Beginners and Beyond


Tuesdailies - Finally a break in the Heat! (Read 33 times)


    I have run an evening race a few times and that feeling better in the evening thing never seemed to materialize. Even though I fully expected to.  I don't know


    Oh. Well I'm a pizza guy anyway so scrap the burger. lol



      Where absolute PRs are concerned, I'd go with the flattest, most convenient option. That comes with the caveat that I would like to avoid having to wake up at stupid o'clock to race at velocity if at all possible.



      Yes to the first part. I’d probably avoid a drive >1 hr, in fact I don’t think I’ve ever gone farther than that for anything less than marathon. But I don’t have a big problem with stupid o’clock, that’s kind of the story of my life anyway.



      Are we there, yet?


        Oh gawd, mentally it's sooooo hard for me to race a 10k that has a loop course. I find myself spending way too much energy trying to talk myself out of dropping out after one loop that I rarely have anything left to race the second loop. lol


        But you're right, 6.2 miles is 6.2 miles. Except sometimes there's mental baggage that has to be accounted for.


        I can see balking at 125 laps on a track for a 50K, but...

         2024 Races:

              03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

              05/11 - D3 50K
              05/25 - What the Duck 12-Hour

              06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.






          I can see balking at 125 laps on a track for a 50K, but...


          Anne Marie Blaney, who I've had the pleasure of meeting this year, won a 10k in which she ran the majority of the 25 laps alone. Crazy!



            Yes to the first part. I’d probably avoid a drive >1 hr, in fact I don’t think I’ve ever gone farther than that for anything less than marathon. But I don’t have a big problem with stupid o’clock, that’s kind of the story of my life anyway.


            I guess I don't either, I just prefer 8:00 am when it's practical.


            I've driven 90 minutes to race a 5k and two hours to race a mile. I'm actually pretty stupid in that regard. 


              The Chicago race is the most appealing to me but it's a whole lot of fucking around


                The Chicago race is the most appealing to me but it's a whole lot of fucking around


                I can run a good workout when there's a lot of fucking around before a race. I cannot run a good race.


                  The Chicago race is the most appealing to me but it's a whole lot of fucking around


                  Yep. Although you never know. I did a 10k in Seattle that was part of the opening of a new bridge, route was back & forth across it. There were 4300 finishers, only for the “runners” who chose (and paid extra) to be timed. There were about 10,000 total including untimed walkers. And yet I set a big PR that held up for 3 years. Go figure.



                    So after my calf got so painful during my run yesterday, and left me hobbling around the entire rest of the day, I was thinking I’d probably need an RD today. At least. Woke up this morning and it felt OK, so decided to give it a go. And it was totally pain-free, for the duration of the run. So weird. Plus, for the last few weeks every run has felt sluggish and like such a chore; today was a breeze. Smooth and easy, averaged around 8 min pace after the first mile. For the life of me I cannot figure out this sport. But it felt great and made me happy.


                    Also making me happy is that I am currently taking vacation in Eugene, OR, seeing my son. Actually helping him move into a new apartment, but even moving is a vacation if it means not being at work. And always good to see him.



                      So after my calf got so painful during my run yesterday, and left me hobbling around the entire rest of the day, I was thinking I’d probably need an RD today. At least. Woke up this morning and it felt OK, so decided to give it a go. And it was totally pain-free, for the duration of the run. So weird. Plus, for the last few weeks every run has felt sluggish and like such a chore; today was a breeze. Smooth and easy, averaged around 8 min pace after the first mile. For the life of me I cannot figure out this sport. But it felt great and made me happy.


                      Also making me happy is that I am currently taking vacation in Eugene, OR, seeing my son. Actually helping him move into a new apartment, but even moving is a vacation if it means not being at work. And always good to see him.



                      Enjoy the time with your son


                      UM 45 Ohio 23

                        12 miles in beautiful 56 degree, low humidity weather! Sure felt better than last week. Hit 60 miles for trailing 7 days which is near my max; just need to keep from overdoing it now


                          I've done an evening 5k a few times. It's tough trying to time when to eat that day. It's a summer race, so usually hot and humid.


                          This is my biggest struggle. I ran a trail half once (misery) and the food thing fucked me up! Of course a trail half is a lot longer than a road 10k. And I am a lot slower anyway so take it for what it's worth.


                          I'd go with the race you're most jazzed about. And also the flattest course.


                          I ran 6 this morning, it was nice.


                            For evening speed work, and for any evening run for that matter, I make sure to eat a carb-centric meal 3 hours beforehand that isn't heavy with the oils. I've found that sweets can jack up my energy level so I refrain from having any during that period up and until after the run.


                              Nothing but goodness right here 👍


                              Former Bad Ass

                                For evening speed work, and for any evening run for that matter, I make sure to eat a carb-centric meal 3 hours beforehand that isn't heavy with the oils. I've found that sweets can jack up my energy level so I refrain from having any during that period up and until after the run.


                                I do that every day even if I'm not running...



