Beginners and Beyond


Sleepy Tuesday Penguins (Read 29 times)

Singer who runs a smidge

    Hey everyone!!


    Double double, that's my new mantra. Smile  Makes me think of In-N-Out burgers, mmmmm.


    Damaris, to answer your question from yesterday, you bet I can, and will!  Gonna keep it extra easy to allow for the extra miles.  Those Cheetahs won't know what hit 'em! Smile


    Is it bad that I just now realized the teams have names and a thread?  I just turned in the names for my Red Light Runners and then kinda spaced ...

    When it's all said and done, no one remembers how far we have run.  The only thing that matters is how we have loved.


      Morning penguin friends!


      Jerry, just read your RR.  Again, great job on the PR.  I'd just come in from running in the heat, so your report made me feel cooler as i read it.


      DR---   nice getting those miles with your DH!   It's so wonderful that he's following your healthy example.


      Bin--  you're just getting right back to it after your HM!  Good job on getting in the 8!


      Scotty-- glad they have things worked out with your mother's ashes.  Yes, totally agree about the airline having a racket.  Sometimes I wonder why I even bother looking up rates, I'm always disappointed.  Hope your "cooler" weather lasts!


      Awood-- that's behind?  It sounds like you're getting miles whenever whereever you can.  LOVED, LOVED, LOVED the wedding pic that Pew posted yesterday!  That's so super cute!


      Dan-- Hi ya!  84* sounds absolutely heavenly right now!  Good job on the 4!  Hopefully there will be a pic of you and your DD together from the race.  She's lucky to have you as a role model.


      tracilynn- shred level workout?  What's that?  Well, whatever it is, good for you for putting in those extra lunges!


      hopesmom-- glad you got your escape artist doggy back.  Hope you get back to health this week.


      Mitch-- good job on the 3.  Take care of your foot!  You don't wanna be off your feet for many weeks.  Still feel for your family.  I had the hardest time sleeping the other night, just thinking about what your poor family through, and those dogs.


      Zelanie-- best of luck with the knee tonight!


      Jack-- nice getting that massage and working out some of those knots!  When is your trip to Montana?


      Baconista-- That race sounds like it pumped you up with motivation!  Have you started looking for another race yet?


      DAve-- Ohhhh@ you doing the all stars miles this week!    I'm always sooo  blown away by the numbers y'all put up.   Can't wait to see what you end up with.


      Jimmy-- sorry you're having that leg pain.  Do you think it's an injury or just a bit of soreness?


      I did 6 today and kept it really slow and easy.  Felt happy yesterday when the dentist asked me if I were a runner.   I was so tickled that I must "look" like a runner, but then later realized I also have a runners tan line at my ankles and on my wrist where i wear my Garmin!  But at least I was able to say yes, and that I'd ran 15 miles that day!


      "We do not become the people who this world needs simply by turning our backs on anyone we don’t like, trust, or deem healthy enough to be in our presence. "  ---- Shasta Nelson


      More cowbell!

        Afternoon Penguins!


        Been a crazy weekend.  Ran 10+ Saturday to finish out a 42+ mile week, my highest in over 8 months.  SRD on Sunday, URD on Monday.  Physically was fine, but the mileage roasted me mentally.  Really glad it happened and got my undivided attention as to how difficult the marathon training is going to be in a few weeks.  No worries, back to semi-normal today.  7 total today w/6 x 800 m.


        Signed up to run leg 281 of the One Run For Boston relay, a 10-mile leg from Etna to Hebron, OH.  I'm excited and humbled to be a small part of such a big event.


        Went on Saturday afternoon to bury my DW's aunt's ashes, so I'm feelin' for you Scotty.  It's special and agonizing at the same time, especially the travel.


        Got a 6-week old kitten on Sunday.  Name: Sheldon.  He's a fun one.


        Bacon, Jerry-going to check out the RR's when I get a chance.

        Bin-nice recovery run...if 8 is easy at this point, it sounds like it was just a tough day at the office

        Traci-planks for fun?  Yeowch!

        Gustav-You're as lucky as my DW when it comes to speeding.



          Jerry - nice race report.  It sounds like a good one if the weather behaves.


          Damaris - enjoy your miles and weights.


          Bin - good job on the easy eight.


