Beginners and Beyond


Daily Hydration Requirements (Read 118 times)



    Each one is a marathon session too. Sometimes two or three people will come and go while I'm standing there.  It's hilarious!


     Like this?

    Do you even run?


       Like this?

      When in the hell is the fourth movie coming out?  He cracks me up!



        Each one is a marathon session too. Sometimes two or three people will come and go while I'm standing there.  It's hilarious!


        Possibly more like this. 


          I drink a pint after arising, a pint before bed, and throughout the day. Not counting what I consume after a caffeinated or alcoholic beverage, or during exercise, I drink about a gallon per day.



            Possibly more like this. 


            Oh, I forgot about that one.  Love that movie!

            Do you even run?

            YAYpril - B-Plus

              I drink a lot of water, too. I have a desk job and I'm a few steps from the kitchen in my office. Like LRB, my weight can fluctuate up to 4 pounds in a day. I figure I carry a lot of water weight, but I sweat a lot when running so it evens out.


              Trust Me, Im an Engineer

                If (thirsty)

                then drink;


                LOVE THIS! Programmers FTW!!

                Not all those who wander are lost - JRR Tolkien



                Drink up moho's!!

                  Coffee, diet coke, 7-up, currently whiskey are my hydration methods of choice.  Occasionally some regular water as well.  Sometimes milk and or juices as well.

                    Today I drank:



                    diet dr pepper

                    seltzer water

                    iced coffee


                    blue point beer

                    21st amendment beer

                    coke zero and makers mark



                    the end

                    Come all you no-hopers, you jokers and rogues
                    We're on the road to nowhere, let's find out where it goes

                      Yep, this is me. It's just so convenient!


                      I drink a lot of water, too. I have a desk job and I'm a few steps from the kitchen in my office. Like LRB, my weight can fluctuate up to 4 pounds in a day. I figure I carry a lot of water weight, but I sweat a lot when running so it evens out.

                      They'll tell you that failure is not an option.  That's ridiculous.  Failure is always an option.  It is the easiest and most readily available option.  It's your choice though.


                      Are we there, yet?

                        Well (deep subject) there's really no scientific support for the 8 8 oz glasses a day.  There's also a difference between the amount of water a person needs on a daily basis and the amount they have to drink to meet that need. You also get water from fruits and vegatables that you eat as well as water being one of the substances produced when the body breaks down carbs to CO2 and that dastardly molecule, dihydrogen monoxide.

                         2024 Races:

                              03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                              05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                              06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.




                          Coffee and tea are diuretics and don't count as hydration. They almost have the opposite effect.

                          PR's : HM 1:51:15  -  5K 21:27




                            Coffee and tea are diuretics and don't count as hydration. They almost have the opposite effect.


                            I had this discussion with my sister not too long ago, so we put google to work.


                            Mayo Clinic:



                            Coffee and tea are positive water sources, that is, they hydrate you.


                            delicate flower

                              I estimate I take in over 200 ounces of liquids daily.  One or two large cups of coffee, plus a couple glasses of Diet Sprite when I get home.  I have a 20oz water bottle at my office desk that I fill 4-5 times during the day.


                              I pee a lot.




                                Coffee and tea are positive water sources, that is, they hydrate you.


                                Ten or 15 years ago RW mag had an article on this and came to the same conclusions as what you've cited.  Caffeine in coffee, tea, or soda does not reverse the hydration effect of the water in it.


                                I drink gallons of liquid a day, always have.  I know where the bathroom is in every building I've ever been in.


                                I'll get completely off of caffeine for awhile, drinking only water, but then my caffeine lust will creep back and I'll be getting three 64 oz refills of Diet Coke a day.
