Beginners and Beyond


ThursDAILIES got taper, bad (Read 60 times)


                                                        CoolWELCOME TO THE DAILIES THREAD!Cool


    Anyone and everyone can post your runs, cross-training, abdominal work, rest days, race plans, training questions, etc.. The only stupid question is the one you did not post. There’s a great mix of beginners and veterans, runners and walkers, and maniacs and returners, from injury to running. We're all a little crazy here, too! While this thread is a terrific source of motivation for runners and serves as outstanding accountability, you’ll quickly find this remarkable group to be highly supportive of all life experiences. So, come on in, put your feet up, and stay a while (not literally)! And whoever is up first is welcome to start the thread and we definitely keep some weird hours here. (The OP is cooler than a block of ice).


      Supp Clique!


      Just sittin' here surfin' the net, enjoying the peace and quiet.  What's on the docket for you today?


      Skirt Runner

        The taper!!!! Being so sick all week has actually helped with taper madness... too miserable to stress about it too much Sad


        On that note, URD again. I have started carb that's a plus. Bagel for breakfast, sandwhich for lunch, pasta for dinner! Leaving for Baltimore tomorrow to attend the expo! Still have a cough Sad

        PRs:   5K- 28:16 (5/5/13)      10K- 1:00:13 (10/27/13)    4M- 41:43 (9/7/13)   15K- 1:34:25  (8/17/13)    10M- 1:56:30 (4/6/14)     HM- 2:20:16 (4/13/14)     Full- 5:55:33 (11/1/15)


        I started a blog about running :) Check it out if you care to

        Hip Redux

          Morning Ell Arr Bee!


          Kristin - sorry you're still sick. Sad


          Is it friday yet?  I feel like I've done enough work that it should be Friday. Smile


          Just B.S.

            Today cycling, going through more of my 700+ photos from Ireland.


            Arrived home Sunday morning at 1am.  Ran Sunday, Monday and yesterday. Trying to let myself rest a bit

            today and recover from this horrible cold I got at the end of the trip. Flying across the Atlantic with plugged

            ears and sinuses and a headache was not one bit  fun.


            Apparently I am the only runner on this board who gets what I call "taper gladness". Maybe it's because I

            have been doing this for so long (1st half marathon was 10 years ago and haven't stopped since). No taper

            madness before Ireland marathon possibly from being too busy and none now.


            Have another marathon in 17 days and just trying to get over jetlag, catch up on sleep and get some rest

            before then.


            Ireland photo of the day for your pleasure.Big grin


            I really hate beer so the visit to the Guinness brewery was more an interest event for me but I discovered at the

             Bushmills distillery that premium whiskey is pretty good stuff!LOL


            delicate flower

              Good morning and HAPPY FRIDAY to me!  Since I get Columbus Day off, I decided to take tomorrow off as well so I could enjoy a four day weekend.  HOORAY!


              5 miles last night at 8:03 pace.  Mostly easy, though I did throw in one big hill at the end (1.2 miles and somehwere around 230' of uphill).  Last time I did that hill was Aug of last year, at 11:42 pace.  Yesterday I ran it at 8:32 pace at a "comfortable" effort, and more importantly was that I just felt strong running up it.  Good stuff.  4 very easy miles planned today.


              I haven't had a two coffee day in a while.  Maybe today...



                Good morning folksies. I got in 7 @ 8:00 last night for my recovery run. My legs felt really good and I just went ahead and ran at what felt recovery is going really well. I think that by running higher mileage during training it really helps speed up post-race recovery time. Tonight I'll run somewhere between 5-10 miles and will force it slower just to be cautious.


                LRB- Morning and peace and quiet never gets old in my book. Enjoy your day.


                kristin10185- Continue to take it easy and enjoy the carb loading ... BTW you know orange juice has HUGE carb numbers and it'll help with your cold too Wink


                Oski- Nope, sorry it's not Friday yet.


                Just B.S.- Ah-ha! I found you posted some Ireland pictures in the B&B Dailies! Love the photo and the pink shoes. Wink  I'm so glad that you and hubby had a great trip and I hope you shake the jet lag quickly. I always find flying home from Europe is much more taxing on my body than flying the other way. Generally it takes me about a week after I get home to get back to a normal sleep routine.


                Baboon- Nice workout yesterday and congrats on the strong hill run. That's a super confidence builder as you're heading up to your goal race. BTW, EVERY day is a two coffee day ... well, I did only have one coffee before my marathon on Sunday but I did have another later in the day.

                Train smart ... race smarter.

                Just B.S.

                  Just B.S.- Ah-ha! I found you posted some Ireland pictures in the B&B Dailies! Love the photo and the pink shoes. Wink  I'm so glad that you and hubby had a great trip and I hope you shake the jet lag quickly. I always find flying home from Europe is much more taxing on my body than flying the other way. Generally it takes me about a week after I get home to get back to a normal sleep routine.


                  I posted in our other thread too but no photos.

                  I am finding the same Bruce. Going over, although I had no sleep for 36 hours I didn't "feel" any jet lag.

