felt good after. Just another brick in the wall.

                          "He conquers who endures" - Persius
                          "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel


                          Ostrich runner

                            CR, our mileages weekly look similar. If ever you want one rolling on the new mtb trail at Ft Ben, I'm at a moments notice. Ignore the time I posted this. 



                              Sounds good. I am on the slow slog back from fat-ass land and any miles be good miles. I'll PM you.

                              "He conquers who endures" - Persius
                              "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel


                                Registered for my first marathon - yikes! - for 10/02.  I started doing long runs every Sunday a month ago with a very hard one every other week and a longer, easier "time-on-foot" run of 2-1/2 to 3hrs. every other week.  Sunday, I ran an 8 mile warm up then did 10 X 1 mile with only 1min jog in between.  Ended up doing 20 miles in a little over 2:10, so this was a HUGE confidence booster for me.  My splits were all over the place because of the up-down nature of the route, but my effort was pretty consistent.  Only 3 marathon specific hard workouts to go - 2 X 6 miles @ goal pace, the Springfield Half Marathon (MA), and a brutal 14-16 miles @ goal pace right before my taper...

                                Goals for 2013: sub 18 5K; stay healthy