Beginners and Beyond


Hot Pants ThursDAILIES (Read 31 times)


Former Bad Ass


    Unplug it?


    When I said restarted, I mean unplugging and reserting it every time. They think the board and the belt but we'll see when that comes in.



    Former Bad Ass

      Did an easy 3.5 miles around the campus this morning of the university where I work.


      Starting to get hot again here in San Antonio area - consistent 90s and up now until around 8 pm - so I've been getting up early and getting my miles done in the morning.    This morning it felt pretty 'fresh' and was nice, as the humidity was only 54% and the dew point was pretty low too.  Be nice if it stayed that well all summer; but I know by July, even at 4 a.m. here, it will be in the 70s and up already.  Living in Miami, I am sure Damaris can relate - and probably has it even worse.  At least here, we do get the occasional cool summer day.


      70s at 4am?  Is it December?  Try 87F at 6am...



      delicate flower

        I tagged along with DW on her ride.  20 miles at 16.5 mph.  Easy effort....Garmin recovery advisor says I need 1 hour for recovery.  Heh.

