Beginners and Beyond

WednesDAILIES: If load load created the problem, load will solve it (Read 36 times)




    I saw that this morning on the 'Gram. Premise being, rest and PT will only get you so far. At some point, you gotta get back at it. That's what I've been doing with my blown out ass cheek, and while it's only marginally better, running hasn't made it worse. Word.


      I ran 7 on the bedreaded. I'm in full acceptance mode so the miles flew by. If there is such a thing.


      delicate flower



        Hello, friend.  And friends.



        A snowflake fell last night, so of course the pool opens late, because that's how they roll.  LAZY BASTARDS.  Since I was getting up anyway and I don't like hard workouts in the morning, I waddled my fat ass to the gym and did five easy miles on the belt of shame.  I'll do the hard bike workout after work.



          At my desk, reading about clementines' vitamin C contents (while eating a clementine) and how it helps your body absorb the iron runners need in greater quantities than the general population.

          Oh, that's right, that's not what my boss pays me for. 


          Beautiful commute this morning in a city slowed down by a good snow fall all night long (and still going on). I told three people that they're dumping their snow right on the sidewalks, one of them answered so I stopped and talked to him a bit. All good. I was in a good mood so no sparks means no explosion. Then a few words to a mister pulling his daughter in a sled, a hi to the little girl, then helped a lady step over a snow bank, cross the street, and hop over the snow bank on the other side, saluted one run commuter I crossed, smiled to the cyclists. A commute that put me in a very good mood.



            I got up at like 4:06 

            Freaking legs were frozen stiff and heavy as lead, they just didn't want to move.... I was tempted to do just 6 or 7 miles but went ahead and did my 9.1.

            Question: Should I foam roll first or do my yoga stretches first?

            *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


            5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

            10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

            15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

            13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

             26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)



              Good morning!


              I ran 10 miles with a clear sky and lots of stars.  I liked it.


              Have a great day!

              Runner with a riding problem.


                the belt of shame. 


                it's shameful to run on the TM now? 


                  my blown out ass cheek, and while it's only marginally better, running hasn't made it worse. Word.




                    Beautiful commute this morning in a city slowed down by a good snow fall all night long (and still going on). I told three people that they're dumping their snow right on the sidewalks, one of them answered so I stopped and talked to him a bit. All good. I was in a good mood so no sparks means no explosion. Then a few words to a mister pulling his daughter in a sled, a hi to the little girl, then helped a lady step over a snow bank, cross the street, and hop over the snow bank on the other side, saluted one run commuter I crossed, smiled to the cyclists. A commute that put me in a very good mood.


                    I'm gonna channel your attitude for my run today


                    Former Bad Ass


                      it's shameful to run on the TM now? 


                      I'm shameless then!


                      I have 6 with strides tonight.  I was going to lift yesterday but then Pilates was all planks and pushups so I felt like I had already lifted, so I passed.



                      delicate flower




                          he should be cooking dinner with the right paw at the same time



                            Former Bad Ass


                              he should be cooking dinner with the right paw at the same time






                                Yes. I haven't felt the shooting pain down the back of my leg but I have a hip-groin-glute thing going on, a remedy of which thus far has escaped me. I would love to get that rectified before spring but I'm at a loss on how to proceed. Maybe I'll go visit my sports doc. I haven't been in to see her since my DNF at the monumental.