          Scotty - my aunt is also buried at Arlington.  She was buried months after she died as well.  Did you ask about a bereavement fare?  There used to be discounts if you were heading to a funeral, but I don't know if that still applies.


          Margo - are you still doing your track work with the club?


          Awood - good job on the double.


          Dan - that foot sounds painful.  Is it only speed that makes it swell?  Do different shoes make a difference?


          Tracilynn - your rest days tend to be pretty strenuous.  Good work on the garden.  Six holes is a lot.


          HopesMom - hope you get a chance to swim today.  Did you find where the dog was escaping?


          Gustav - good luck on your miles this evening.


          Mitch - hope the knee and foot continue to behave.  Sounds like a good time to volunteer.


          Mel - hope the knee allows you a good run.  Are you doing the track because it's flat?


          Jack - I've thought about doing a race while traveling, but our trips are always so fluid, it makes it hard to plan ahead.  I love Montana, there's so much beautiful country to hike in.


          Dave - are you trying to catch up for lost time?  Be careful.


          Jimmy - what's happening with the leg?  Tight or did you pull something?


          Cherie - that tan line on the ankles at least says that you do something active outside.  Good job on the six today after yesterday's long run.


          fitfatboy - congratulations on the big mileage week, even if it did wear you out.  When is your relay?


          AFM:  it's a beautiful day outside, (high of 75 with a DP in the 40's)  so I'll probably do a few easy miles instead of taking a rest day.  I'm stiff from yesterday, even after our morning walk, so I need to take it easy.  One problem with driving to do a run is I don't do a proper cool down, and I always pay for that later.


          Smaller By The Day

            Here's the wedding cake that I made for our wedding.  Those red things are fresh raspberries.  I thought they were a nice touch.  I thought it was pretty good for someone who is new to cake making, and still prefers to use drywall knives to apply frosting.  The best part was that people loved it, and it got eaten pretty



            Weight 100 pounds lost

            5K 31:02 Sept. 2012 / 23:36 Sept. 2013 (Same Course)

            10K 48:59 April 2013

            HM 2:03:56 Nov. 2012 / 1:46:50 March 2013

            MARATHON 3:57:33 Nov. 2013


              Cherie, yup!  It's gonna be fun.  I'm keeping the mileage super easy, and splitting it up to help.  I won't end up with triple digits like some folks will, but should still be a really good week. Smile


              Ginny, it's allstar week for the mileage game.  Don't worry, hip is feeling great and I'm keeping it extra easy to be safe.  Plus I'm rolling/stretching twice a day to keep everything loose.



              Dropped the truck off to get inspected and ran back home, just like I did in Feb with my wife's car (except I didn't step in a pipe and almost break my leg this time lol).  I absolutely love that I can do that, it just blows me away when I think about it.  In the past, the thought never even would have been entertained, now it's the obvious and most logical answer.


              This was also my first very public shirtless run.  I've had a couple of shirtless runs prior, one through the neighborhood with minimal traffic, and one at night a few days ago.  It's so much more comfortable with the heat, and you don't have to worry about chafing.  So today I decided I was just going to stop caring, I dropped off the truck, took off my shirt and ran down the busiest road in the area, at lunchtime no less.  And you know what, I'm pretty sure no one cared, no one honked or said anything, and I was as comfortable as you can be in the midday heat.  Smile  This might not seem like a big deal to some, but as a former fat guy, being shirtless in public was something I used to dread.


              Hope everyone has a great day!!


              My running blog

              Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!


              5K Specialist

                Ginny - It is mainly a shoe issue. After I switched from Vomeros to Nimbus in December, and my foot has felt a lot better. Very short races don't feel good either because you tend to push off harder and run more on the balls of your feet. Since I switched to the Nimbus, it seems to be o.k. with races of 3KM or longer. I like 800 meter and 1 mile too though. I just have to do plenty of ice after very short races and take it easy for a while.

                Personal Bests:

                800M - 2:38 (5/28/13) | 1 Mile -5:54 (5/28/13) | 3K - 11:55 (12/29/12) | 2M - 13:00 (12/1/12) | 5K - 20:00 (4/12/13) | 13.1M - 1:37:24 (2/3/13)

                Jack K.

                uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

                  Awood: nice work!! Man, that is impressive!!

