Beginners and Beyond


Icy TuesDAILIES (Read 22 times)


Former Bad Ass



    I ran 8, with 5 on the TM and then I went outside and ran 3. It's been a while since I've been able to breathe well outside and it was a great 3. I lifted afterwards.


    So it took 10 days for my allergy shot to leave the system. Good fucking riddance. After 9 months of feeling like shit, I am DNFing the allergy shots.


    Half Crazy K 2.0

      I ran 3.8 with strides. Kinda annoyed my parking lot/track is now in use. It's hard to find a flat & long stretch of road with no traffic.


        I ran 10 with 4x2k, 2x400m with URP. It was tough...


          I ran 3.8 with strides. Kinda annoyed my parking lot/track is now in use. It's hard to find a flat & long stretch of road with no traffic.

          I was hoping to have to stop for traffic at intersections mid-interval today to get a little cheater break but no such luck, every single one was timed just right 



            I've enjoyed my Boston marathon experience. It is special. I say it is in my top 15 or 20 most memorable life experiences. One of them, for sure, but there are many others.


            yeah, I would rate many other experiences higher but it was well worth the money I spent on it. ugly jacket included. I'd never tell someone, oh don't run Boston, it's not worth it.

            Half Crazy K 2.0

              I was hoping to have to stop for traffic at intersections mid-interval today to get a little cheater break but no such luck, every single one was timed just right 


              I had to stop at the traffic light for quite a while. i wound up stopping my watch and forgot to restart it. Probably cut off 1/2 mile from my run.



                I had to stop at the traffic light for quite a while. i wound up stopping my watch and forgot to restart it. Probably cut off 1/2 mile from my run.

                Usually I try to plan a route with no intersections for the workout part but with the snow/ice on the trails there are not many options


                  I ran 10 with 4x2k, 2x400m with URP. It was tough...


                  Shocking! You reminded me that I guess tomorrow’s workout day for me. 



                    Boston was very memorable for me. The pre-race excitement in the BM Training Group made me feel connected in a way that most races don't. Then the fact that 2018 had such horrible weather meant that those of us who ran it were really part of a special club. We survived the Boston monsoon! I would like to go back and run it again without the distraction of the cold windy deluge. I doubt I will at this point, but I'm very glad I had the experience once.


                    I ran 7.7 this afternoon. It was a lovely day, sunny and 42. I didn't have a lot of energy, but I got through it. I think all the emotional crap of the past week is getting to me. (My father died and my dog died.) It will get better, but right now nothing feels easy.


                      Boston was my first time on a subway which was a trip. It was also my first time in a city where I felt like an out of towner, I quickly adapted though and got with it!


                      On a personal note, as a vegetarian coming from the Midwest, it was like I'd died and gone to heaven. They are so far ahead of Michigan it's not even funny. I could've moved there permanently just for the variety in cuisine!


                      As for the jacket, I've stated many times my disdain for my year's colors (2016), but also my pride in the unique fraternity that jackets and the years are. My Boston jacket will be bequeathed to my favorite kid, and she'll be like, "Ew". lol
