3650 Miles in the Hurtlocker

2015 Second Quarter Weight Loss Thread (Read 31 times)

    First weigh in: 167.0 lbs

    Prince of Fatness

      W1 - 192.4

      Not at it at all. 


        W1 - 154.9

          I was good until Thursday, but the start of Kids Spring break meant a lot of eating out and a couple of parties this weekend, I polished off a bottle of wine on Saturday all by myself (a good bottle of red when everyone liked white).  So still stuck at 134 this morning.

            W1: 183


            (I'm gonna go with round numbers ... which perhaps seems inappropriate for a weight-loss thread.)

            "I want you to pray as if everything depends on it, but I want you to prepare yourself as if everything depends on you."

            -- Dick LeBeau

              W1: 137.6 for me.


                W1  -  139.0


                I've eaten a lot of German Chocolate birthday cake in the past 4 days and only ran 15 miles in the last week, so I'm lucky to be down 0.2 instead of up 2 lbs. There's still a bit of cake left; I'll clean up my act as soon as that's gone . . .

                Retired &  Loving It

                  As I sit here stuffing my face with a blueberry muffin while trying to figure out how to lose five pounds I remembered this thread.

                  Weighed in today at 147.. Would really like to be 142.

                  And we run because we like it
                  Through the broad bright land


                  Interval Junkie --Nobby

                    W1: 177


                    Grrr.  This is what happens when the wife is home and goes on a baking tear.

                    2021 Goals: 50mpw 'cause there's nothing else to do

                      If it makes anyone feel better:


                      This AM, fully clothed, kinda full stomach, feeling bloated, and hauling a decent-sized intestinal payload (sorry, folks) ... 189.

                      "I want you to pray as if everything depends on it, but I want you to prepare yourself as if everything depends on you."

                      -- Dick LeBeau


                      old woman w/hobby

                        139.4 -  Going in the right direction.




                        Just a dude.




                          Getting back in shape... Just need it to be a skinnier shape... 


                          Interval Junkie --Nobby

                            W2: 178 - not going in the right direction


                            Might have something to do with discovering Ben & Jerry's peanut butter icecream.  Nah.

                            2021 Goals: 50mpw 'cause there's nothing else to do

                            Prince of Fatness

                              No W2 weigh in for me .... temporary scale boycotting hiatus.  Back at it this week.

                              Not at it at all. 

                                Scale says 133 lbs, but will not trust that's a real loss yet.  Been sick and may have been dehydrated.