Beginners and Beyond


MonDAILIES (Read 40 times)


    Apparently it rained like hell overnight but I didn't hear a thing.


    I've been battling a virus since Friday night but it doesn't seem as if it's a full blown cold or flu. We'll see how today goes.




      Run commute day. We'll get the rain starting this evening. Freezing rain here, of course 


        Going to get my knee checked out - it hasn't felt right for a few weeks now.


        I brought my run stuff to run home - keep your fingers crossed for me.


        delicate flower

          Happy Monday!  It is a swim/run day.  3000 yard swim done before work.  I swam mostly easy, and even my harder efforts were not that hard.  It always feels so nice to swim easy.  My plan called for 2300 yards but I did extra because I had the time.  Extra easy swimming and biking is always allowed, per Coach.


          I walked into my 9:30 meeting five minutes late and there was nobody there, so I went back to my desk.  Score.



            No, I haven't been taking rest days. I've just been taking rest from posting here days Smile

            Friday my 7:30 meeting messed me up so I did a weird bike/stair hybrid. Saturday I ran 5 miles, walked a few blocks, and then ran 1.5 miles, Sunday I did my usual Monday lifting and rode the exercise bike. Today I did a tiny bit of lifting and rode again. Final early meeting is tomorrow so hopefully back to normal routine after that.


            Former Bad Ass

              Morning!  I am at the office shutting down.  Thought I could do a double run today but apparently not meant to be.  5 with 6 X 100m and weights later.



                SRD again. Legs feeling ok but just not very fresh. 6 days after the marathon I realize I have a blister UNDER one of my toenails. The last few days have not been pretty. It even made my RN husband a bit squeamish

                Half Crazy K 2.0

                  SRD again. Legs feeling ok but just not very fresh. 6 days after the marathon I realize I have a blister UNDER one of my toenails. The last few days have not been pretty. It even made my RN husband a bit squeamish


                  I had 3 of those after my full. Taking a pin to them was such a relief.



                    I had 3 of those after my full. Taking a pin to them was such a relief.


                    Yep. I get these regularly (if I am running high mileage / long races). It feels so much better once the pressure is gone


                      I had 3 of those after my full. Taking a pin to them was such a relief.




                      It was the only time I can ever recall looking forward to being stuck with a needle! In fact, after the first one, I just started sticking each toe randomly. lol


                        Never had that (blisters under toe nails). Never lost a toe nail either. Never had a black toe nail. From running, I mean.

                        Weird. I'm happy to be different in that case Smile


                        I lost my rama

                          Never had that (blisters under toe nails). Never lost a toe nail either. Never had a black toe nail. From running, I mean.

                          Weird. I'm happy to be different in that case Smile


                          Me neither!  And I'd like to keep it that way (knock on wood).  Those thoughts give me the willies.


                          Short recovery run tonight, if I don't catch a bout of laziness.

                          3/17 - NYC Half

                          4/28 - Big Sur Marathon  DNS

                          6/29 - Forbidden Forest 30 Hour

                          8/29 - A Race for the Ages - will be given 47 hours



                            I had 3 of those after my full. Taking a pin to them was such a relief.


                            Did you lose any of those nails?


                            I initially cut the toenail shorter and in the process it tore open the blister. It's been oozing ever since. The pressure is gone but now hurts like an open wound. Living in perpetual flip flop weather, this is requiring some creative bandaging.


                              Did you lose any of those nails?


                              I initially cut the toenail shorter and in the process it tore open the blister. It's been oozing ever since. The pressure is gone but now hurts like an open wound. Living in perpetual flip flop weather, this is requiring some creative bandaging.


                              They didn't occur all at the same time, but I eventually lost every nail that had a blister (5 total between both feet I think). I hadn't had a blister or black toenail either up until that one race. I always called my toenails ginsu blades. lol



                                Did you lose any of those nails?


                                I initially cut the toenail shorter and in the process it tore open the blister. It's been oozing ever since. The pressure is gone but now hurts like an open wound. Living in perpetual flip flop weather, this is requiring some creative bandaging.


                                When the blister forms under the nail, it basically detaches the nail from the bed and that means it's pretty much dead 
