Beginners and Beyond

Early SunDAILIES gets the worm (Read 39 times)


    Congrats Cy!


    Thanks For checking in Rick! I had a perfect day to race and everything went right.


    I had some extra motivation, as my wife got a 13.1 mile and I got a 1 hour head start and she was expecting me to catch her. 


    Huuuge congrats Jay. A PR for you is even more impressive. The faster you are, the harder the seconds are to come by.


    Former Bad Ass

      18 with 16 @ MP + 20 seconds done and not only was it my fastest 18 ever but also I felt great during it. Yay, migraines!


      I do wish my husband had cooked anything while I ran on the TM.  Off to cook dinner.



        18 with 16 @ MP + 20 seconds done and not only was it my fastest 18 ever but also I felt great during it. Yay, migraines!


        I do wish my husband had cooked anything while I ran on the TM.  Off to cook dinner.


        That's cool. Hopefully you can stay in that good zone.


          18 with 16 @ MP + 20 seconds done and not only was it my fastest 18 ever but also I felt great during it. Yay, migraines!


          I do wish my husband had cooked anything while I ran on the TM.  Off to cook dinner.


          Clearly, he is a football fan.


          Former Bad Ass


            That's cool. Hopefully you can stay in that good zone.


            Nah, I'm sure my lungs will figure out a way to fuck my next race up.  I think they are on to it...



              Big congrats to Cy and Jay!  Those were some nice races.


              After a 66 day streak, I got bronchitis and then went on vacation. I've run a total of 12 miles in the past 2 weeks, haha.


                18 with 16 @ MP + 20 seconds done and not only was it my fastest 18 ever but also I felt great during it. 


                Nice run! You and Lauren are ready. I...will show up. 



                Former Bad Ass


                  Nice run! You and Lauren are ready. I...will show up. 


                  I am always the bridesmaid, never the bride.  YOU will do well.




                    Jetta and I got in 6 miles tonight, I used the flashlight app on my phone with oncoming/passing cars and felt a lot safer doing that. I think 10-15 passed me during the run and each one moved over, hell one driver hollered out his window "thank you".... hopefully that wasn't sarcasm.

                    Forecast is saying highs this week will be in the 70's while the lows will be in the 50's, they best be right.

                    *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


                    5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

                    10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

                    15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

                    13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

                     26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)

                      Congrats, Jay, you did great!


                      So, did you end up catching her with two minutes to spare?

                      Thanks, yes. The rest was a blur, haha.