Beginners and Beyond


2020 goals (Read 38 times)


    I'm thinking about running in Rehoboth in April at the Coastal Delaware Running Festival, or maybe New Jersey. I like racing in April because I get the longest runs when the weather is starting to warm up but it isn't yet hot.




    Barking Mad To Run

      Get back to running like I did before I had my pacemaker surgery.


      I have slowed down considerably since the pacemaker implant.  I know it's only been a few months and my doc says this will resolve eventually, but I am not the most patient person around, lol.  I want my 10-minute miles back consistently.   Right now, my fastest mile is about 11-something and if I do go faster than that at times, it's mostly hit-or-miss, just happens, not consistent at all.


      Even so, happy that I can still run at all.  Could be a lot worse.   So my main goal is just to be able to keep on running.  Anything after that is a blessing.

      "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


        Remember this thread? LOLOLOL!


        1. 2500 miles

        2. <3:20 marathon

        3. HM PR


        OK well of course races have been out the window. But my running this year has blown it out the box. A partial list of accomplishments, all PBs:


        • 1677 miles for the first half, putting me on pace for 3355, which would be 534 better than my previous high. I'm on pace to hit that 2500 around the end of August. I don't plan to keep up this level, but still.
        • 3 straight 300+ mile months. I've only had 4 total prior to this year.
        • over these 3 months, averaged 73 mpw
        • 5 straight 70+ mile weeks
        • 10 straight 65+ mile weeks
        • 24 straight 50+ mile weeks
        • a 101 mile week, plus an 85 mile week for second highest ever
        • 5k time trial in 19:44
        • 1 mile time trial in 5:45
        • 178 straight days running (haters gonna hate)

        Sad to be missing races, but so far no loss of motivation to run. Clearly.



        Former Bad Ass

          Can I just fucking have a good racing year? Is that too much to ask? Not necessarily PRs, just a fucking good running and racing year.


          That should be my goal.


          This aged well.




              PR something. Don't get fat. Have more good runs than bad ones. Learn how to program a workout into my watch.


              Hey, I'm doing awesome!


              5k PR in Feb

              Down ~5lbs from pre-Covid times

              Lots of good runs

              Routinely programming workouts


              You guys aim too high 


                A) 3:14

                B) 2,800 miles

                C) An unassisted pistol squat - both legs


                I hadn't realized I set 2,800 as a mileage goal. Imma have to up my mileage in the goal change thread. 


                Super B****

                  ALL THE PRS.


                  Really, I just want an A bib, but I’m pretty sure that’s not going to happen, so I’ll settle for a marathon PR. And a Boston that’s not a shit show like last time.


                  Though before that I should say “stay healthy.” (Or really “get healthy,” but whatever.)


                  Ha. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

                  chasing the impossible


                  because i never shut up ... i blog


                    aw, ya'll were so innocent and hopeful 


                      Marathon PR.


                      There, I've said it so I'm committed. That's all that really matters to me (marathon PR), anyways. The rest is just stepping stones to get there.


                      Dunno if that will happen, but I'm putting myself in a position to make it. I'll obviously have to tweak my training as M-Day approaches to specialize everything for a marathon effort, but I'm still 3 months away.


                        I didn't put a goal down in this thread but I am super happy to have run Houston this year and had a nice PR after not PRing at anything at all last year. So I am glad I had the chance before it was all shut down.


                          I didn't put a goal down in this thread but I am super happy to have run Houston this year and had a nice PR after not PRing at anything at all last year. So I am glad I had the chance before it was all shut down.


                          Yeah this was a huge win. There was a January HM I regret not running. I did not feel ready to run a good race, and there's no question it was the right decision at that time. But in hindsight of course any race would have been a good race.




                            Down ~5lbs from pre-Covid times




                            This was not even a goal for me because while I've always wanted to lose 5 lb or so, I've come to the realization I'm can't sufficiently commit myself to this. But it just so happens I'm down 4-5 pounds from where I've always been. Not a lot, but I feel good about it. I have not been doing anything intentional and IDK if it's just from the mileage; in the past I've seen no correlation of weight to mileage until I get >70, then I lose a few lbs. So when I ease up here, we'll see whether the weight comes back on.


                            Half Crazy K 2.0

                              I actually PR-ed the 1 race I was able to do on January 12 (5 miles). At the time, I thought the year was off to a great start.


                              It must have been 2017 that I had a goal to figure out training that worked for me. Whenever I said that, I certainly did not think it would mean catch the hell virus + pnuemonia, don't run or do anything for a month, struggle just walking around the building at work for a while, run far less miles than the past 5 years  and somehow wind up faster. The things that have been different since about April when I really felt like I turned the corner: fewer miles, more strength training (from 2-3 times per week to 5 -6 times), strides eveery week, longer intervals & tempo runs.



                                I'm figuring mine out right now lol.


                                1. To complete TWO marathons 
                                2. To participate and complete my first ever ultra-marathon
                                3. Stay healthy
                                4. Stay strong
                                5. Don't do anything stupid

                                Specific Goals

                                • Go! St. Louis Marathon - March 29 (or is it the 28th?)
                                • Backside Trail Marathon - April 26
                                • Honest Abe Trail Marathon - September


                                *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


                                5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

                                10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

                                15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

                                13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

                                 26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)