                  Coming back yes, of course my cold hit full force on the 18 hour day of travel and 3 flights home so

                  that didn't help.

                  The group was already discussing the Loch Ness Marathon next Sept before we left Ireland.Big grin


                  Bermuda last year was for my 50th, Ireland was for hubby's 50th and next Sept is our 30th anniversary. Don't know

                  if we will do Scotland with the group but will definitely be going  back to Europe.

                  And I read that big congrats are in order for you, so CONGRATS!!!



                    Morning dailies. SRD for me. I'm pretty boring today.


                    Have a great day! Smile

                    - Andrew


                      Sending healing vibes to everyone who is under the weather! Including my DH, who has a terrible cough and sore throat, and unfortunately is supposed to fly to Poland this weekend for a 3-day conference where he has sales meetings with about 30 different accounts. If anyone has a surefire remedy, we could use it. The doctor gave him a cough suppressant and Flonase earlier this week, but I'm hoping he'll break out the heavy-duty antibiotics today.

                      Meanwhile, I need to sanitize every surface he has touched!


                      On a running note, I'm meeting a friend for 5 miles or so on some mountain bike trails - should be a beautiful fall day for running on the bluff overlooking the Mississippi River! Strength training class also. I am beginning to feel the results of getting back to ST, both in how I move and in how I look and feel. It is always a good motivator for me to eat better: more ST = flatter stomach = better self-esteem = less emotional eating.

                      20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.



                        Today....... who knows, no running though. Coffee and cleaning for sure, maybe a walk later if the weather is really nice.

                        *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


                        5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

                        10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

                        15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

                        13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

                         26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


                          Good Morning Friends!


                          I have had a very difficult time getting moving this morning – hope it hasn’t been the case for all of you!


                          LRB – Thanks for starting us off this morning!   How’s the coffee suiting you?


                          Kristin – Enjoy the carbs and feel better soon!!


                          Oski – I agree.   It should be Friday.    What are your workout plans for today?


                          Beth – I am so glad that you’re home and that you had a Pinklightful trip!   That’s a Pinktabulous picture – thanks for sharing!   Oh, and I love, love, love your Pink shoes!   :-)   Hope your cold gets better very quickly!


                          Phil – Well Happy Friday to you then!   I’m glad that it’s Friday for someone.   Great run last night!   It’s so impressive to see how far you’ve come this year!  Keep up the hard work!


                          Bruce – I’m glad that recovery is going well for you.   Do you have another race planned anytime soon?   Enjoy your run tonight!


                          Andrew – Have fun with whatever you do on your SRD!


                          Shari – Sending healing vibes to your DH so that he is significantly better before he has to go out of town.    Hope you and DS don’t catch whatever it is that he has!   It sounds like the strength training is giving you good results all around.  That’s wonderful!


                          Yesterday’s doctor’s visit was frustrating, but not as bad as I’d feared.   I was thinking that I’d re-injured the same bone and that she’d have to put a pin in it.   The good news is that isn’t the case and I don’t have any surgery plans for my foot at this time.   The frustrating news is that I managed to break a different bone in my foot (the 4th metatarsal this time; it was the 5th metatarsal last time).    I sure hope that the running gods’ plans are not to have me keep breaking a different metatarsal until I get all the way to metatarsal numero uno…..    That would really BITE!!   I’m in the boot again for 4-6 weeks.  This is driving me CRAZY to not be able to do any kind of workout – no running, no biking, no swimming, no elliptical, no walking the dog…..    I’ll see the doctor again in 3 weeks.   Hopefully by then she’ll tell me that I can do some kind of exercise……


                          Thank you all for the kind words, prayers, hugs, and good thoughts!  It really does help.   I would probably be incredibly depressed if it weren’t for all of you.    Y’all have been Pinklightfully supportive, you make me laugh, and you help me keep a Pink perspective on things.   Thank you for being here and for being so kind and generous!


                          I hope y’all have a Pinktacular Thursday (Friday for some of you)!!   And, may your next run inspire you to set new goals and to obliterate old ones!!


                          - Sarah

                          But The Smile That I Sent Out Returned With You.


                          Former Bad Ass

                            Morning!  4 miles with hubby later.


                            Be back later.  Errands call.



                            delicate flower

                              Pink, sorry to hear you're back in the boot.  That sucks.  Sad  At least you don't need surgery, I suppose.  You have a great attitude though.


                              Beth, I saw your post yesterday but forgot to comment.  Looks and sounded like a heck of a great trip!  It's cool to see all your hill running pay off like that.  Good stuff.


                              Bruce, nice to see you back in the dailies.


                              Just B.S.

                                Thanks Phil and Pink.


                                Phil, I don't have a choice with the hills here and some days I curse them but when facing a race like

                                this I appreciated them much more.


                                Pink, as you know Pink is my favorite color as well along with black.  Couldn't believe it when I saw these

                                chairs in the lobby of our hotel in Belfast.


                                Don't you think they were made just for me and my girlfriend to sit in.Big grin
