Beginners and Beyond

Lazy Thursdailies (Read 40 times)



    Seems like it wasn't that easy. 


    hmm that's a fair point 


      I thought about this during my run this morning. 


      Leg swings helped rid me of that awful, awful afflication. I started doing 15 - 25 of them on each leg before every run and over time, doing so loosened the knot in my ass that was causing it. I also would sit with my legs extended whenever possible, and stood rather than sit equally as much. Not sure if any of it will help you but they cost nothing, so it might be worth a try.


      I will absolutely try this!!!!  I've kicked it about 90% by getting a sit/stand desk for the office, now I probably stand all but an hour a day at work.  It starts to get angry when I sit on anything low, including my couches, so I watch a lot less TV than I used to--it actually hurts to sit more than one show.  Driving is the worst though.  There was a point about 2 years ago that I would be almost in tears by the time I got to work in the morning.  Now I can make it about an hour and be ok, but more than that and it starts to bug.  2 hours of driving, I'm 8/10 on a pain scale.  I've spent way too much time and money on PT trying to fix it with meh results.  But no one ever told me to try leg swings, so I'll give them a shot.  Do you just swing front to back, or is it more out and around?


      Speed day this morning. 2 warm up, 3x 1 mile intervals @ 10K pace, 2:20 recoveries, 2.25 miles cool down, 8 total.


      Intervals make me laugh, the first one I keep having to slow down because my pace is too fast, and I get all cocky about how I'm KILLING this workout, it's soooo easy.  And then the second one is not too bad, I'm strong, I totes got this, and then...  The third one is torture, I'm bargaining with the Lord, wondering if I'm going to puke or if I can keep this up, doing math to figure out just how much longer this torture is going to last, and checking my watch every 20 steps.


      As I understand it, this is, in fact, the proper way to do intervals.  G-d I love this sport.



        Do your doubles always have one of the two with quality? Or do you sometimes run both times easy?


        MTA: Run commute day, which is by definition a double, but is not difficult.


        The way I'm scheduling it, one will be a longer and more miles and/or Q, and one easy and less miles(4-5). Trying Mon, Wed, Fri, (eventually) for the doubles. (8 mile hilly single track trail, 8+V02Max, 12-14 LR alt. LR+Tempo or cruise miles, will be the three Q) I'm a 5 day a week runner, so to get more miles I will have to do doubles. Could do double digit single runs, but they wear me out too much-already tried that.


        I take the weekend off running, but walk a lot at work and do a lot of lifting. It seems to help any nagging injuries to heal up-taking two off in a row every week, and I'm just too pooped to run after walking all day- at least now, me being 57 and all.


        LM: Nice work!


        Onemile: Good luck!


        Oh, I got 6.


          lat, long pull, seated leg press.

          Today was supposed to be the real stair day but the fire alarm went off in my 2nd lap. I kept going for a while but after they started making announcements, I stopped 3/4 into it. It still was over 100 flights of stairs so no one is going to call me lazy other than me.


          Damn fire alarm. Was it really because of a fire? Or was it a drill? Do buildings have drills? You can tell I'm a parent--we have drills all the time.


          Former Bad Ass


            It shows the Space Coast start temp as 72-75 the past three years, so that is what I am bracing for.  But hopefully we'll get "lucky" and the starting temp will be more like 62 like it was in 2013.   I think being an afternoon runner and having a late summer this year will both help me.  I am not that far removed from hot running.


            Yeap.  Starting temps for the full have been that.  And the year it was 62F it warmed up fast, like only FL can.  Expect the worse and maybe we can get the best?



              Intervals make me laugh, the first one I keep having to slow down because my pace is too fast, and I get all cocky about how I'm KILLING this workout, it's soooo easy.  And then the second one is not too bad, I'm strong, I totes got this, and then...  The third one is torture, I'm bargaining with the Lord, wondering if I'm going to puke or if I can keep this up, doing math to figure out just how much longer this torture is going to last, and checking my watch every 20 steps.


              I usually find the first one as hard or harder than the last one.




                Speed day this morning. 2 warm up, 3x 1 mile intervals @ 10K pace, 2:20 recoveries, 2.25 miles cool down, 8 total.


                Intervals make me laugh, the first one I keep having to slow down because my pace is too fast, and I get all cocky about how I'm KILLING this workout, it's soooo easy.  And then the second one is not too bad, I'm strong, I totes got this, and then...  The third one is torture, I'm bargaining with the Lord, wondering if I'm going to puke or if I can keep this up, doing math to figure out just how much longer this torture is going to last, and checking my watch every 20 steps.


                As I understand it, this is, in fact, the proper way to do intervals.  G-d I love this sport.


                Yep. +1.


                I ran 6, easy, on the TM. Breaking Bad is just so good!



                  3 x 1 mile intervals @ 10K pace, 2:20 recoveries


                  Onemile is trying to convince me do 6 of these.  Last weekend I talked her down to 8 x 1k, and maybe this weekend I will work up to 5 x 1 mile.




                    I usually find the first one as hard or harder than the last one.


                    +1. Well not necessarily harder to do, but always ends up the slowest.




                      Breaking Bad is just so good!


                      Greatest series in the history of television. Until recently surpassed by its prequel, Better Call Saul. Your first time, or are you re-watching?




                        Onemile is trying to convince me do 6 of these.  Last weekend I talked her down to 8 x 1k, and maybe this weekend I will work up to 5 x 1 mile.


                        I'd never ask you to do something I haven't already done myself 


                          I usually find the first one as hard or harder than the last one.


                          I would probably agree under flat circumstances, but my first one of this set started on a pretty noticeable downhill stretch of the route (42 foot loss in 1/2 mile). I climbed back up 23, but wasn't gassed at that point by any means.  Second was mostly flat, with a bit of loss--25 feet.  The third was entirely uphill.  Not steep-steep (47 feet gained), but I was working my butt off to stay at pace by that point.


                          I do shorter intervals on a flat stretch of road to eliminate the elevation factor, but for miles, I just work them into one of my usual routes.


                          ROS, you get me Wink  I tried BB, watched the first season, but it was too depressing for me.  I like fluff TV, lol.



                            I'd never ask you to do something I haven't already done myself 


                            Sure, once you have put yourself through a hellish workout like that, you want everyone else to share the misery.




                              Greatest series in the history of television. Until recently surpassed by its prequel, Better Call Saul. Your first time, or are you re-watching?


                              1st time! I've been slow to hop on the bandwagon.


                                I also find the 1st rep to be excruciating. And the 2nd one I'm always like, "I could do this all DAY!" Last one though, I'm dying. Seriously contemplating not completing the workout at all.