Beginners and Beyond


A serious question which I can't believe I'm posting on the internet... (Read 99 times)


    I waste too much time in the morning and end up running in the heat.  I gotta check e-mail, check in with the Penguin thread, skim/lurk in the daily, etc., but mostly finish my coffee and use the bathroom.  


    So my question is, is it possible to get out of bed, throw my running gear on, and head out the door before morning ablutions?  What about the poo monster??


      When I run in the morning, that's how I do it. Just get up and run. Come home and then drink your coffee and poop.  But I suppose it's different for everyone.  : popcorn:

      You Rang?

         What about the poo monster??


        Leave her at home.  Trust me, it's better that way.


        PR: 5k 25:01 (10/15) 10k: 57:44 (7/14) HM: 1:57 (5/15) FM: 4:55 (1/15)



          delicate flower

            I usually take a morning constitutional as soon as I get up.  On mornings when I run, I'll drive 10 minutes to the gym and run from there, in case a round two stirs itself up during the drive, which happens rarely.


            Wake up

            Feed the dog

            Hit the head

            Drive to gym




              Get up earlier.


              I get up at 4-4:30 run at 5-5:30. There is a bathroom in the park at .75 that I can stop at if needed.

              Half Crazy K 2.0


                So my question is, is it possible to get out of bed, throw my running gear on, and head out the door before morning ablutions?  What about the poo monster??

                For me, nope. I don't do well exercising on an empty stomach, so I get up, have my coffee & bagel, read the paper, check the internet, coat myself in sunscreen, then run. I can condense the routine to about 30 minutes when I do morning races.


                Former Bad Ass

                  When I run in the mornings, I go out as soon as I wake up (unless it's a LR and I eat my quick breakfast first).  I stay near my house for the first 2 miles in case the poo monster arises.  Otherwise, I exit the complex and continue.  Sometimes I have to go back and use the bathroom, but most of the time I do not.




                    Yes but it takes time!  Seriously? In the mornings I'm sitting around my house waiting for...poop!



                      I get up at 4-4:30 run at 5-5:30. There is a bathroom in the park at .75 that I can stop at if needed.


                      I could run straight to a park about 1.5 miles from my house, then loop around that park...BUT I'm afraid to use the bathroom until the park gets busier with all the dog walkers, etc.  Because any earlier and The Bad Man is in there, waiting for someone to get chased into the bathroom by The Poo Monster.


                      Ugh, I sound so fearful - fearful of not using the bathroom before I leave and fearful of using it after I leave!


                        For me, nope. I don't do well exercising on an empty stomach, so I get up, have my coffee & bagel, read the paper, check the internet, coat myself in sunscreen, then run. I can condense the routine to about 30 minutes when I do morning races.


                        I need to be more disciplined with time, maybe drink an espresso shot instead of waiting for the coffee pot to brew (save 10 minutes there), AND get dressed/laced up and ready before bathroom business instead of after.  Maybe I could get down to 30 minutes instead of 45-60.


                          I used to do it all the time. I got caught by the PM many times too, and some of them times were not fun. So I began eating and having a coffee before I leave. Sure enough the coffee will stir things, so I get the work done before I leave.

                          Of course the coffee will stimulate my urine outtake, but that's easily taken care of when it's early in the morning, since I'm a guy...


                            Yes but it takes time!  Seriously? In the mornings I'm sitting around my house waiting for...poop!


                            Provided your diet is regular (consistent), you too will be regular (predictable). This can be morning, afternoon or evening depending on how things work for you.


                            We all have an internal clock with these things and for me, the first order of business in the morning is sit on the ivory throne and tend to the business of the kingdom. This can be 2, 3 or even 4 times (FFS) within a 45 minute to an hour period.


                            Like my girl HC2 however, I can expedite the process (meaning push harder ) if time is of the essence. But otherwise yes, I get up an hour early every morning for the sole purpose of ridding myself of yesterday's rubbish, before starting the day anew.


                            This hour actually is sacrificed from the night before, so I am usually in bed while everyone else is up and still playing. Nothing worth having or doing comes without sacrifice though, and I know if I do not allocate the requisite time before I head out the door; Shit. Will. Happen.


                            Team TJ

                              When I have my morning running routine in full swing, I'm up and out the door in about 15 minutes.

                              Running for TJ because he can't.


                              Little Blue

                                I remember reading someone either here or on RWOL, saying that he got the coffee effect by doing crunches/situps.  Apparently it was enough to get the muscles warm and going.  I haven't tried it, but it might be quicker than waiting for the coffee pot.
