Beginners and Beyond


KC's Chicago Marathon RR (Read 31 times)


    Short version:

    I finished in 4:50:29, with a :24 positive split and 15:33 PR!


    Long version:

    I initially signed up for Chicago this year to run it for fun and actually take in all the neighborhood excitement and entertainment.  But after my spring marathon went so bad, Chicago became the goal race this year.  I ran a PR on the course last year in 5:06:02 and I had set a goal for 2018 of getting sub-5.  I think I was in shape for a sub-5 last year, but ran the first half too fast and didn’t save enough energy to deal with the heat in the second half of the race.  I was determined not to make that mistake again.


    Goals were:

    1. 4:50 (stretch goal)
    2. Sub-5 (would be thrilled with 4:59:59)
    3. A new PR
    4. Finish under my own power


    All of my training MP miles were based on 4:55 finish time, I wanted a 5 minute cushion so I could walk through the water stations (I can’t drink & run), and in case I needed a pit stop or ran more than 26.2.


    I paid for a professional training plan for the first time that had more structured speed work than I’ve ever done before.  They were hard workouts, but achievable.  The only thing I didn’t do exactly like the plan said were the easy paces.  I was usually, but not always, slower than the plan said.  But I nailed all the paces in the workouts, so I didn’t worry about the easy paces as long as the effort was easy.  I felt great all the way through training and really enjoyed the plan.


    The race day forecast was warmer than I wanted and had rain coming around the start time.  In the corral, I had a poncho on, but it wasn’t raining so I took it off when our corral was next to go.  Within seconds of me throwing it away, it started to rain.  My SIL and I both had a good laugh about it.  And off we went.


    I had purchased pace bands for 4:50 and 4:55 and, with rain and warmer weather, my plan was to stay between the two times at the mile markers, especially for the first 5 miles.  My GPS messed up in the first mile of the race and never buzzed at the right points.  And the current pace on my watch would sometimes go from 10:00 to 16:00 within a minute even though I was running the same pace.  So I knew early on I would have to be careful about managing my energy and couldn’t rely on my watch to keep me on track.  The mile markers and my pace bands would have to be my guides.


    I hit the first 5 mile markers within seconds of the 4:50 pace band and on average got about 30 seconds ahead.  For each mile, I just told myself to maintain that effort for one more mile.  It was still raining the whole time, with a couple of periods of heavier rain, though never anything too bad, just constant.  At mile 6, there was no line for the porta potties.  I only had to pee a little, but I also wanted to reapply anti-chafing protection to my chafe prone areas since it was raining.  It was a good opportunity, so I went in one that was open.  I had planned for this in my overall time plan, so I wasn’t stressed about it.


    My 10k split was slower because of this stop, but overall, I was still right on track.  At 9.5, one of my friends was waiting and I got a big hug from her and lots of encouragement.  That felt good.  Around mile 10 my stomach started feeling not so good and I spent the next half mile or so trying to decide if I should stop at another porta potty or try to wait it out.   I was 1:30 ahead of schedule, so I decided to stop.  It was a false alarm, but I don’t regret the stop because you never know.  Anyway, all was okay, so off I went.  The rain stopped somewhere around here as well.


    I went through the half in 2:25:05, only 6 seconds off from the 4:50 pace band.  I’m happy with this.  DH is just past the halfway point.  I get a quick kiss and he tells me I’m right on pace, just keep doing the same thing, stick to my plan and I’ve got this.  That was awesome!


    I have another friend at mile 14 and she brought me cold peeled orange slices.  Last year at this point, they were the best thing I’d ever had, but this year, my stomach felt full.  I took one bite and thought I’d throw up, so I gave them back.  She ran with me for about a half mile and was full of encouragement.  I always love seeing her on the course!


    Around mile 15, my right IT band starts to feel sore, we’ve had a few miles of canted roads and that always gets to me.  I take some advil and carry on.  It’s around here that I also notice chafing under my arms from my wet shirt.  I start applying Aquaphor every other mile and it helps a little, but I can still feel it.  This makes me doubly glad I took the time at mile 6 to reapply Aquaphor to other chafe prone areas.  My arms ended up being the only areas where I had chafing that day.


    Mile 17 brings DH again with another kiss and more reminders to stick to my plan and keep doing what I’m doing, don’t do anything stupid.


    Not far past 17, my IT band is really bothering me now.  I’m a little ahead of the pace, so I stop before the next aid station and apply aspercreme to my legs, then get water at the tables to wash my hands.  I had planned for this being a possibility, so I don’t stress over the time it takes.


    At mile 18, I reassess everything and I feel great.  I’m doing good, just a minute off the 4:50 pace and I realize if I stay focused I will make my goals.  I tuned out everyone around me and just focused on getting to the next mile marker.