                  She Can: I think we are leaving on 9 July.

                  Ginny: I LOVE Montana. It will be our third trip there. Our older DD loves it so much she wants to go to the University of Montana in Missoula.

                  D2: thanks for the In-n-Out reference, I am now going there for lunch!

                  P3: well done on the wedding. Awood is a quality guy and I hope to run a race and drink some beer with him someday. Smile


                  Our vacation plan is to leave on 9 July and take three days to drive to Missoula. There, we will stay in a hotel for a few days and run in the Missoula HM on 14 July. DW and I hope older DD runs with us but I don't think she will. On the 15th we will drive to Kalispell, pick up a motor home, and then camp in Glacier National Park for a week or so. It should be a great trip.


                  5K Specialist

                    Dave - I used to wear a shirt while swimming in a pool. I have not issues now. I have done a couple shirtless races now.


                    I've only been heckled once for running shirtless. It was three days after the Boston Marathon. Someone honked at me and screamed "put a shirt on". I was in no mood to be heckled so I flipped him off.



                    Cherie, yup!  It's gonna be fun.  I'm keeping the mileage super easy, and splitting it up to help.  I won't end up with triple digits like some folks will, but should still be a really good week. Smile


                    Ginny, it's allstar week for the mileage game.  Don't worry, hip is feeling great and I'm keeping it extra easy to be safe.  Plus I'm rolling/stretching twice a day to keep everything loose.



                    Dropped the truck off to get inspected and ran back home, just like I did in Feb with my wife's car (except I didn't step in a pipe and almost break my leg this time lol).  I absolutely love that I can do that, it just blows me away when I think about it.  In the past, the thought never even would have been entertained, now it's the obvious and most logical answer.


                    This was also my first very public shirtless run.  I've had a couple of shirtless runs prior, one through the neighborhood with minimal traffic, and one at night a few days ago.  It's so much more comfortable with the heat, and you don't have to worry about chafing.  So today I decided I was just going to stop caring, I dropped off the truck, took off my shirt and ran down the busiest road in the area, at lunchtime no less.  And you know what, I'm pretty sure no one cared, no one honked or said anything, and I was as comfortable as you can be in the midday heat.  Smile  This might not seem like a big deal to some, but as a former fat guy, being shirtless in public was something I used to dread.


                    Hope everyone has a great day!!

                    Personal Bests:

                    800M - 2:38 (5/28/13) | 1 Mile -5:54 (5/28/13) | 3K - 11:55 (12/29/12) | 2M - 13:00 (12/1/12) | 5K - 20:00 (4/12/13) | 13.1M - 1:37:24 (2/3/13)


                    Smaller By The Day

                      Dave - I know what you mean.  I used to be extremely fit; a college athlete.  Then, I went through powerlifting, and then couch sitting.  After seeing a few pictures of myself with my shirt off, it started to stay on more an more.  It was really hot a couple of weeks ago, and I was trying to do speed work.  I thought I was going to die, and then I've worked hard to get this weight off, and you're working hard now.  If someone doesn't like it, just remember that they're probably in an air conditioned car eating taco bell.  It was a good feeling, and I imagine that anybody that saw me with my shirt off probably thought, "Damn that's a big dude, and he's running pretty damn fast".


                      Weight 100 pounds lost

                      5K 31:02 Sept. 2012 / 23:36 Sept. 2013 (Same Course)

                      10K 48:59 April 2013

                      HM 2:03:56 Nov. 2012 / 1:46:50 March 2013

                      MARATHON 3:57:33 Nov. 2013


                      Barking Mad To Run

                        Lucky you, Dan, getting a bit cooler weather up there in North Texas.  Enjoy you rest day today.  Congrats to your daughter, Dan.  Sorry about your foot issues, though!


                        Quite an active day for you yesterday, Traci!


                        So, HsM, how long did it take to track Houdini Dog down?  Hope your DH figured out the escape route!  Happy swimming today, if you go.


                        Yeah, Mitch, I would've liked to meet Jenn in person.   Well, I will be going back again sometime and will stay a bit longer then.   Hope your knee behaves itself!


                        Good luck with the track, Zelanie and, as with Mitch, hope your knee behaves itself too!  No, I actually won't miss any races, since I am leaving Sunday and coming back Monday night.


