Beginners and Beyond


Wake up you lazy bums, it's the Saturdailies! (Read 43 times)



    You could also relegate your speed sessions to their own days, twice a week and run easy the rest of the week. Thereby dropping the intermittent marathon paced miles sprinkled in runs throughout the week that are in addition to the two speed sessions.


    I know why you are doing them, but the guy who excels at that is on a completely different level.




    I have always trained with a high content of MP miles in my training (and have actually been criticized for training too fast too often...), but I never do more than one speed workout a week (outside of simple strides, hills and MP miles). Two would just kill me.


    As you stated, LRB, he is on another level. I tried, but need to cut down.


    The approaches you are suggesting, LRB and lily (although lily is not really suggesting, but saying what she does) are the two that make the most sense to me right now;


    LRB, that is pretty much how I've trained for most of my (short) running career. It has worked for me until now, so it's tempting.

    Lily, that is a training that looks like more specific to the marathon pace, with less hard speed sessions that seem to be hurting me, so that too is tempting.


      Dave, congrats on the AG win!


        My sweet girl is gone. Watched her try to play earlier this morning and then she really struggled to catch her breath, had to sit up. I'm going to miss her a ton, but I'm glad I didn't wait for her to get any worse. She left peacefully with me petting her and looking into her eyes.


        Need to eat something and then I'm going to go run some trails to clear my head.


         Hang in there, (((Lauren))). It will be a while before the sadness stops showing up at any moment of the day, but it will happen. I promise you.

        PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

        18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


        Former Bad Ass

          My sweet girl is gone. Watched her try to play earlier this morning and then she really struggled to catch her breath, had to sit up. I'm going to miss her a ton, but I'm glad I didn't wait for her to get any worse. She left peacefully with me petting her and looking into her eyes.


          Need to eat something and then I'm going to go run some trails to clear my head.


          I am sorry, Lauren.  Hugs.  I found that a run was cathartic for me when Lily and Daisy died.  Hope it brings you some peace.



          Former Bad Ass

            Forgot to say, great job, Dave!






              As you stated, LRB, he is on another level. I tried, but need to cut down.


              The approaches you are suggesting, LRB and lily (although lily is not really suggesting, but saying what she does) are the two that make the most sense to me right now;


              LRB, that is pretty much how I've trained for most of my (short) running career. It has worked for me until now, so it's tempting.

              Lily, that is a training that looks like more specific to the marathon pace, with less hard speed sessions that seem to be hurting me, so that too is tempting.


              Yes, they are two different approaches to training and probably both work well. You have to choose one, though. You can't try to do everything or you will burn out eventually. Some people say to pick the one method that is the most difficult for you, because that's where your weaknesses are. Other people say to train in the way that pleases you the most. I'm weak, so I go with what I like. :-)

              PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                      Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

              18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


                I just finished my 7 at recovery. It included 3x1600m @ 5% incline and 2x1600m @ 3% descent. The hill intervals certainly did nothing for my cardio, not at the slow pace I was going at, but it worked different muscles in my legs and that felt good. Now off to wash some pots and pans and then I'll be on my way to hopefully some good burgers and a couple of cold beer. I wish every day was a Saturday!

                PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                        Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


                Former Bad Ass

                  I just finished my 7 at recovery. It included 3x1600m @ 5% incline and 2x1600m @ 3% descent. The hill intervals certainly did nothing for my cardio, not at the slow pace I was going at, but it worked different muscles in my legs and that felt good. Now off to wash some pots and pans and then I'll be on my way to hopefully some good burgers and a couple of cold beer. I wish every day was a Saturday!


                  I think you do not read your plan carefully. 



                  delicate flower


                    Nonetheless, I was rewarded for my ineptitude with a first place tie in my age group.


                    jhfc you are going to make me ask, aren't you.  


                    Nice race, Dave.  Congrats on the AG win.  Weird about that middle mile.  Was there a hill or something?  Usually there is a reason you'd slow by 40 seconds if you're running at a steady 5K effort.  Do you think you let up at all?



                    Lauren, very sorry to hear about your cat.  It's so tough to lose a pet.  Sad




                      jhfc you are going to make me ask, aren't you.  


                      Nice race, Dave.  Congrats on the AG win.  Weird about that middle mile.  Was there a hill or something?  Usually there is a reason you'd slow by 40 seconds if you're running at a steady 5K effort.  Do you think you let up at all?



                      Oops, how could I forget the BSR (Baboon Swag Report). Probably because it was forgettable - cheapo nylon water bottle coozy, which I will never use, and $5 gift card for a running store on the other side of town, that I will never go to.


                      Here is the course elevation:

                      So there might be something there. But overall poor execution. As you know I am a total 5k noob. Can't be sloppy with pacing, because not enough time to make adjustments. The middle mile is where I need more focus. And look at your watch, FFS.


                      MTA - Official results online:

                      AG 1/33 - no tie, not sure what happened to the other guy

                      OA 25/1100



                      Skirt Runner

                        Had a 10K race today that I ran as a training run.....4 miles easy, 1 at HM pace and 1.2 at 10K pace. It was hot out and the 10K pace was hard.

                        PRs:   5K- 28:16 (5/5/13)      10K- 1:00:13 (10/27/13)    4M- 41:43 (9/7/13)   15K- 1:34:25  (8/17/13)    10M- 1:56:30 (4/6/14)     HM- 2:20:16 (4/13/14)     Full- 5:55:33 (11/1/15)


                        I started a blog about running :) Check it out if you care to

                        From the Internet.

                          Thanks everyone. I couldn't have asked for a kinder, gentler end, so that's something to hold onto when I'm about to fall into my pit of sadness.



                          I am sorry, Lauren.  Hugs.  I found that a run was cathartic for me when Lily and Daisy died.  Hope it brings you some peace.


                          It was good, just what I needed. Trails were a good idea, the first few miles were so technical and rocky that I couldn't dwell too hard on everything, had to focus on not falling on my face.


                          She laughs at me......

                            I'm back. What's up?


                            30 minutes on the elliptical for me today.


                            Lauren, I read about your cat. I've been there.




                              Quick check-in - I may be back to read later.


                              To recap my last few months:

                              March 13 - knee surgery

                              13 weeks of recovery, rehab and returning to running

                              June 13 - 13.1 miles


                              Slow miles, with walk breaks, but I made it. Just a hair under 2:25, which is miles from my usual times, but after being benched for 4+ months, trying to conservatively go from 0-13.1 in 7 weeks doesn't really prepare you to run a great race. Knee is a bit stiff, but no pain. It got warm out there - I was a mess of salt by the end. Rest of me feels like I ran a full, or at least 18-20 miles, rather than 13. But I feel like now I know it's a matter of just getting my conditioning back, and there's a good chance the knee will hold up.

                              20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


                                ((Lauren)) So sorry.


                                Congrats on the AG hardware, Dave! Or since it's a coozy, would that make it software?

                                20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.
