Beginners and Beyond


Thermophilous Thursday Penguins (Read 29 times)

Jack K.

uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

    Ginny: walking and stretching. In a few days I will go for a very easy run, maybe 2-3 miles.

    Dad on the run.

      Ginny - Yep! But at an accelerated rate, I will probably run 5x a week. so I will finish it like 4 1/2 weeks vs 8


      If I don't have something to follow I fear I will get out there and end up over doing it.

      Chasing the sub 20 5K.


      Barking Mad To Run

        Good luck with your miles, Damaris.  And glad you get to bring Trixie home!  I would not mind if it was 83 degrees all year round! Maybe I should move to Miami, lol.    What, your DH won't agree for y'all to move to Chicago?


        Bin, you could always visit Korea in the winter and run there.  It gets REALLY cold in Korea in winter.  Dang, sorry you got stuck in the office!


        Don't mess around with the clot, Dan.  Behave yourself and heal.  So how long do you have to wait before you can run again?  Are you not allowed to run while you are on the blood thinners, and/or until the scan in two months?  Dang, by the time you come back. you're going to have to start your program all over!   Stay well, my friend, wishing you a speedy recovery!  Yeah, 54 is balmy to you up there in NORTH Texas.  Not so much to us down here in South Texas. 


        Hope you had a nice workout, Traci, and everything was JUST RIGHT for you.


        Lots of football coming up for you to watch, Jack, during your rest time.  Enjoy!   Jack, I doubt Damaris would like the Southwest, she is trying to avoid the hot.  Also, she has allergies...and allergies are pretty bad in the Southwest areas. Lots of wind and pollen around our Southwest parts, and Texas is really bad for allergies.   I still say her best place for moving is Hawaii.   Pretty temperate climate all year round - it gets REALLY hot very rarely - and  no airborne allergies, cuz the tradewinds blow all the stuff out of the islands.  Of course, in Hawaii, you can't really drive very far...


        Aruba sounds nice, HsM!  Enjoy your quartet gig tonite!


        Enjoy the RD, obiebyke.  Heck, if I had your weather, I'd be like what HsM said...I'd be hibernating all winter, every day would be a rest day!


        Zelanie, we are the same way you are, we end up making up the days, so if we miss days because of winter closing, we end up working either on holidays or on weekend days because, as a public university, we are required by State Legislature law to be "fully operational" for so many days a year.


        Sorry about the back spasms, Jerry.  Ask your doc for some Flexeril, that will help.  You may still have some back spasms...but you won't care! 


        Kudos, Jimmy, for getting yourself out there, well done!  And you are right.....BRRRRR!


        (((((Kristin)))))).  I feel for you about the shower-thing.  My first knee surgery, I was in a plaster cast from hip to foot for FOUR MONTHS!!!


        Glass in your foot, Cherie? Ouch!  I would not mess with it, you might end up pushing it in deeper and make it worse.  It might work itself out, but if not, I would go to the doc and get him/her to take it out, then can use those big magnifying lens thingys over your foot to see everything more clear.   Oh, and avoid the scale.  Use the 'nekkid' test instead to see what kind of shape you're really in.    Stand in front of a full-length mirror and check yourself out.  I am sure you have no worries at all!   If you don't think so, just send me a test photo and I'll be glad to give you a second opinion. 


        But...but...Ginny, you walked the dog in if you RUN in it, you should be warmer running in that weather than just walking in it, right?   And, hey, the sun is shining, so bonus!   PA is pretty, I enjoyed it when I visited in the spring and summer sometime back. Winter...not so much.


        Well, it is cold here, but I still feel pretty good.  And Gail, who has been taking it easier this 'winter', exercise-wise (her work days have been very hectic) is now sick. I dunno, maybe all the running outside I am doing is helping my immune system stay 'resistant'. Knock on wood.  She hates going to the doctor, absolutely HATES it, but she told me to make an appointment for her for I know she is REALLY not feeling well when it gets to that point.

        "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


        Former Bad Ass

          Scotty, I wouldn't mind 83F all year long either, but 96-100F for most of the year?  Nah.



          5K Specialist

            Scott - I can run with the clot. The clot wasn't caused by running and the doctors are fine with me running with the clot. I shut it down for a month between Oct. 14th and around Nov. 13th because I had unexplained pain in my calf. I thought it was a muscle strain or tear. After taking about 2 weeks off, I went to the doctor. It took two weeks for them to figure out what was wrong with it. After I started the blood thinners, I was able to run that night. I went from the ER to running the very night that I was properly diagnosed. My problem now is knee pain from running on the ice.


            The only problem with the blood clot and running is that I need to take it easy if my calf starts feeling weak. If it is weak, then it can negatively affect my gait.

