Beginners and Beyond


My Best Mile Ever (Read 120 times)

Love the Half

    I'm trying to do a pointless streak of running at least a mile every day between Memorial Day and July 4.  Today, I hadn't run so I needed to get in a mile.  I put on my running shoes and went out the door to run 4 loops around a road split at our house that just happens to be right at a quarter mile per loop.  My 7 year old saw me going and asked if she could go with me.  Then, my 3 year old wanted to get in on the act.  The 3 year old actually made it 3/4 of a mile before tuckering out.  My 7 year old ran her first mile ever  She tried to quit at half a mile but I talked her into continuing for one more loop.  Then, at 3 loops, I convinced her that she'd already run 3 loops and she might as well run one more and make it a whole mile.


    I have no idea how long it took and don't care.  It was marvelous.  Between this and pacing Joanne in her first half marathon, I am becoming convinced that the greatest joys in running come from helping others reach their goals rather than from PR's or distance records or highest mileage weeks or whatever.  I told my daughter that anytime she wants to run with me, all she has to do is let me know and we'll head out the door.


    A perfect evening now being celebrated with an Alpha Dog DIPA.  Full review to come in the unlimited beer thread.



    Short term goal: 17:59 5K

    Mid term goal:  2:54:59 marathon

    Long term goal: To say I've been a runner half my life.  (I started running at age 45).

      As a fellow parent, I concur with your assessment as best mile ever.

      “Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.” - T.S. Eliot


        How terrific that your kids want to join your runs.  I hope that continues for a long long time.

        Jack K.

        uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

          LtH, that is great when the kids want to get involved.  Some of my favorite runs have been with my oldest daughter.  Jeesh, if a three year old is doing 3/4 of a mile, he or she will soon be doing a 5k. Very cool.


          Dumb question, but what is the "D" in DIPA?


            Between this and pacing Joanne in her first half marathon, I am becoming convinced that the greatest joys in running come from helping others reach their goals rather than from PR's or distance records or highest mileage weeks or whatever. 


            True, but only after you have set PR's, distance records and highest mileage weeks ha!

            Love the Half

              LtH, that is great when the kids want to get involved.  Some of my favorite runs have been with my oldest daughter.  Jeesh, if a three year old is doing 3/4 of a mile, he or she will soon be doing a 5k. Very cool.


              Dumb question, but what is the "D" in DIPA?


              One of the best talents I have as a runner is an instinctive ability to pace myself correctly regardless of distance.  I have never blown up in a race nor have I ever finished a race feeling like I left a ton of time on the course.  I think my 3 year old has that same sense because if she is running a longer distance, she will instinctively slow down rather than do what most kids do which is sprint until they crash, walk until they recover, and then sprint until they crash again.  My 7 year old doesn't have that same instinctive sense but she has learned from daddy and knows to jog rather than run hard over a longer distance.


              The "D" is "Double" and it generally refers to an IPA that has an a.b.v. over 7.5% and has a higher IBU rating than a standard IPA. In the interest of accuracy, the Beer Judge Certification Program has no classification of "Double" IPA but classifies such beers as an "Imperial" IPA.  Note that depending on how a beer is brewed, higher IBU's may or may not taste more bitter.  A good stout may have an IBU of 40 or 50 and not taste bitter at all.  One

              Short term goal: 17:59 5K

              Mid term goal:  2:54:59 marathon

              Long term goal: To say I've been a runner half my life.  (I started running at age 45).


                You're a great dad.



                "It's not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves."

                ~ Sir Edmund Hillary


                  Awesome. Great job setting a positive example that you're kids have clearly paid attention to. Smile




                  Beer-and-waffle Powered

                    As a fellow parent, I concur with your assessment as best mile ever.


                    As a non-parent, I'm going to have to say that you went out WAAAY too slow at the start, and didn't seem to pick it up enough at the endBig grin. In a mile race, one should never have the breath to convince a fellow competitor to finishJoking.

                    In the words of my late-coach : Just hang in there, relax... and at the end of a race anyone you see.....just pass them


                      That's awesome!  I think one of the best things we can do as parents is lead by example.  They are much more likely to do what you do than to do what you tell them to do.


                      My running blog

                      Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!

                        That's just awesome!


                        Former Bad Ass

                          This is awesome!



                            Love the joy our kids bring to us!!!

                            Ron's PRs 5K 24:14 (12/07/2013); Half Marathon 1:53:33 (5/26/2013)