Beginners and Beyond

MonDAILIES (Read 48 times)


Are we there, yet?


    Bruh, Astros broke it open into a 6-2 lead in the 7th.  I figured the game was over and was about to switch to the other game, but then KC came up in the 8th with hit after hit after hit then a botched grounder and it's 6-6 now and KC is still up with men on.


    KC gets 5 in the 8th and 2 more in the 9th. Final KC 9-6.

     2024 Races:

          03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

          05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
          06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





      I ate all the food.


      Now my stomach is so swollen, it hurts.


        4 miles done in the wind tunnel. I kept getting smacked in the face by leaves.


          I ate all the food.




          Does that mean I don't have to make dinner?



            Does that mean I don't have to make dinner?


            Not for days and days. lol


            I've been doing that a lot this cycle, eating until food is coming out of my ears FFS. Recovery has gone well though so I'm doing something right.

            Half Crazy K 2.0

              4.4. It would have been about 2, but the POP was still at the school on my route, so was able to extend the run. 


                Am I an idiot for looking forward to my run tomorrow?


                Wait, lemmie answer that; yes.


                Super B****

                  I hate all of you people who say 'my legs don't feel like a I ran a race'.  ALL OF YOU.


                  My legs don't feel like they ran a race at all.  My foot, on the other hand, is killing me, so I'm limping around like an invalid.  Fair tradeoff?!

                  chasing the impossible


                  because i never shut up ... i blog




                    And it was all just an awful, horrible nightmare? Thank God!



                    Former Bad Ass


                      No.  After seeing 2 foot doctors, I was at the point where I would have needed to spend $1,000+ out of pocket for MRI to have any better sense of what was wrong.   I've found that as long as I keep the miles and pace down, I am fine, but any type of speed work, or longer runs set me back.  I usually take the last week or so of the year off of running, I'm thinking I might extend that to a month this year and see if that helps.


                      I'm not sure at this point if I'll ever be able to race again.




                      Former Bad Ass

                        I hate all of you people who say 'my legs don't feel like a I ran a race'.  ALL OF YOU.


                        Well, I didn't race too hard so they don't feel like race. 


                        Now my groin feels like it raced to hell and back.



                        Former Bad Ass

                          4 miles done in the wind tunnel. I kept getting smacked in the face by leaves.


                          Ooh, I hit someone with a water cup yesterday, it was that windy.  I threw left to the floor, it went all the way right to someone's arm.  Oops.



                             And it was all just an awful, horrible nightmare? Thank God!


                            lol - okay that was funny!




                              Now my groin feels like it raced to hell and back.


                              My groin has been killing me this entire cycle. Particularly my left adductor, that thing was screaming all night. Last fall it was my right adductor FFS.


                              Former Bad Ass


                                My groin has been killing me this entire cycle. Particularly my left adductor, that thing was screaming all night. Last fall it was my right adductor FFS.


                                Add my adductors.  My instructor actually made some modifications today for Pilates.  I think she felt sorry for me!  Ha.


                                I don't have to write an RR because I suck, right?
