Beginners and Beyond

WEDNESDAILIES: Where the Rubber Meets the...TM (Read 42 times)


    February 18th is Drink Wine Day!


    Image result for wine cartoons




    I am home and ready to drink shit up!


    Guess I better say good night now just in case I fall over sideways on the couch as I have been known to do once or twice or every damn day of the week.


      I hate cats, I hate dogs, I hate insomnia, I hate winter... I love running.


        I hate cats, I hate dogs, I hate insomnia, I hate winter... I love running.




        Miraculously, I have maintained my affinity for the sport after learning (the hard way) how to pull back a couple few times throughout the year.


        It is a big reason why I went down to one marathon per year and why I am currently a little thicker in the gut.


        delicate flower

          60 minute run complete.  7.52 miles at 7:59 pace.  Mostly an easy effort except for the goddamn hills.  I miss the flat rail trail.  Maybe I'll be able to run on it again by August.


          Half Crazy K 2.0

            Lower body weights & core. Damn weather people were calling for snow squalls during the evening rush that would dump a quick inch of snow & limit visibility. As of now, nothing. I could have actually run outside because this afternoon was probably the best it's going to be for the next several days.


            My sleep is all sorts of messed up from the past year, not really insomnia, but just an ingrained schedule. In her last year, my dog never slept through the night, often went out once or twice. It's a harsh wake up to stand outside in a polar vortex at 3am. It's been 3 months and DH and I still wake up most nights at 3:33am. I also wake up right around midnight. Basically midnight and 3:30 were the go-out times.

              16.75 with the last 30 min at MP.


              Time for wine and mashed potatoes!





                Miraculously, I have maintained my affinity for the sport after learning (the hard way) how to pull back a couple few times throughout the year.


                It is a big reason why I went down to one marathon per year and why I am currently a little thicker in the gut.



                Right now I'm pretty motivated from my 5K training. I've never raced a 5K, and training for it motivates me. Then, if I want a full 18 weeks marathon cycle, I'll start the cycle 2-3 weeks after my 5K. So my first shot at a 5K, then my first shot at the big M should keep me motivated until September. But after... what am I going to do? I don't know. I'll keep running, of that I'm pretty sure, but am I going to cut back a little, or keep adding more and more as I've constantly been doing since I started running?  During marathon training, I'll be running 9 to 10 hours per week! I'm thinking I might train shorter, and quicker (as I'm doing now) after the marathon. But I'll see.

                  Sleep issues: none, other than Si being an early riser.  If he's up, he needs me to be up as well, and will lick my face and/or gnaw on my hands until I get out of bed.  Sometimes he's banished to the back room until I'm ready to get up for good, sometimes he'll calm down if I let him scoot under the blankets.

                  Hip Redux

                    Sleep issues: none, other than Si being an early riser.  If he's up, he needs me to be up as well, and will lick my face and/or gnaw on my hands until I get out of bed.  Sometimes he's banished to the back room until I'm ready to get up for good, sometimes he'll calm down if I let him scoot under the blankets.


                    Awww, I love your cat!



                    Former Bad Ass

                      6 miles done.


                      I now have Hershey running up and down the first floor because daddy threw an empty bag on him from the second floor.  First, he jumped six feet from the fear, now he is annihilating that bag.


                      Little Blue

                        It's a good thing Hershey is there to take care of that bag for you.  Quite the home protection system!!

                          I now have Hershey running up and down the first floor because daddy threw an empty bag on him from the second floor.  First, he jumped six feet from the fear, now he is annihilating that bag.


                          Haha, destroying the enemy!


                          Former Bad Ass


                            Haha, destroying the enemy!


                            It did attack him first....



                            Are we there, yet?

                              It's a vicious cycle. I'm sleepy so I take an afternoon nap. Come bedtime and I can't fall asleep because I took an afternoon nap. When I finally drift off a few hours later, I only sleep for 4-5 hours. By mid-afternoon my heads is nodding because I'm sleepy.  Repeat ad nauseum, er maybe that's ad infinitum. On the bright side I get a lot of reading done between 10:00 pm and 2:00 am.

                               2024 Races:

                                    03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                                    05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                                    06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





                                I ran 8 miles at the indoor track.Legs felt like garbage tonight.