Beginners and Beyond


WednesDAILIES are in La La Land (Read 32 times)


    Or we will be for the next month hearing about it and its 14 Oscar nominations. I personally prefer la la land to be the place I go when walking, running or driving thank you very much.


    Speaking of running, I will jog from my side door this morning for the first time in forever. It'll be darker than shit out (as opposed to just dark when I run 30 minutes later at work) but I need something different.




      I have the choice between running on the track at lunch, or braving the wild outdoors and commute. Still haven't decided, but I'm leaning towards commuting, which might change when I look outside.



        Good morning!


        I ran 6.6 with clear skies, stars, and no fog or rain.  I could get used to that.


        Have a great day folks!

        Runner with a riding problem.


        Former Bad Ass

          I have heard people falling asleep during the movie so I am sure it will win big.


          Surgeon, a deposition and then weight and a bike or rog/wog.



          delicate flower

            It's WEDNESDAY, so there's that.  I have a tempo run to do tonight, so I'll need to find a relatively flat, quiet, and clear stretch of road somewhere, thanks to all the ice and sleet yesterday.  Or I could treadmill, which I would rather not do.


            2400 yard swim done before work.


            From the Internet.

              6.4ish miles and I found a good hill for hill sprints. 8x10ish seconds plus another slightly longer one back up a different hill. Will jog another 3-4 this afternoon before I pick up the kid at school.


                11 miles, giving me 10,000 total on RA.



                  11 miles, giving me 10,000 total on RA.


                  You deserve something for that shit.


                    Now that I'm becoming more friends with other runners (used to run alone all the time), I kinda regret not going to Boston. The hype is starting to be strong, and I could be part of it, but I'm not.


                    Former Bad Ass

                      My surgery will be either the 2nd or the 7th depending on my insurance. Eekk.



                        11 miles, giving me 10,000.1 total on RA.




                          My surgery will be either the 2nd or the 7th depending on my insurance. Eekk.


                          Damn. That bad huh?


                            I used to pay cash all the time until about two years ago, because I get 1 or 2% credit back on my purchases. Not so much, but it's often about $15 in a month I don't get when I pay cash.


                            I tried that once figuring I could earn something ridiculous like $600 a year or whatever it was if I used one card instead of cash and online payments. So I spent about $800 that first month on things I would've purchased or paid with cash anyway. Well, when it came time to make the payment at the end of the month, I just couldn't wrap my brain around paying that much on one bill, even though I had the money for it. So that was the end of that. 


                            Like I said, it's stupid. But it's just what I'm accustomed to (stupidity, apparently lol).



                              I tried that once figuring I could earn something ridiculous like $600 a year or whatever it was if I used one card instead of cash and online payments. So I spent about $800 that first month on things I would've purchased or paid with cash anyway. Well, when it came time to make the payment at the end of the month, I just couldn't wrap my brain around paying that much on one bill, even though I had the money for it. So that was the end of that. 


                              Like I said, it's stupid. But it's just what I'm accustomed to (stupidity, apparently lol).





                                I tried that once figuring I could earn something ridiculous like $600 a year or whatever it was if I used one card instead of cash and online payments. So I spent about $800 that first month on things I would've purchased or paid with cash anyway. Well, when it came time to make the payment at the end of the month, I just couldn't wrap my brain around paying that much on one bill, even though I had the money for it. So that was the end of that. 


                                Like I said, it's stupid. But it's just what I'm accustomed to (stupidity, apparently lol).


                                You could use a debit card?
