Beginners and Beyond

In two words? ****** MonDAILIES (Read 44 times)


Former Bad Ass

    FYP...I heard there was some of this too!


    Step, congrats on the commitment! But a June marathon? Aren't you worried it's going to be too warm?


    Anyway, diagnosis from the ortho: patellar tendinitis. Estimated recovery: 6 weeks.

    Good news, I guess: my X-rays looked good, apparently no signs of any arthritis. So there's that.

    Anti-inflammatories & PT prescribed. I am not too big on the drugs but he was pretty insistent that this would help recovery. And my feelings on physical therapy are that you can't spell PITA without PT. But he was pretty insistent on that as well, mainly for the ultrasound therapy.

    So looks like the best-case scenario is I'll be ready to run again by the time there's 2 feet of snow on the ground. Yay!


    Yes. Once. You would try to

    throw it to the floor and they flew away!



    Former Bad Ass

      I am sorry about the diagnosis. Get better, Dave!




        Interesting...seems weird since that is an overuse injury but you suffered trauma.  WTF do I know tough.  Maybe the fall just aggravated something that was already there.  Anyway, sorry to hear about the additional six weeks on the DL.  Speaking from personal experience though, you'll get back up to speed in no time.  

        Thanks. I thought the same thing, but your guess is pretty much what he said likely happened. The symptoms appear to be dead on.



          Dave, that was my diagnosis last year, but it turned out to be caused by patellar tracking disorder, and was fixed by tape.  Was your kneecap off to the outside on the xrays?


          Anyway, 6 for me after work.

          You Rang?

            Just came back from four miles at dawn.  Soooo happy DST is gone..


            Get better Dave!


            Docket... this trip seems rough all around for you.


            PR: 5k 25:01 (10/15) 10k: 57:44 (7/14) HM: 1:57 (5/15) FM: 4:55 (1/15)


              Dave, that was my diagnosis last year, but it turned out to be caused by patellar tracking disorder, and was fixed by tape.  Was your kneecap off to the outside on the xrays?



              I didn't see the X-ray (nor would I have known what to look for), but he didn't say anything about it. Hopefully he knows what he's talking about but I suppose he wouldn't be the first one that didn't.


              Jack K.

              uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

                DaveP: Dang, good luck with that.


                31 miles for me last week. It doesn't seem like much but I will take it. Baby steps...


                Some easy miles and strides for me later.


                Ok then.


                  FYP...I heard there was some of this too!


                  Step, congrats on the commitment! But a June marathon? Aren't you worried it's going to be too warm?


                  Anyway, diagnosis from the ortho: patellar tendinitis. Estimated recovery: 6 weeks.

                  Good news, I guess: my X-rays looked good, apparently no signs of any arthritis. So there's that.

                  Anti-inflammatories & PT prescribed. I am not too big on the drugs but he was pretty insistent that this would help recovery. And my feelings on physical therapy are that you can't spell PITA without PT. But he was pretty insistent on that as well, mainly for the ultrasound therapy.

                  So looks like the best-case scenario is I'll be ready to run again by the time there's 2 feet of snow on the ground. Yay!


                  I hope 6 weeks flies by for you, Dave.


                  As for the weather, typical lows for the week of June there are around 50, and a "humid" day in western Nebraska is when humidity hits 30%. It could be hot, but when I ran this race in 2010 it was perfect - 45ish at the start, 60 when I finished.

                  20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


                    The patella tracking thing was pretty much figured out by my PT.  The doc didn't put a lot of thought into it as far as I could tell.  Hope you get a good PT.


                      Sorry to hear about the diagnosis, Dave.   Hopefully those 6 weeks will go by fast.


                      SRD for me.  I head back to the farm today after finishing off a Costco run and my other "big city" shopping.

                      Life is good.


                      Happy to be here.

                        Hope to get in an easy 30 minutes sometime today.



                        Half PR:  1:34 (August, 2012)


                        Marathon PR:  3:45 (October, 2012)


                        Next race:  ???


                        Next Marathon:  2015???


                          The patella tracking thing was pretty much figured out by my PT.  The doc didn't put a lot of thought into it as far as I could tell.  Hope you get a good PT.


                          Ugh. Finding a PT is the next step I guess. One that is on the list from my ortho, and the list from my insurance company, and convenient to get to. And hope it is a good one, not sure how to tell.



                            Dave, that was my diagnosis last year, but it turned out to be caused by patellar tracking disorder, and was fixed by tape.  Was your kneecap off to the outside on the xrays?


                            Anyway, 6 for me after work.


                            I cannot for the life of me recall what the drug was that my sports doc gave me for my ailing back last fall but one of its worst side effects was it inhibited the body's natural ability to heal itself, say what?


                            I took it one day before reading that and flushed that crap down the toilet.


                            Former Bad Ass

                              We are in Central Park now. Took hubby to see his grandfather (mayor of CP)'s memorial. I think HE should run the NYCM like his Grandfather did. I'll post pics tomorrow.



                              Former Bad Ass

                                Oh, the weather is gorgeous today with hardly

                                any winds. Boo.
