Beginners and Beyond

Black Fridailies, aka Thanksgiving Food Hangover Dailies (Read 43 times)


Former Bad Ass

    Forgot to say I'm off Pilates classes until the 17th.  How dare she goes on vacation?  I could continue going there with the owner as my instructor, but I thought it was a nice time to take off Pilates for a bit as well.  Sort of like running.  Some recovery before she kills my abs once more. 




      Yeah, but in mega races, people are not overwhelmingly crazy.


      Sure. Everyone at the Disney races is completely sane.



      Former Bad Ass


        Sure. Everyone at the Disney races is completely sane.


        That's not a mega race.  15-20K is a medium race, hello?



          I manged a 70 minute workout FFS. And though it was my best workout since I've been on the stupid bench, I can't help but feel dejected that I am not running. If I had an idea of when I might return, just a shred of something to look forward to it would be a little easier (not much but a little). But no, there will be none of that. So in injury purgatory I sit, for a duration that as of yet remains unknown. Which almost sucks worse than being injured.


             That's not a mega race.  15-20K is a medium race, hello?


            That's a big fucking race yo.


              I manged a 70 minute workout FFS. And though it was my best workout since I've been on the stupid bench, I can't help but feel dejected that I am not running. If I had an idea of when I might return, just a shred of something to look forward to it would be a little easier (not much but a little). But no, there will be none of that. So in injury purgatory I sit, for a duration that as of yet remains unknown. Which almost sucks worse than being injured.


              I feel ya. But isn't that always the case? For me, running injuries never heal, until eventually they mysteriously do, after a completely unpredictable period of time.




                I feel ya. But isn't that always the case? For me, running injuries never heal, until eventually they mysteriously do, after a completely unpredictable period of time.


                I suppose I was done in by expectations.

                No more marathons


                  My 2 cents: KEEP IT. With Garmins, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Because you can buy a brand new one and it will already be broke. And the one you have will be broke soon enough anyway, then you can shop without regret. All this is based on my extensive reading the RA forums. (I have only owned 2 in my life.) For this reason, Garmin deals do not tempt me.


                  That said: I liked my 210 for the most part. When it stopped working, I bought a 220. I have been pretty happy with that; there are several features which make it a step up from the 210. It has everything I need without too many things I don't. To me, more features = more complexity of operation = more things to stop working.

                  Yeah, good advice.  I've got my second 205 that I keep in my bag for times when I'm in a hurry and my 210 is having trouble getting a signal.  All the bells and whistles of the 620 look really neat (did I just date myself?) but I suspect I'd grow tired of them quickly.


                  Babs - thanks for the info on the belt.  Haven't really been pushing my training for the past 18 months or so, so no real need to monitor HR.  But maybe spring/summer of 2017 - I'm hoping to compete in the National Senior Games in Birmingham.  Might actually do some event specific training.  (ha).


                  LRB - been reading about your injury.  Sorry to see it lasting so long.  I went through about 6 months of off again/on again stuff last year.  Probably would have healed sooner if I wasn't so stubborn.  You're making the right decision to let it heal completely.

                  Boston 2014 - a 33 year journey

                  Lordy,  I hope there are tapes. 

                  He's a leaker!

                  Hip Redux

                    I manged a 70 minute workout FFS. And though it was my best workout since I've been on the stupid bench, I can't help but feel dejected that I am not running. If I had an idea of when I might return, just a shred of something to look forward to it would be a little easier (not much but a little). But no, there will be none of that. So in injury purgatory I sit, for a duration that as of yet remains unknown. Which almost sucks worse than being injured.


                    Sorry Sad Are you going to ask for an MRA when you go back to the ortho?   At least the MRA can give you an idea if something really wrong is up and can plan accordingly.  There's nothing worse than trying to guess at an injury and the rehab needed.




                      Sorry Sad Are you going to ask for an MRA when you go back to the ortho?   At least the MRA can give you an idea if something really wrong is up and can plan accordingly.  There's nothing worse than trying to guess at an injury and the rehab needed.


                      I'm in good hands (actually great hands) as far as rehab goes. I'm on the right path and getting better, I just thought I would be running by now.


                        It's been chilly but uncharacteristically sunny here. I'll take it.

                        9 miles.



                          It's been chilly but uncharacteristically sunny here. I'll take it.

                          9 miles.


                          When's your next race and what distance will it be? It's never too soon to think about those things you know. Big grin


                            It was a beautiful day here, 65 and mostly sunny.  I ran 4.8 in and around the county park.  Nice to do some miles without having to worry about cars and loose dogs.

                            Half Crazy K 2.0

                              8 miles, 65 degrees. I'll take that for late November.


                              Are we there, yet?


                                That's not a mega race.  15-20K is a medium race, hello?


                                There were only 8 marathons in the US in 2012 that had more than 10K finishers.

                                 2024 Races:

                                      03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                                      05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                                      06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.