Beginners and Beyond


Is it Friday? (Read 39 times)


delicate flower

    13 miles in the snow, in the wind, in the cold... but I found $20 on the ground  Bet that won't happen to treadmill runners.


    I would pay $20 to not have to run in this bullshit.



      13 miles in the snow, in the wind, in the cold... but I found $20 on the ground  Bet that won't happen to treadmill runners.


      You got paid to run today! *inserts internet high five*!


        Yesterday was an honest to god rest day. I didn't do any exercise at all because I was so sick. First time since Yom Kippur...

        Today lat pulldown/long pull/seated leg slide, exercise bike 30 minutes hill setting level 13 10.25 miles.



          You are so hardcore, but where were your tempo miles?


          The splits at 8 mpm were at tempo effort! Kidding.


          Actually, I still have my cold, the conditions don't really allow to easily and safely run fast, and I think I have taken my car to go running once or twice in all my runner's life (not counting a couple of races). I really like to keep running simple in an old fashioned way.


          I might log my biggest week ever, volume wise. With a cold, in the heart of a cold winter. I like that.


            I have 4 today, with drills and striders. I’ll probably wait until around 2 since I’m off today when it’s supposed to be a balmy 8 degrees



              I would pay $20 to not have to run in this bullshit.


              I get it. But I'm on vacation. I thought about going to the indoor track. I seriously considered it. But the woman was sleeping and I didn't want to start opening the drawers to get all my indoor running gear bag ready. All my outdoor running gear was already outside of the room (I keep wearing it and washing it). So I figured running outside in this weather, as slow as needed, would not be that bad. No pace objective, no heart rate objective, no rush... not that bad.



                You got paid to run today! *inserts internet high five*!


                *High Five* back at you! 



                  The splits at 8 mpm were at tempo effort! Kidding.


                  Actually, I still have my cold, the conditions don't really allow to easily and safely run fast, and I think I have taken my car to go running once or twice in all my runner's life (not counting a couple of races). I really like to keep running simple in an old fashioned way.


                  I might log my biggest week ever, volume wise. With a cold, in the heart of a cold winter. I like that.


                  I was just kidding. But my point was that it's not like I won't run in this cold weather. I have been all week.I just wonder if it pays to try to run fast in it.


                  and your cold has sure been sticking around for a long time



                    I was just kidding. But my point was that it's not like I won't run in this cold weather. I have been all week.I just wonder if it pays to try to run fast in it.


                    and your cold has sure been sticking around for a long time


                    I just play the tough guy Smile  I know you run in the cold all the time.  If I had a TM at home I'd use it. Pretty often, too. But I don't. I'm too tall and/or my basement ceiling is too low.


                    Haven't had a cold lasting more than 2 days in about 3 years. Payback time! 


                      I'm finally recovered a bit after working night shift, by sleeping 11 hours last night. I'll get out and run a little here this afternoon. Temps are much warmer than most of you(except Docket), so I wont torment you with the numbers.


                          I just wonder if it pays to try to run fast in it.



                        I was wondering this when I did my 1000m repeats, that shit sucked. I have 14 miles tomorrow with 2x3 miles at 7:30 pace which I think will be more manageable than the intervals, hopefully


                          I would pay $20 to not have to run in this bullshit.


                          Ha ha. Same here.


                          These temps are horrific. Roads are ice. No need to risk a fall. TM for me. 5mi recovery

                          PRs:----- 5k: 17:48 (2019)   5M: 29:36 (2020)    HM: 1:24:37 (2017) Scheduled: ???


                            I got 10 with 4X1Mile @ TH-10K/1 min JR. Kept them all under 6:40, so pretty happy.  Watch worked great! I just had to concentrate on my form, staying relaxed and cadence. Big ole numbers were easy to see on the Lap Time and Distance. I'm in love!


                            CY: Nice job on the run, mileage, and 20$!


                            Onemile: Back in the day I ran in St. Louis MO, and it got pretty cold. With the extra clothes and slippery conditions, the Winter was a time of easy runs, Fartlek, and Tempo or FF 14-16ers. Mostly strength stuff. I raced a Winter series of longer distance runs.  Times were slower but it was fun. Smile


                            Are we there, yet?

                              Oh how I wish I had an indoor track to run on. The wind and cold encouraged me to turn back and finish with only 1.6 miles. The wind gusts had me literally running in place, and I mean literally, not the incorrect usage as a synonym for figuratively or virtually. All the snow blown back across the roads made the footing treacherous as well.

                               2024 Races:

                                    03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                                    05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                                    06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





                                Where's LRB???
