Beginners and Beyond


Super Bowl Sundailies (Read 33 times)


delicate flower

    Up and at 'em, sports fans!  I've got 12 miles to go run this morning, then it's a quick breakfast with Wife and friend.  Lots of stuff to get done after that.


    Carolina will win big.



      Coffee? Is that you?

      Half Crazy K 2.0

        Just had my coffee and bagel. Now just need to get out the door. It's cold this morning.


        I think Peyton is gonna spend a lot of time tonight curling into the fetal position to avoid being drilled. So yea, I also expect Carolina to win.


        So one weather model shows 6-12 inches of snow for Tuesday. Another shows 1-2 inches, I hope that one is correct.


          I've had my coffee and have done enough stretching to make Jane Fonda proud. Now I'm outta this bitch.

          Half Crazy K 2.0

            Now I'm gonna have Baby got Back stuck in my head for my run.


            Former Bad Ass

              Morning!  I wanted to wake up early to run in nice weather but the coughing kept me in bed.  Round 2 of prednisone.  Might run tonight during the Super Bowl.  The streets should be nice before drunken people come out to drive.



                Now I'm gonna have Baby got Back stuck in my head for my run.





                  Good morning!


                  I ran 6.5 easy miles.  I am glad I have it done for the day.


                  I hope everyone has a great day!

                  Runner with a riding problem.


                    I ran 6, *a blind run as I did yesterday. This was my third 6 mile run off the week, which has me cautiously optimistic I'm on the right path.




                    *Running without looking at my pace or splits was something I did during MRT last fall. There is no real advantage to it (or disadvantage for that matter), it's just one less thing to think about. And as we know, in running, sometimes less is more.


                      18 with 7 at MP (7:07, 7:07, 7:08, 7:09, 7:04, 7:03, 6:59)

                      70.7 miles for the week, 17 of those at MP or faster.


                      I am happy with where I'm at right now mileage wise. I just need to slowly increase the amount of miles at MP during my LRs to about 10 while keeping the rest as it is, and that will be my prep for Boston.


                        I ran 6, *a blind run as I did yesterday. This was my third 6 mile run off the week, which has me cautiously optimistic I'm on the right path.




                        *Running without looking at my pace or splits was something I did during MRT last fall. There is no real advantage to it (or disadvantage for that matter), it's just one less thing to think about. And as we know, in running, sometimes less is more.


                        Smart. Who cares about pace right now. We gotta get you running confidently again, son, and then we can think about pace.


                        delicate flower

                          18 with 7 at MP (7:07, 7:07, 7:08, 7:09, 7:04, 7:03, 6:59)

                          70.7 miles for the week, 17 of those at MP or faster.



                          Damn, son.  Nice work.


                          I ran.  12 at 8:10 pace...nice and easy.  Smile  Followed that up with bacon, egg, and cheese on English muffin and a large Americano with an extra shot of espresso.


                          Half Crazy K 2.0

                            9 miles, last few minutes at a hard pace.


                            Now off to ESU at the Indian buffet.


                              6 this morning and coffee now...then I will assemble a desk or something that's been sitting in a big box for the last week or so...have a great super bowl sunday everyone...prediction: carolina but not a blowout.


                              cyber - xlnt run

                              marathon pr - 3:16


                              Former Bad Ass

                                Good choice, LRB.  Hoping it continues to get better.

                                Cy, damn!

