Beginners and Beyond

2018: Fancy seeing you here (Read 71 times)


Super B****

    LRB - Would a spring Half NYC qualifier get you in this year?  Or for 2019?  And old and broken, you're still faster than my ass.  Trails can be addictive... be careful!



    1/1/18-12/31/18 = NYC 2019

    chasing the impossible


    because i never shut up ... i blog


    delicate flower


      onemile and Dave - Re: trail running... it's all fun and games until someone gets hurt... then it's just fun.  Go for it!





      Dave struggles with sidewalks.  Let's not go introducing him to rocks and roots.





        Dave struggles with sidewalks.  Let's not go introducing him to rocks and roots.


        Truth. Hence my earlier comment.



        I lost my rama


          3/17 - NYC Half

          4/28 - Big Sur Marathon  DNS

          6/29 - Forbidden Forest 30 Hour

          8/29 - A Race for the Ages - will be given 47 hours


          Former Bad Ass

            I feel like I would fall on my ass. Or more likely my knee. And bleed all over.


            My first trail HM was like that.  Who knew it was a technical trail?


            Half Crazy K 2.0

              I was fine on the actual trail last year in my trail "half"/12.8 miler. I came very close to wiping out of the sidewalk when I got a stick caught up in my feet. Trails= safe, sidewalks=dangerous.


                I was fine on the actual trail last year in my trail "half"/12.8 miler. I came very close to wiping out of the sidewalk when I got a stick caught up in my feet. Trails= safe, sidewalks=dangerous.


                Half Crazy K 2.0



                  Honestly, I have no idea how it happened, I just had a moment where this stick was between my feet and I though I was going to faceplant. Never had it happen before and never had it happen after.


                  Are we there, yet?

                    I was fine on the actual trail last year in my trail "half"/12.8 miler. I came very close to wiping out of the sidewalk when I got a stick caught up in my feet. Trails= safe, sidewalks=dangerous.


                    I was swallowed by a black hole running on the sidewalk one night.

                     2024 Races:

                          03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                          05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                          06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





                      I'd like to get a sub-5 marathon this year.


                      Every shorter race I have signed up for was because of its proximity to my goal races, so I've always felt anxious to race them well.  Sometimes that resulted in not really paying attention to the race itself or enjoying the experience. Last year I was forced to run a 15k for fun because I was hurt and couldn't race it, and I actually enjoyed myself a lot.  So this year, I'd like to sign up for a few races just because it looks fun and not because it's a measuring tool for my current fitness to get goal race paces.  But I'm competitive with myself so I don't know if I can truly just run for fun in a race environment without trying my hardest.



                        Honestly, I have no idea how it happened, I just had a moment where this stick was between my feet and I though I was going to faceplant. Never had it happen before and never had it happen after.


                        I never step on sticks no more-if I can keep from it. But yeah, if you step on a corner they can pop up.  True story:


                        Was hiking in the woods in Mo. on this trail, and there is always sticks and stuff on the trail. I step on this pretty big one and it felt squishy and moved!  Lol! I jumped straight up in the air like a cat and landed about 3' away! It was a 8' Black snake that was coming out of hibernation, and was sluggish. Non-poison type snake, but still, really creepy feeling.



                          I never step on sticks no more-if I can keep from it. But yeah, if you step on a corner they can pop up.  True story:


                          Was hiking in the woods in Mo. on this trail, and there is always sticks and stuff on the trail. I step on this pretty big one and it felt squishy and moved!  Lol! I jumped straight up in the air like a cat and landed about 3' away! It was a 8' Black BIG MONTY PYTHON HUGE COBRA SNAKE that was coming out of hibernation, and was sluggish. Non-poison type snake, but still, really creepy feeling.


                          I would have freaked.out.


                          I lost my rama

                            OFR - Did it look something like this?  Yeah, that'll get your HR up.


                            3/17 - NYC Half

                            4/28 - Big Sur Marathon  DNS

                            6/29 - Forbidden Forest 30 Hour

                            8/29 - A Race for the Ages - will be given 47 hours

                            Half Crazy K 2.0

                              The good thing about this trail race is it's in February. No snakes in MD this time of year unless we get a fluke warm spell. At the current sub freezing temps, the snakes are staying in their winter dens.



                                I would have freaked.out.

