Beginners and Beyond


TuesDAILIES are going nowhere fast (Read 51 times)


delicate flower

      I have 6 x 5 minutes to do today 


    I called an audible.  Work went late and I didn't have time to get home, take care of the dog, then head to the gym or track for the run.  So, I did tomorrow's one hour spin bike workout instead.  Interval run rescheduled for tomorrow.


    From the Internet.


      I would take the fact that you cannot jump off one leg and keep it in perspective. A lot of these so-called strength tests put full-time runners at a disadvantage because some of that crap we cannot do even when totally healthy!


      As a part-time lifter, though, I can usually pass the tests with flying colors - I can squat just fine on the left leg without holding onto anything for balance, so the weird weak/can't-do-it feeling on the right is disconcerting! *Seems* to be a little bit easier now after working on all the tight spots earlier this afternoon, even though the movement is still not as fluid as it is on the good leg yet.



        I called an audible.  Work went late and I didn't have time to get home, take care of the dog, then head to the gym or track for the run.  So, I did tomorrow's one hour spin bike workout instead.  Interval run rescheduled for tomorrow.


        I forgive you

        Half Crazy K 2.0

          45 minutes on the treadmill. One more day of work until January 4, tomorrow is going to drag for sure.

          Docket, is that the crazy co-worker? I assume not.


          LRB, did you get a diagnosis?


          Lauren, hope the rest helps. I've had times when things are so tight and sore that any one leg balance stuff is impossible.


          Super B****

            Swim in which I was lucky enough to be tasked with retrieving the thermometer that was somehow rolling around at the bottom of the pool... WTF?

            chasing the impossible


            because i never shut up ... i blog


              8 with 12x.25, 90 sec recoveries


                4 miles this is now done and shut down for the year...xmas (gift card) shopping done too....that means a beer is on tap in a bit. Sixers are  1-29...they could break the record for futility held by the sixers!

                marathon pr - 3:16


                Former Bad Ass

                  45 minutes on the treadmill. One more day of work until January 4, tomorrow is going to drag for sure.

                  Docket, is that the crazy co-worker? I assume not.


                  LRB, did you get a diagnosis?


                  Lauren, hope the rest helps. I've had times when things are so tight and sore that any one leg balance stuff is impossible.


                  Haha, no.  She would not take picture of us unless there is someone from DC here or we are at a party or something.  You know, if it benefit her.  Next time she tries that I'm going to walk out of the picture taking.



                    oops wrong day

