Beginners and Beyond

Marathon SunDAILIES is finally here (Read 46 times)



    Coach says BQ is still doable.  I have my doubts, but it was good to hear and he usually doesn't say stuff like that.


    Coach knows best! Well actually we know best. And we say the BQ is yours. I'm gonna go ahead and declare it unanimous.



    Former Bad Ass


      No, it just means that I emptied the tank today...either that or it sprang a leak. lol


      It's weird to say but I feel like I ran a marathon FFS.

      Me too, FFS.



      delicate flower


        You were so close last time that it is worth trying.  I think you have had some tough running conditions this summer (like many of us) and you are probably fitter than you think.


        I'd be happy going into this marathon in the same shape I was in last time.  I'd be willing to bank on having a better race day, with no stomach problems and no headwind the last 10K.



          Results are up.  Looks like I was 1st in my AG (of 252) - the third OA woman was a full minute ahead of me.  About 2 miles to the finish someone told me that I could catch the 3rd place lady and that she was only a little bit ahead but at no point could I even see her.





              Were you timed by an atomic clock? Smile


              Nice race!!


              5k - 20:51 - 9/5/15

              10k - 47:00 - 5/25/15

              15k - 1:10:19 - 11/21/15

              13.1 - 1:42:25- 4/25/15

              26.2 - TBD (someday)


                Results are up.  Looks like I was 1st in my AG (of 252)


                I've never done that in a half marathon!



                  I've never done that in a half marathon!


                  I actually did last year at this same event.  4th OA is my best so far though! I was 5th overall at my spring half last year which was pretty fun.


                  As one of the few females in a group of guys you get a lot of encouragement. So many said good job to me as I passed them. One guy was like ' I knew you'd be back - when I repassed him later in the race).  Smile


                  delicate flower

                    Results are up.  Looks like I was 1st in my AG (of 252) - the third OA woman was a full minute ahead of me.  About 2 miles to the finish someone told me that I could catch the 3rd place lady and that she was only a little bit ahead but at no point could I even see her.


                    Holy crap!



                    Are we there, yet?

                      Will write full report asap. Had some spells when I had  to take extended breaks, so I missed my mileage goal, but I stayed in the race all the way to the end. Unofficially about 58 miles, about a 5.5 mile PB.

                       2024 Races:

                            03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                            05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                            06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





                        ...about a 5.5 mile PB.




                          Will write full report asap. Had some spells when I had  to take extended breaks, so I missed my mileage goal, but I stayed in the race all the way to the end. Unofficially about 58 miles, about a 5.5 mile PB.

                          Very impressive performance.


                          Hip Redux

                            Congrats to the racers today!!


                            LRB - your half time was my 10K time from yesterday LMAO.


                            I spent the morning at a bird festival.  The golden eagle was seriously BAD ASS.



                              LRB - your half time was my 10K time from yesterday LMAO.


                              You're funny!


                              Awesome shot!


                              Former Bad Ass

                                Nice, onemile!