                        Glad your massage was the 'good kind' of hurt, Jack!  Where are you going in Montana?  You know, the Governor Cup series of races are done in Helena every June - marathon, half marathon, 10K and 5K.  The 10K is done 2 hours before the 5K, so when Gail and I visited Montana - her Dad grew up in Montana - I did the 10K and then the 5K.


                        Baconista, congrats on your 5K!


                        Sorry about the leg pain, Jimmy, hope that is nothing serious!


                        Maybe your dentist wants to start running, Cherie. Joking  lol about the tan lines.  I have larger "white' areas where my braces cover up my knee/top of thigh, and my shin and back of the calf on the other leg.


                        Congrats on your 42-mile week 2FBoy!  Have fun with the kitten!


                        Nice cake, Awood!


                        Nice running, Dave.  Yeah, I recall when I was stationed in Ohio during my Air Force days, Gail would drop me off at work on some days in Kettering, and then after work I would run home to our place on base housing at Wright-Pat, about a 7-mile run.   I'd even do that in the winter and some of those runs got quite interesting, with all the snow and ice along the route.  Shirtless, though....I don't care about what people think...but I do care that now, at my age, with my old-man-fat, I'd probably give myself a black eye with my bouncing Moobs if I tried to run shirtless these days, lol. Joking

                        "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt

                        Jack K.

                        uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

                          Dan: I've run shirtless a few times and the only heckling I get is from my DDs. They laugh, make hacking and vomiting noises, and yell "Put it on!"  When I threaten to walk around the house in my running tights they usually leave me alone. Ah, the joys of parenthood! Wink

                          Singer who runs a smidge



                             Shirtless, though....I don't care about what people think...but I do care that now, at my age, with my old-man-fat, I'd probably give myself a black eye with my bouncing Moobs if I tried to run shirtless these days, lol. Joking


                            This from the guy who does Bare Buns runs ...  Joking

                            When it's all said and done, no one remembers how far we have run.  The only thing that matters is how we have loved.

                            Dad on the run.

                              Awood - That cake looks really great!


                              Those who asked about my leg - I don't know what it is to be honest. Its a wierd pain and some days it worse than others. I ran the 10k Monday and did another 6 miles Sunday and although it was sore it didn't interfere with my run. Yesterday however was a run/walk 3 milers because of how it felt? The pain is in the back of my leg and it starts at the knee and runs about 2 inches down my calf and then moves more toward the side of my leg and down almost to my ankle. The pain isn't in my knee but feels more like a tendon or muscle that connects behind my knee. Anyone else ever experience this? I have had IT Band pain before but that was the side of my knee and ran upwards.


                              Speaking of being shirtless, I got out and did yard work the other day for the first time in a very very long time shirtless and boy did it feel great. Sure I'm not a lean mean 8% body fat, but you know what, I've come a long way! The only self conscience issue I have is the cyst I have on my back that's been my companion for many many years. I guess now that I'm in better shape I am going to go get that sucker removed as soon as we get back from the beach. I would do it know, but pretty sure I wouldn't be allowed in the ocean then, infection wouldn't be fun.

                              Chasing the sub 20 5K.


                                ffBoy-- great job on the weekly mileage!


                                Ginny-- high of 75*!   You must, must must take advantage of this opportunity!


                                Awood-- what a cute cake, and so well made!  Hehehe@ making it with drywall knifes!  They obviously work!


                                DAve-- that's really neat that you've lost that weight and have regained your confidence.  +1000 that you can now pull off that shirt and be at least more comfortable!


                                Jack-- the trip sounds super fun!  When I was a kid, we had a book of national parks, and my favorite were from the Glacier National Park.  I've never made it up that way, but man, I sure hope you bring back lots of pics to share from there.



                                Shirtless, though....I don't care about what people think...but I do care that now, at my age, with my old-man-fat, I'd probably give myself a black eye with my bouncing Moobs if I tried to run shirtless these days, lol. Joking

                                LMAO!!!!  er...yeah, thanks for the visual, Scotty!  Joking


                                "We do not become the people who this world needs simply by turning our backs on anyone we don’t like, trust, or deem healthy enough to be in our presence. "  ---- Shasta Nelson
