Beginners and Beyond

Good news . . . it looks as if RW has a handle on the spam problem. (Read 1300 times)


Not a dude

    I also really appreciate the emails I receive from Rodale to let me know I can go from WALKING to RUNNING. They are working very hard.


      It's still spamalicious over there today.  Strangely, the other forum I frequent, MRT seems to be somewhat immune from the attacks.  Not sure why, perhaps because it is far down the list of forums.  Still super slow loading though.

      PRs: 47:54 (10K); 1:46:36 (HM); 3:50:52 (FM)

      Recovering from injured knee (PCL/Lateral Meniscus)


        The loyalists are the ones who are not here. Those who are here, deserve to make their own decision.


        I am as loyal as they come; Chevy, Nike, Progressive Insurance.  But even I know that Chevy makes shit products sometimes, Nike's running gear is at the bottom of the industry, and Progressive is too enamored with Flo to give two shits what customers think.


        So now we are talking loyalty, versus blind loyalty.  I am loyal, but I am not blind.


        There will come a time when merely posting on the BF will be seen as uncool.  That time my friends, is closer than many realize.

        Resident Historian

          They are doing a FANTASTIC job today!!!


          Just ask them? 

          Or did you mean the spammers?


          “Some people will tell you that slow is good – but I'm here to tell you that fast is better. I've always believed this, in spite of the trouble it's caused me. - Hunter S. Thompson

          Happy to be running

            I plan on using both sites, the best of both worlds. RW has some great articles and features.

            New runner base building for my first marathon 

            I have run 2 half marathons 1:52:42 & 1:58:00


              It's still spamalicious over there today.  Strangely, the other forum I frequent, MRT seems to be somewhat immune from the attacks.  Not sure why, perhaps because it is far down the list of forums.  Still super slow loading though.


              Correct.  MRT is way way lower.  Also less of a target-of-opportunity because of less traffic.  But most of the automated tools that I've watched the bad guys use are really dumb ass tools that only go a few levels deep.  Which is why BF (and probably the women's forum) got it hard.  (heh)



              Are we there, yet?

                Just checked into the BF to see what's happening. All I saw was page 1.

                 2024 Races:

                      03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                      05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                      06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





                  Yeah.  They broke their nav.  Someone (NCBeth) (you! ha) just started a complaint thread there about it.  I'm guessing it is related to them and their "several" people trying to fix the issues.  They broke their nav overnight once last week too but I suspect only some nightowls caught it.



                  High Horse

                    My suggestion:


                    Forget about RW for a couple weeks. Try this place out. I am a total n00b here and has been posting on RW for about 5 years. There have been so many problems and more importantly so little care for users when problems arise. I really don't think that will ever change. The powers that be have come right out and told us to take it or leave it. More than once and not nicely.


                    So far in just a couple days here Eric has shown more concern for the user experience and well being of the forums and user groups than I have seen in the entire 5 years at RW.


                    The style there it to threaten, ban, ignore and even belittle users who express reasonable concerns. Even to longtime users with real desire to help.


                    Anyway, I am giving this place a go. Like someone else here said. Change is good. Almost all our regular users are here from BF and L&O and there is a whole ton of friendships here to be made with the regulars who for the most part seem to be very cool.


                    In addition we are welcome here and wanted by the owner of the site. That is huge in my book.


                    Cheers all. 

                    I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member ~ Groucho Marx.

                      Just visited the forums over at RW . It looks like they nuked all posts and started over. For now and that might change. The women's forum just has 4 threads.


                        Nah, they just broke their nav.  If you use the Sort By thingy to reorder it, old threads will pop back up.  And a whole lotta spam.  Gotta whole lotta spam.



                          My suggestion:


                          Forget about RW for a couple weeks. Try this place out. I am a total n00b here and has been posting on RW for about 5 years. There have been so many problems and more importantly so little care for users when problems arise. I really don't think that will ever change. The powers that be have come right out and told us to take it or leave it. More than once and not nicely.


                          So far in just a couple days here Eric has shown more concern for the user experience and well being of the forums and user groups than I have seen in the entire 5 years at RW.


                          The style there it to threaten, ban, ignore and even belittle users who express reasonable concerns. Even to longtime users with real desire to help.


                          Anyway, I am giving this place a go. Like someone else here said. Change is good. Almost all our regular users are here from BF and L&O and there is a whole ton of friendships here to be made with the regulars who for the most part seem to be very cool.


                          In addition we are welcome here and wanted by the owner of the site. That is huge in my book.


                          Cheers all. 


                            I'm here to stay.


                            Every time I see a post from HDdave I giggle out loud.


                            5k: 25:05 (Sep 2011)     10k: 51:57 (Aug 2012)     half: 1:56:46 (May 2013)     full: 4:09:46 (Jan 2016)


                            Goddess of the Cuisine

                              The loss of the pancake forum is what I grieve over the most.

                              In transit, arriving on time. 


                                Honestly everytime I read the thread title I laugh a little