Beginners and Beyond

2018: Fancy seeing you here (Read 71 times)


    I would like a BQ -5 in May. And some PRs and staying healthy and not injured would be nice


      I’d like to keep my Achilles injury manageable so I can still run. That’s 1st.


      Second, I want some PR’s. And the ability to build and maintain a decent base. 1:55Tight lippedx HM, and PR a FM (current PR is 4:23). Still have fun. Still improve. Maintain health, increase fitness.

        2018 Here we go...


        Would love a sub 18


        Get my HM down to 1:23- 22


        Race some different distances and race more in general

        PRs:----- 5k: 17:48 (2019)   5M: 29:36 (2020)    HM: 1:24:37 (2017) Scheduled: ???


          1. I haven't raced middle distance since 2014, which is completely insane. I am not throwing any time goals out there, just a goal to be out there.
          2. Run a 1:28 half marathon (still!), even though technically, 1:32 will be my new NYC qualifying time later this spring.
          3. PR the mile, which is borderline laughable at this point, but so was the thought once of me ever taking up this ridiculous hobby in the first place.

          In all actuality, these goals are intertwined. So if one falls, all fall.


          I'm going to add running a trail race to this list. Nothing too wild just a 10 to 15k if they even make those.


          I had my first trail run in July of 2016 and thoroughly enjoyed it. I never thought I would but I did. It was different. I would love to race one.



            I'm going to add running a trail race to this list. Nothing too wild just a 10 to 15k if they even make those.


            I had my first trail run in July of 2016 and thoroughly enjoyed it. I never thought I would but I did. It was different. I would love to race one.


            Oh yeah, they make them.  I only race 10-13 K. It depends on the RD, many times the shorter races are going on while the long races are, at least the ones I did.




              I'm going to add running a trail race to this list. Nothing too wild just a 10 to 15k if they even make those.


              I had my first trail run in July of 2016 and thoroughly enjoyed it. I never thought I would but I did. It was different. I would love to race one.

              I feel like I would fall on my ass. Or more likely my knee. And bleed all over.


              delicate flower

                1. I haven't raced middle distance since 2014, which is completely insane. I am not throwing any time goals out there, just a goal to be out there.
                2. Run a 1:28 half marathon (still!), even though technically, 1:32 will be my new NYC qualifying time later this spring.
                3. PR the mile, which is borderline laughable at this point, but so was the thought once of me ever taking up this ridiculous hobby in the first place.

                In all actuality, these goals are intertwined. So if one falls, all fall.


                MTA: Race a trail event.


                We all want fast and spry LRB to return, and get rid of old and broken LRB.



                  I feel like I would fall on my ass. Or more likely my knee. And bleed all over.


                  Yeah that's my aversion. Obviously.




                    We all want fast and spry LRB to return, and get rid of old and broken LRB.


                    Word. I miss that guy. Though probably not as much as he does.




                      We all want fast and spry LRB to return, and get rid of old and broken LRB.

                      Yes we do!


                        Well, I did challenge a dude driving a golf cart to a race during a run back in July. 


                        I lost my rama

                          LRB - Would a spring Half NYC qualifier get you in this year?  Or for 2019?  And old and broken, you're still faster than my ass.  Trails can be addictive... be careful!


                          Docket - Your running has been on fire... find a fast race in good (cool) weather and you'll crush your PR this year.


                          OFR - Goals 1 - 3 you'll probably do in your sleep.  #4 (first part), I'm still holding judgement... you know what they say about old dogs. 


                          Cyberic - Keep logging those monster miles and those PR's will fall like dominoes.  But why stop at 50K?


                          Dave - Hope you get your body back in order.  Keep that mileage streak up.  Is Boston this year or next?


                          bread - Aren't you running a million mile race or something like that this year?


                          Baboon - I'm in total awe for anyone who does the Ironman.  That's awesome!  Do you have one signed up this year?


                          blue - I really don't want your head to explode.  You live too close to me and I don't want to get hurt.  Go rock Boston!


                          Quickadder - Someone once said it's a dirty little secret, but a 50K is easier than a marathon.  Go grab that ultra...  As OFR said, you can do it in your sleep.


                          Ginny - Come join me on the dark side.  Long distances on trails and hills don't tear up your body like marathons.  You can still be competitive... just among your fellow racers... time is not relevant.


                          ROS - Hope you can keep that Achilles at bay.  Just easy mileage at high volume will get you 90% there to another PR.  Good luck.


                          Jay - You're freakin' fast!  My apologizes if I'm one of those slower runners who throws a snot rocket in your path (not intentional!  ...not really ...ok, really)


                          onemile and Dave - Re: trail running... it's all fun and games until someone gets hurt... then it's just fun.  Go for it!



                          I haven't really solidified goals for this year.  I guess stay healthy enough to run first.  Second, run a 50 miler, and I know it sounds weird, but 50 doesn't really sound too challenging to me (I may eat those words at mile 40).  Third, maybe something longer...  We'll see.

                          3/17 - NYC Half

                          4/28 - Big Sur Marathon  DNS

                          6/29 - Forbidden Forest 30 Hour

                          8/29 - A Race for the Ages - will be given 47 hours


                          Are we there, yet?


                            I'm going to add running a trail race to this list. Nothing too wild just a 10 to 15k if they even make those.


                            I had my first trail run in July of 2016 and thoroughly enjoyed it. I never thought I would but I did. It was different. I would love to race one.


                            Lots in my area, SW PA, ranging from 5K to 12 hours. Try Running in the USA where you can specify trail races only and distance as well as general location and time frame.

                             2024 Races:

                                  03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                                  05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                                  06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.






                              We all want fast and spry LRB to return, and get rid of old and broken LRB.


                              Yeah, is that you in that profile picture LRB? That guy looks pretty fast!


                                LRB - Would a spring Half NYC qualifier get you in this year?  Or for 2019? 


                                I have no idea, and would be lying if I said I've given that a single thought. I just want to get back to road racing, really. The ancillary stuff will come if I can do that. Maybe.