Beginners and Beyond


Saturdailies! Dare I ask. (Read 35 times)


    Damn, now the hubby and I really need to make plans to watch Avengers. We also have mostly reserved seating here, and for the planner that I am, I love it. You can waltz in at the last second and know where you're sitting. Plus, the seats recline! It's heaven.


    I got 6'ish done, and the whole run felt absolutely terrible. I felt ready to puke for no apparent reason, and I couldn't get into a breathing rhythm to save my life. Oh well? I chased it with some yoga, led by my awesome SIL. My poor hips are so tight. Sigh. Is this just the plight of a runner? Do you guys do anything for hip mobility/flexibility?


    I rewarded myself with a margarita. and chips and salsa. Okay, and tacos, too.


    Go figure

      SIAR, you are a nice person to let the girl come in before you. But even if you had finished in front of her, she would have had her sub42...

      I meant that she was breaking 42, not in reference to my time!


      Docket...I really like this race. It’s a whole event more than just a race. I find the whole theme and the way they play it out adds so much to it. This is our year we make the “squadron” for having done it 5 years. From now on, our bibs will be pink for future events, until we hit 10. It’s just little things like that which seem to make it more than just the race. It’s about 3hrs from me, so I consider it pretty much a local marathon. As for the course, it’s definitely  challenging. I train on similar terrain though, so I guess I enjoy the advantage that gives me over unsuspecting Floridians Smile


      I say this all now before the pain hits tomorrow. Ask me again then Smile

      Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn


      Go figure

        Damn, now the hubby and I really need to make plans to watch Avengers. We also have mostly reserved seating here, and for the planner that I am, I love it. You can waltz in at the last second and know where you're sitting. Plus, the seats recline! It's heaven.


        I got 6'ish done, and the whole run felt absolutely terrible. I felt ready to puke for no apparent reason, and I couldn't get into a breathing rhythm to save my life. Oh well? I chased it with some yoga, led by my awesome SIL. My poor hips are so tight. Sigh. Is this just the plight of a runner? Do you guys do anything for hip mobility/flexibility?


        I rewarded myself with a margarita. and chips and salsa. Okay, and tacos, too.


        Yoga is a great place to start for those hips. I ran my absolute best when I was doing yoga 2x a week. It’s great for that whole general running motor area

        Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn



          Yoga is a great place to start for those hips. I ran my absolute best when I was doing yoga 2x a week. It’s great for that whole general running motor area


          I totally need to do yoga. A whole lot more. Did you go to classes, or do you have something at home you did?



            I totally need to do yoga. A whole lot more. Did you go to classes, or do you have something at home you did?



            I used to just go to the classes they held at my gym.




              Yoga is a great place to start for those hips. I ran my absolute best when I was doing yoga 2x a week. It’s great for that whole general running motor area


              Not saying it isn't yoga that made you run better, but how old were you then? And how long had you been running? What I mean is that everyone will be "doing his best running" at some point in time, even people who don't ever do yoga.


              That being said, running is so unidimensional, that I believe doing some complementary exercices like yoga, pilates, swimming, and so on will make you a better athlete. A better runner? Not sure. Maybe.


              I personnally do some parts of the Myrtl routine for hip flexibility and balance. Link for the Myrtl routine in the "Useful links" in the sticky links of the B&B forums. They sure make me a healthier runner. I wouldn't say better, though.


              Go figure


                I totally need to do yoga. A whole lot more. Did you go to classes, or do you have something at home you did?

                I was doing classes - a pretty intense power vinyasa flow. I don’t/didn’t really have the motivation to do it at home.


                Cyberic- definitely a legit question. I PR’d in the marathon in 2013. I’m only 36 now though, and don’t feel hampered by age. I just reached big goal, then lost some motivation and dealt with a couple years of injury. I focused on ultras because I felt okay running slower, and just now have regained the drive and ability to really train.


                As for the yoga, it really helped me. The core strength changed my running posture and the flexibility improved my stride greatly. I honestly don’t know if I can get back to sub 2:50 if I don’t incorporate it again, but I think I’ll have to try because I don’t have the time I used to.


                Also, it doesn’t have to be yoga...not saying that. It has to be something though, in my opinion. Myrtl, Pilates , stretching, etc are all great options too

                Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn


                  i Think with being stronger & increased flexibility (thereby helping your stride, as per SIAR), I’d think yoga could do nothing but good. I also used to attend classes, and lived them (Yin), but it seems like there’s never enough time anymore (I was injured then and wasn’t running). I’ve started a DIY flexibility routine that incorporates lots of Yin moves, so I’m hoping that’s a start. So far I’ve done 4 days. #winning


                    No yoga for me but I do hip/glute/hamstring exercises without fail. I'm less consistent with core. While I am not fast,  I haven't been injured in the 10 years I've been running. Minor soreness here or there but nothing to really affect a run. I credit the consistent strength training.



                      I personnally do some parts of the Myrtl routine for hip flexibility and balance. Link for the Myrtl routine in the "Useful links" in the sticky links of the B&B forums. They sure make me a healthier runner. I wouldn't say better, though.