    DH is at mile 22 and telling me I’m so close, just keep on target and I’ve got this.  I leave with a big grin on my face.


    It’s around mile 23 that holding the pace is still comfortable, but it’s not as easy as it had been.  I was hoping to be able to pick up the pace from here.  I think I can get under 4:50, but I also know if I burn out my energy too early, I risk not getting the sub-5, so I decide to just hold steady at this point.  It was a good decision.  I hold my pace for the last 3 miles, even speed up a little, but it’s hard work now.


    I see DH at mile 25.4 ish along with a bunch of our friends in front of our neighborhood bar.  He gives me a high 5 and tells me to keep going, it’s time to dig deep and finish strong.  I speed up as much as I can, though it’s a struggle now.  Mt. Roosevelt is around the corner.  I run this hill every day and it’s super easy.  Except at the end of mile 26, holy smokes it’s hard to get up this hill.  I feel like I’m going so slow, but my watch shows I’m doing really good, just hang on.


    I top the hill and round the corner and see the finish line and sprint as fast as my tired legs will carry me.  I cross the mat in 4:50:29!!  I had a 24 second positive split and a 15 minute 33 second PR!


    The first half of this race always feels ridiculously easy and it’s easy to go too fast.  But the 2nd half is hard both in terms of the course and weather based on where we are in the city, so controlling the first half is key.  I think I actually learned something from previous years on this course and factored that into my plan, so I’m really very happy with the way I ran this race.  Trusting my plan and sticking to it worked.


    Former Bad Ass

      Excellent job!  I wonder if you passed me at some point and when since I started ahead of you and of course finished way back.  The rain, the chafing (that is still bothering me), your RR is almost identical to my experience (sans the pace, lol).  Great job and congrats on the new PR.



        Excellent job!  I wonder if you passed me at some point and when since I started ahead of you and of course finished way back.  The rain, the chafing (that is still bothering me), your RR is almost identical to my experience (sans the pace, lol).  Great job and congrats on the new PR.


        Thank you!!


        Looks like I started just 3 minutes behind you so I probably saw you at one point and didn't realize it!  I did not pay close attention to anyone around me, except when I knew to look for a friend on the sides.  I was watching for potholes and puddles, focusing on my pace and trying to tune out the people around me complaining about everything from the weather to their lack of training.  I couldn't risk them getting my head.


        Former Bad Ass

          Yeah, normally I do that but since I was feeling so bad, I looked around and didn't realize all these parties were happening in the last five years, ha.


          Are you running it next year?  Cause we still need to FE. 



            What a great race for you! Congratulations. Terrific PR and excellent job holding on to the pace.


            Which plan did you follow? A private coach or one of the programs like Hansons or McMillan?


              It's a good place to be when you are at mile 18 and still feeling good! Congrats on a great race!


                Yeah, normally I do that but since I was feeling so bad, I looked around and didn't realize all these parties were happening in the last five years, ha.


                Are you running it next year?  Cause we still need to FE. 


                Yeah, it's a 26.2 mile block party!  I was hoping to enjoy it this year, too, but maybe next time.  I hope to run it next year, I will put my name in the lottery and see what happens.  If I don't get in, I'll definitely be out there cheering for everyone!


                Perhaps a dumb question, but what does FE mean?


                  What a great race for you! Congratulations. Terrific PR and excellent job holding on to the pace.


                  Which plan did you follow? A private coach or one of the programs like Hansons or McMillan?


                  Thank you!  I did the $75 McMillan plan for running 6-7 days a week, but there are other options as well.  I really liked it and plan to use it again.


                    It's a good place to be when you are at mile 18 and still feeling good! Congrats on a great race!


                    Thank you!!


                    Former Bad Ass


                      Yeah, it's a 26.2 mile block party!  I was hoping to enjoy it this year, too, but maybe next time.  I hope to run it next year, I will put my name in the lottery and see what happens.  If I don't get in, I'll definitely be out there cheering for everyone!


                      Perhaps a dumb question, but what does FE mean?


                      Forum encounter. A term we used in RWOL.  A meeting between forum peeps. Smile



                        Great job! I love that you came in with a plan and followed that plan on race day. And kudos to MrKC for the on course support!



                          Forum encounter. A term we used in RWOL.  A meeting between forum peeps. Smile


                          Ah, yes, we do need to plan ahead next time!


                            Great job! I love that you came in with a plan and followed that plan on race day. And kudos to MrKC for the on course support!


                            Thank you!  MrKC is pretty awesome, if I do say so myself Smile


                              Great job and nice PR! It sounds like you felt decent throughout too which is awesome

                              Half Crazy K 2.0

                                You ran a great race! Congrats on the PR! Sounds like a fun event with a lot of support.
