Beginners and Beyond


Rant On it’s FriDAILIES! (Read 32 times)





    They brought a pinata today with my boss’ face on it and are taking swings at it. I, of course, broke the stick.


    MTA, and they just made one more meeting and they surprised me with the 10 year pin and certificate.  The government was only delayed 8 months this time (I received my 5 year pin on year 6-7).


    At least you can't blame the government for their inefficiency.    #sarcasm  Congrats on your pin and certificate!

    Baboon, I'm sure you'll kick ass. It'll be awesome hearing how you do.

      "They brought a pinata today with my boss’ face on it and are taking swings at it. I, of course, broke the stick."  Hahahahahaha!  That's awesome.


      LRB, you and me man, same deal.  I'd rather wait at the gate for an hour than be freaking out that I'm going to miss something or be held up for some bullshit thing in security without a cushion.  Last year I was flying out of Houston, I gave myself a two hour cushion.  I barely made the flight.  Like ran up to the gate and they 'bout hit my ass closing the door.  I don't need an MI.


      DavePChocoholocoffeeman, Zyrtec has changed my life.  Costco sells it's brand in a 365 tablet bottle, I buy one every year and I don't suffer much.  When it gets super bad, I add the Singulair and it takes a couple days, but that usually fixes things.  Although last fall it still wasn't enough, so I gave up and willingly became comatose for a few days on Benedryl, while dumping all the eye drops into my eyes at every opportunity.  And I so agree, milk chocolate is an unnecessary thing, it has no purpose other than as frosting on cake.


      5 easy this morning with dogbreath.  Went to a thing at my kids' school for mothers' day, it was cute but not overly long and not annoyingly precious.  Daughter asked very nicely on the way home, "If it's not too much trouble, and I really don't want to bother you or stress you out, but could we stop and get cucumbers and tomatoes for salad?"  Based on the preamble, I was expecting "Can we stop at Disneyland?"  I love that kid, she has my exact pallet and hates theme parks.  Parenting WIN.


      Cy, I hit the jackpot with my in-laws.  They are the best.  My MIL gave me a snickers and a bottle of Starbucks Frappachino every damn day for a year when I'd drop off the baby with her to go to work.  She's never said anything mean or negative to me, but she knows the difference of when to worry and when someone is healthy looking.  She wasn't pushy, just really really sweet.  The first couple times I was like, no, don't worry!  Her response, "You are so busy, you don't have time to make bfast, it's the least I can do."  Which we both knew was BS, she was concerned, but she wasn't a dick about it, and that's why I love her.  She's like that with everything.


      Have an awesome weekend!  PR, enjoy the century ride with strangers, but make your wife track your phone just in case.  Stay sexy, don't get murdered.


        Zyrtec has changed my life.  Costco sells it's brand in a 365 tablet bottle, I buy one every year and I don't suffer much.  When it gets super bad, I add the Singulair and it takes a couple days, but that usually fixes things.  Although last fall it still wasn't enough, so I gave up and willingly became comatose for a few days on Benedryl, while dumping all the eye drops into my eyes at every opportunity.


        For realz. Why did no one tell me. For my whole life I've been saying allergy meds are useless, because I've only taken them when an attack has already started. Sadly there is no allergy version of an albuterol inhaler. (Except maybe the coma-inducing ones like Benadryl and Nyquil/Alka-Seltzer, which are still staples on our shelf). You've just got to take the stuff every single day of your life. So worth it. There's a whole long story about how I got to taking both Zyrtec and Singulair, but now I'm afraid to mess with a good thing. And TBH, the generic prescription Singulair is cheaper than OTC Zyrtec, which as noted can be purchased in bulk. My son has sadly inherited my asthma & allergies. Some people bring their kids care packages of cookies and whatnot - when we visited him in Eugene a couple weeks ago, we brought the best gift of all, a giant bottle of Zyrtec.


        Half Crazy K 2.0

          7.8 miles with 12 x 1:30 hard, 1 minute recover.


          Do you all take Zyrtec in the am or pm? I tried it once and felt like a zombie.


            Also, since we are such a sharing bunch, I finally broke down and had a colonoscopy this morning. It only took me 3 years to get around to scheduling it. Better late than never. The whole experience was pretty much as everyone had told me it would be - the before (I am so, so glad to be done with that part), the during, and the after. So that's checked off the list for another several years.




              Do you all take Zyrtec in the am or pm? I tried it once and felt like a zombie.


              I have never had it affect me in any way. I take it at dinnertime, for really no good reason.



              Former Bad Ass

                7.8 miles with 12 x 1:30 hard, 1 minute recover.


                Do you all take Zyrtec in the am or pm? I tried it once and felt like a zombie.


                I used to take it in the AM and never felt like a zombie.  Finally dropped Zyrtec almost two years ago and I took it one time and felt like a zombie as well.  You don't figure this out when you are taking it daily but now that I'm not used to it, it's horrible.



                  Also, since we are such a sharing bunch, I finally broke down and had a colonoscopy this morning. It only took me 3 years to get around to scheduling it. Better late than never. The whole experience was pretty much as everyone had told me it would be - the before (I am so, so glad to be done with that part), the during, and the after. So that's checked off the list for another several years.

                  Good for you! My dad had colon cancer a few years ago. If he had the colonoscopy as recommended, he probably would have avoided a terrible 2 years of his life.


                    Wow.  We went from dissing milk chocolate to colonoscopies.  There's gotta be a connection there.


                    This was teacher appreciation week which means goodies, and lots of them.  I was very careful.  Very careful.  I skipped the delicious looking cinnamon rolls and the soft tacos.  I didn't pay any attention to the gorgeous breakfast.  But today was death by chocolate day and I...  well, I just couldn't hold out any longer and finally succumbed to the temptation. 


                    Everything was fantastic.  Specially the milk chocolate.


                    8.45 on the road and trail to the bay.


                      Wow.  We went from dissing milk chocolate to colonoscopies.  There's gotta be a connection there.


                      This was teacher appreciation week which means goodies, and lots of them.  I was very careful.  Very careful.  I skipped the delicious looking cinnamon rolls and the soft tacos.  I didn't pay any attention to the gorgeous breakfast.  But today was death by chocolate day and I...  well, I just couldn't hold out any longer and finally succumbed to the temptation. 


                      Everything was fantastic.  Specially the milk chocolate.


                      8.45 on the road and trail to the bay.


                      I also don’t discriminate with the chocolates. Yum!


                      DaveP, as Whiskers cheered, I will too. My Grandpa had colon cancer and it’s nothing to mess around around with!
