Beginners and Beyond


TuesDAILIES: Question of The Day (Read 39 times)


    How is it that on a 3 mile out and back, 6 total (parts of which were run north, west, south and east), I ran directly into the wind for 90% of it?


    It's because Winter's an ass hole, that's how. 


    I am dreading going out in the cold and wind today


    I lost my rama


      I am dreading going out in the cold and wind today


      I have found going into the woods on trail helps.  Or use the windy day for a harder run.  Nothing easy about being blown backwards anyway.

      3/17 - NYC Half

      4/28 - Big Sur Marathon  DNS

      6/29 - Forbidden Forest 30 Hour

      8/29 - A Race for the Ages - will be given 47 hours


        I am very glad that today is a rest day. It is snowing hard and really blowing. Forecast is for a foot of snow today and tomorrow - biggest storm this year.



          I have found going into the woods on trail helps.  Or use the windy day for a harder run.  Nothing easy about being blown backwards anyway.


          I run along Lake Michigan 


            I have 10 to do with some tempo miles. It's windy and cold and stupid out. Not looking forward to it


            Waltons ThreadLord

              I managed to get six done this morning.  The snow is supposed to start this evening (with sleet and freezing rain at first), and go all day tomorrow.   I don't mind the occasional snow so much as this whole winter has been unusually cold and, not being used to it, I'm getting tired of running in cold, windy weather.  By now I should be able to run in 40-degree temps.

              5k 23:48.45 (3/22); 4M 31:26 (2/22); 5M 38:55 (11/23); 10k 49:24 (10/22); 
              10M 1:29:33 (2/24); Half 1:48:32 (10/22); Marathon 4:29:58 (11/23)

              Upcoming races: Scotch Plains 5k, 6/12; Firecracker 4-miler, 7/4



              I lost my rama


                I run along Lake Michigan 


                Doh!  I've got nothing for you then.  Sorry.

                3/17 - NYC Half

                4/28 - Big Sur Marathon  DNS

                6/29 - Forbidden Forest 30 Hour

                8/29 - A Race for the Ages - will be given 47 hours



                  Doh!  I've got nothing for you then.  Sorry.


                  It wasn't too awful. Usually the idea of it is worse than it is.


                    Just left a place where a guy was smoking some type of cigar that stunk (stank? lol). I can still smell that awful thing in my jacket. 👎 👎


                    No one gets to complain about any kind of offensive odor anymore, unless they run a marathon next to a guy who has shit himself.




                      No one gets to complain about any kind of offensive odor anymore, unless they run a marathon next to a guy who has shit himself.


                      LM needs to stalk the race photos of this guy and post them here so we can all shame him publicly


                      delicate flower


                        No one gets to complain about any kind of offensive odor anymore, unless they run a marathon next to a guy who has shit himself.


                        Imagine running next to the guy when he poured water down his legs as LM explained, and have some of the water splash onto you.




                          It wasn't too awful. Usually the idea of it is worse than it is.


                          This. I was really really dreading my run but it wasn't as cold as I thought.


                          I ran 10 with 2 mile w.u, 3 x (1.5 mi @ 7:30, 0.5 mi @ 7:00). other than the first set it felt pretty decent. That first set was all into the obnoxious wind and the first 0.5 mi was also all uphill. 2 mile c.d. For the 6 miles tempo portion my pace was 7:17. My 10K PR pace is 7:16 from November.


                            Imagine running next to the guy when he poured water down his legs as LM explained, and have some of the water splash onto you.


                            Duuuuuude, this is why I freaked the fuck out when he passed so close to me!  I expect a certain amount of discomfort after this thing, but gddammit I did not sign up for E.coli!!!


                            I was kind of hoping he might be someone here so he would know how much he's hated.  Seems not.  I'll try and stalk him, not sure how to do that.  He's not in any of my pictures on Marathon Photo that I see, but I'll look again.  If you want to assist, I'm bib number 14605.  I think the two pictures where I look unhappy might be during the shit phase, but not 100% sure.  LA all looks the same to me.  Dirty and sketch.


                            I ran 0.75 last night!  And didn't die!  We went to an unexpected wedding (sounds weirder than it was), so that was what I had time for and seemed wisely conservative.  I hate myself a little for admitting this, but I've got a streak going, and didn't want to break it.  Normally I would require at least a full mile to count it, but I'll adjust for this week.



                              We went to an unexpected wedding (sounds weirder than it was)


                              My nephew had an unexpected wedding. We weren't invited.  It was actually sort of a thing that irked some people, because no one was really invited; anyone who wasn't in town when it happened didn't get to go. (It was in Las Vegas, where they both grew up, even though they live in Oregon.) Including his grandmother, and a bunch of aunts & uncles. Then literally 24 hrs later, that mass shooting at the country music concert happened there, and no one was pissed off about the wedding anymore.



                                It wasn't too awful. Usually the idea of it is worse than it is.


                                Yeah mine wasn't bad either (25 and 13). Just my fingers were frozen to crap.
