Beginners and Beyond


TuesDAILIES Trek into Darkness (Read 38 times)

From the Internet.

    Hi friends. I'm still alive, just not particularly happy or healthy. I haven't run since Saturday and I have a weird lump on my left foot (looks/feels like extensor tendonitis, doesn't hurt as long as my shoes are laced carefully). And my goddamn ancient watch won't connect to satellites. I would take that as a sign that I need a new watch, but alas, bills, and the pets are due for their yearly rabies vaccines so that takes precedence. I haven't run more than 4 miles in like a month because that's when I start to get hints that if I push any farther my bad calf will start to lock up again. Running sucks and being an adult sucks.



      This is the 3rd week of an intense hill interval training session:

      So since Sunday the 10th - I have been running.


      S: Hill Repeat with Coach

      M: AM recovery - PM Hill repeats (vary distances)

      T: AM recovery - PM Hill repeats (vary distances)

      W: AM recovery - PM Hill repeats (vary distances)

      T: AM recovery - PM Hill repeats (vary distances)

      F: AM recovery - PM Hill repeats (vary distances)

      S: AM 6 miles easy

      S: Long run

      MPW: 70


      M: AM recovery - PM Hill repeats (vary distances)

      T: AM recovery - PM Hill repeats (vary distances)

      W: AM recovery bike - PM Hill repeats (vary distances)

      T: AM recovery bike - PM Hill repeats (vary distances)

      F: AM recovery bike- PM Hill repeats (vary distances)

      S: AM 4 miles easy

      S: Half Marathon

      MPW: 58+32 on bike


      M: AM recovery - PM Hill repeats (vary distances)

      T: AM recovery - PM Hill repeats (vary distances)


      (to be continued to at least this coming Sunday)


      Why so many hill repeats?


        Hi friends. I'm still alive, just not particularly happy or healthy. I haven't run since Saturday and I have a weird lump on my left foot (looks/feels like extensor tendonitis, doesn't hurt as long as my shoes are laced carefully). And my goddamn ancient watch won't connect to satellites. I would take that as a sign that I need a new watch, but alas, bills, and the pets are due for their yearly rabies vaccines so that takes precedence. I haven't run more than 4 miles in like a month because that's when I start to get hints that if I push any farther my bad calf will start to lock up again. Running sucks and being an adult sucks.




        Adulting is defīnitly not for the fain of heart, ffs.


        Get better!


        Are we there, yet?


          I ran my first marathon with two watches because I was so afraid of that.


          What's the big deal? I ran my first marathon with a cheap Timex analog watch. Besides there were no mile markers or digital clocks either. When you get to the finish line you're done.

           2024 Races:

                03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.




          Slymoon Runs

          race obsessed

            So every week day is a workout, + a long run on Sunday (if you're not racing). I'm a slacker compared to that.


            It isn't fair to compare.  We are different with different bodies, plans, goals, time available etc.   I'm a slacker compared to some of my contemporaries - but same reason I can't compare.


            And I can guarantee you, I would not have been able to do this workload 4 months ago or last year.  It is one of the beauties to having a coach.





            Why so many hill repeats?


            Strength & training the system to buffer and utilize lactate.




            Happened upon this right after I posted - related closely to what / why I am doing what i am doing.



            delicate flower

              4 miles at 8:04 pace and I am not sure I could have gone much harder.  My thighs are killing me since the 10K.  How long does it take to recover from that ffs?  Couldn't even get my heart rate up today.  Tomorrow's tempo ought to be a belly of laughs.


              Slymoon Runs

              race obsessed

                4 miles at 8:04 pace and I am not sure I could have gone much harder.  My thighs are killing me since the 10K.  How long does it take to recover from that ffs?  Couldn't even get my heart rate up today.  Tomorrow's tempo ought to be a belly of laughs.


                Hah!  I hear you!


                However, after a hard workout / race - getting my HR up isn't a problem.  Its the increased heart rate, respiration and effort mixed with low performance that I get.


                  A really nice person at my work who took a promotion to another department got fired last night, two days days before her probation was up. The reason? Nothing specific was given, it was at her manager's discretion. Welp, it turns out the probationary period is 180 days according to the language in the contract, not 6 months (apparently there is a difference). She was at 183 days so she'll be back tomorrow!


                    Fever came back 4 hours later. This sucks. I better not have the zika virus or something.

                    Yikes. Feel better!


                    5 scheduled for later at the gym.

                    Half Crazy K 2.0

                      I actually left the house for the first time since Friday. DH's truck has been in the shop & they finally finished it. I usually run near the shop. Not gonna be happening any time soon, the sidewalks are totally covered. The roads are cleared to be passable only. The main road, US route 1, is usually 2 lanes each direction. It is only 1 lane each direction. Off work again tomorrow, not sure schools are gonna this week, but if that happens, I'll go in Friday since this will use up all my snow days for the year.


                      Lauren, hope the leg feels better.


                      LRB, awkward.


                         She was at 183 days so she'll be back tomorrow!


                        Good for her!


                        Super B****

                          A really nice person at my work who took a promotion to another department got fired last night, two days days before her probation was up. The reason? Nothing specific was given, it was at her manager's discretion. Welp, it turns out the probationary period is 180 days according to the language in the contract, not 6 months (apparently there is a difference). She was at 183 days so she'll be back tomorrow!




                          I want to go swimming. 

                          chasing the impossible


                          because i never shut up ... i blog




                            Like a mother fucker! The whole joint was up in arms. Then, just like that the whole joint celebrated. It was wonderful. Idiot.


                            Not you idiot, him.


                            Boo. When was the last time you missed a swimming session?


                            Super B****


                              Like a mother fucker! The whole joint was up in arms. Then, just like that the whole joint celebrated. It was wonderful. Idiot.


                              Not you idiot, him.


                              Boo. When was the last time you missed a swimming session?


                              Now he should be fired to bring this full circle!


                              Last month.  My nephew had the nerve to get married.

                              chasing the impossible


                              because i never shut up ... i blog


                                Now he should be fired to bring this full circle!


                                Last month.  My nephew had the nerve to get married.


                                Or publicly flogged.


                                The manager, not your nephew.
