Beginners and Beyond


TuesDAILIES and the Beast (Read 47 times)


Former Bad Ass

    Morning. Took today off but it was 85F at 8am so ran on the TM. I am still on the fucking TM and it's almost November!  Sigh. Pilates later.



    delicate flower

      Too bad none of you are close enough to race my DDs local 5K.

      I decided to RD it this year instead of race.


      I wouldn't mind an FE as I hand out the custom trophies.  




      Those look awesome.  How's the competition look for, say, M40-44?



        10 miles this coffee from starbucks(?) and one of their egg white turkey bacon hungry that I would down just about anything right now...younger son's soccer team clinched first place nite - for the most part the parents were cool but a couple from the other side were downright pissed at the loss...will take the dogs for a walk later and maybe watch a couple innings of the world series...have a great tuesday everyone!


        cool trophies sly.

        marathon pr - 3:16



          Speaking of Saturday's run, I was shaking pebbles out of my shoes somewhere around mile 13 on the trail 


          Were you running on gravel FFS?

          Slymoon Runs

          race obsessed

            For one of those, an FE AND a few drinks......I'd have to sneak out of my house lol. Where do you live?


            DFW - Arlington Texas
            A bit for a 5k - but come on if you want one!

            Slymoon Runs

            race obsessed


              Those look awesome.  How's the competition look for, say, M40-44?


              I raced it last year and the year before taking masters and overall - 18:57 and 19:2x.   A bit slow for me now.


              But I am not racing this year! (however I have cast the net wide to attract as much as I can)


                 Were you running on gravel FFS?


                Officially it's crushed limestone but looks like plain old dirt to me. I'm a city boy who knows nothing about any of that though, so there is that.


                No part if it is gravel or even stones for that matter. There are just random little pebbles that find themselves in my shoes, and sometimes even in my socks.  



                  Officially it's crushed limestone but looks like plain old dirt to me. I'm a city boy who knows nothing about any of that though, so there is that.


                  No part if it is gravel or even stones for that matter. There are just random little pebbles that find themselves in my shoes, and sometimes even in my socks.  


                  My usual running route is crushed limestone. It actually is little stones plus packed dirt (smaller than gravel). I only do my easy runs on it though because I think the slippage makes any faster effort harder.

                  Slymoon Runs

                  race obsessed


                    My usual running route is crushed limestone. It actually is little stones plus packed dirt (smaller than gravel). I only do my easy runs on it though because I think the slippage makes any faster effort harder.


                    yes it does - coach loves to have us train on crushed limestone or gravel exactly for that reason.

                    Little Blue

                      Our rail trail is crushed limestone, but it's more like dirt.  I'll have crap in my shoes walking from the parking lot to the trail head. 



                        My usual running route is crushed limestone. It actually is little stones plus packed dirt (smaller than gravel). I only do my easy runs on it though because I think the slippage makes any faster effort harder.


                        I run long and do MP stuff there because the alternative is to run MP in loops or on hills.


                        The fastest I run there is HMP in segments, the length of which depends on the workout but is usually 1200 meters to a mile.


                        When the ground is dry, I love the sound of my foot-falls at the faster speeds. I actually run to that, it's really cool.


                          Our rail trail is crushed limestone, but it's more like dirt.  I'll have crap in my shoes walking from the parking lot to the trail head. 


                          Yeah it sounds like we're all talking about the same thing.


                          There are days when I can feel a pebble land in the elastic of my sock, and eventually work itself down into it. I'll throw my foot outward sometimes while running trying to get it out, but it never works.




                            DFW - Arlington Texas
                            A bit for a 5k - but come on if you want one!


                            Lol that is pretty damn far.... I'd like to visit Texas someday but DH would need a better reason than a 5k, or any race really.

                            *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


                            5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

                            10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

                            15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

                            13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

                             26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


                              10 miles this coffee from starbucks(?) and one of their egg white turkey bacon hungry that I would down just about anything right now...younger son's soccer team clinched first place nite - for the most part the parents were cool but a couple from the other side were downright pissed at the loss...will take the dogs for a walk later and maybe watch a couple innings of the world series...have a great tuesday everyone!


                              cool trophies sly.


                              Ugh, parents can be such sore losers sometimes...and even sore winners!


                              Are we there, yet?


                                Lol that is pretty damn far.... I'd like to visit Texas someday but DH would need a better reason than a 5k, or any race really.


                                Being in the DFW are, you have the greatest of reasons to visit, i.e. to cheer whatever team the Cowboys are playing that weekend. As long as you're there you might as well run a race.

                                 2024 Races:

                                      03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                                      05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                                      06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.