            Personal Bests:

            800M - 2:38 (5/28/13) | 1 Mile -5:54 (5/28/13) | 3K - 11:55 (12/29/12) | 2M - 13:00 (12/1/12) | 5K - 20:00 (4/12/13) | 13.1M - 1:37:24 (2/3/13)


            Former Bad Ass

              Sounds like you have it under control, Dan.  How bad was the pain when you first experienced it?  I have a (what I think is) permanent knot on my calf and ever since you posted about your clot, I've been panicking.



              5K Specialist

                Not extremely bad. It was like a stabbing pain and maybe a 4 out of 10 at the highest level of pain. I originally thought it was just fatigue and ran a 13 mile long run at a reduced pace of about 8:45 vs. a 8:15 normal pace on it before I realized it wasn't just fatigue and decided to shelf myself. It was basically right in the middle of the calf. There wasn't a huge amount of swelling in mine.


                Sounds like you have it under control, Dan.  How bad was the pain when you first experienced it?  I have a (what I think is) permanent knot on my calf and ever since you posted about your clot, I've been panicking.

                Personal Bests:

                800M - 2:38 (5/28/13) | 1 Mile -5:54 (5/28/13) | 3K - 11:55 (12/29/12) | 2M - 13:00 (12/1/12) | 5K - 20:00 (4/12/13) | 13.1M - 1:37:24 (2/3/13)


                Former Bad Ass

                  My knot has gone down since the marathon but mostly because I am not putting the 60mpw I was putting before.  I'll keep watching out in case it's not a knot.  Thanks.



                  5K Specialist

                    I hope it is just a knot. A blood clot is such a pain to deal with and very expensive. My blood thinning medicine is $300 per month. Ultrasounds aren't cheap either.


                    My knot has gone down since the marathon but mostly because I am not putting the 60mpw I was putting before.  I'll keep watching out in case it's not a knot.  Thanks.

                    Personal Bests:

                    800M - 2:38 (5/28/13) | 1 Mile -5:54 (5/28/13) | 3K - 11:55 (12/29/12) | 2M - 13:00 (12/1/12) | 5K - 20:00 (4/12/13) | 13.1M - 1:37:24 (2/3/13)


                      I decided to give it a try, especially since it warmed up to 25 or so, and I've run in 29 deg. before.  Besides, my next running day is supposed to have another snowstorm, so today was my best shot at sunshine.  I went into town so I'd have cleared railtrail to run on and ended up spending more time stuck in traffic than I did running.  Still, it was a good run and the only part of me that was cold was my face.  I may have to go look for the balaclavas.   The hardest part was waiting for the satellites to synchronize with my Garmin.  Fortunately, I warm up pretty quickly.




                      But...but...Ginny, you walked the dog in if you RUN in it, you should be warmer running in that weather than just walking in it, right?   And, hey, the sun is shining, so bonus!   PA is pretty, I enjoyed it when I visited in the spring and summer sometime back. Winter...not so much.



                      Former Bad Ass

                        I hope it is just a knot. A blood clot is such a pain to deal with and very expensive. My blood thinning medicine is $300 per month. Ultrasounds aren't cheap either.





                        Dad on the run.

                          Docket - Your avatar is very deceiving! You look like you live somewhere that actually has cold weather!


                          On a side note, I have gotten to "run" twice with my new watch. My watch tells me that my V02max is 45 which has me running a 5k in 23:10... either its inaccurate or I'm just a lazy ass that don't feel like putting that much effort in to my running :/

                          Chasing the sub 20 5K.


                          Former Bad Ass

                            Docket - Your avatar is very deceiving! You look like you live somewhere that actually has cold weather!


                            On a side note, I have gotten to "run" twice with my new watch. My watch tells me that my V02max is 45 which has me running a 5k in 23:10... either its inaccurate or I'm just a lazy ass that don't feel like putting that much effort in to my running :/


                            Well, I was there this weekend!  And it was cold as fuck!


                            I am taking a rest day.  Just too tired and stressed.



                              Damaris, N Alabama has decent weather.


                              Jack, To be honest, I am as ready as I can be for all that's happened the last 3 months. I feel very under trained. Today I am rested...... last week was only 12 miles, and this week, so far, 3. That's some serious taper, huh? I'm sure I'll finish, but not very confident in what condition. The temp is calling for 33 degrees with 100% chance of rain in the morning, then mid to high 40's by noon.


                              Former Bad Ass

                                Damaris, N Alabama has decent weather.


                                Jack, To be honest, I am as ready as I can be for all that's happened the last 3 months. I feel very under trained. Today I am rested...... last week was only 12 miles, and this week, so far, 3. That's some serious taper, huh? I'm sure I'll finish, but not very confident in what condition. The temp is calling for 33 degrees with 100% chance of rain in the morning, then mid to high 40's by noon.


                                I'm not even looking at the South, no offense.  And we like big cities like SF, LA, MIA, Chicago, etc, so I'm not sure he can survive in a smaller city.  And in the South.  Ha.  Pure Yankee right there!

