Beginners and Beyond


Supplements (Read 100 times)

Hip Redux

    Interesting infographic!


    Link to interactive version + details.



    Hip Redux

      And a similar graph for Superfoods.



        I just bought a lifetime supply of antioxidants! 


          My nutrition strategy:

          1. Eat food

          2. Repeat


          I don't think I've ever taken a vitamin or supplement in my life. Update: still alive.



          Former Bad Ass

            My nutrition strategy:

            1. Eat food

            2. Repeat


            I don't think I've ever taken a vitamin or supplement in my life. Update: still alive.

            This is me as well.


            It doea not help to be married to a doctor that says multivitamins are useless.



              Seriously though, I have taken glutamine and BCAA's (branch chain amino acids) for years.  Yes, whey and Casein (like those found in cottage cheese or yogurt) provide a similar effect but sometimes I want the benefits without the calories.

              Hip Redux

                My nutrition strategy:

                1. Eat food

                2. Repeat


                I don't think I've ever taken a vitamin or supplement in my life. Update: still alive.


                This isn't about you.


                It's about NEAT PICTURES WITH INFORMATION.


                Hip Redux

                  Seriously though, I have taken glutamine and BCAA's (branch chain amino acids) for years.  Yes, whey and Casein (like those found in cottage cheese or yogurt) provide a similar effect but sometimes I want the benefits without the calories.


                  I buy plain (unflavored) protein for my protein shakes, then I can control the calories/sweetness a little better.


                  Glutamine is the bomb.  Though the chart disagrees with me, I think lol


                  From the Internet.


                    This isn't about you.


                    It's about NEAT PICTURES WITH INFORMATION.


                    I LOVE NEAT PICTURES WITH INFORMATION! Big grin


                    I do supplement iron and magnesium but that's due to specific deficiencies, and whey protein because it's cheap and easy and tastes like cake batter. I need to pick up some vitamin D too, because it's dark and dreary up here in the winter and I'm sure I don't get enough.


                      My psychiatrist has me take Omega 3s and vitamin D, both on the top of the chart. I'll follow her advice. Other than that, no thanks.

                      Call me Ray (not Ishmael)



                        This isn't about you.





                        Seriously, I am not against any of that business, just always been too lazy to get into it. I think you can probably safely draw the scientific conclusion that some stuff has some benefits for some people. I am just more eye-rolly at folks who otherwise treat themselves like crap & then expect any of the above items to fix all their problems (usually after reading about it in one of the magazines found at the supermarket checkout).


                        Hip Redux


                          I LOVE NEAT PICTURES WITH INFORMATION! Big grin




                          I knew I liked you, Lauren.


                          Big grin



                            I take a bunch!

                            Multi+D3 insurance and I need the D for osteo.

                            Fish Oil - arteries

                            Calcium - Osteporosis

                            K2 - work in progress, try to keep calcium where it belongs, bones not arteries.

                            Plant sterols - so I can stay off statins.

                            glucosamine - joints, osteo arthritis.


                            BCAAs -  Xtend drink for workouts no sugar or caffeine

                            Whey Protein


                            delicate flower

                              I take all of that stuff.



                                I take a vitamin D, a multi-vitamin and 2 glucosamine capsules a day and all it probably does is make a fool out of me and empty my wallet.

                                PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                                        Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                                18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010
