Marathon Trainers

Week of 12/1 (Read 283 times)


    Welll coach could not get me out of bed this morning so looks like I'm running in the cold at noon. I may cave and run LR on TM tomorrow, even though I need to start doing it outside since HM will be as cold as tomorrow is. Sad



      I don't think you guys are. This is the one place I feel I could divulge my goals and even if you thought I was crazy you would all be supportive. Smile
      Well you sure showed them everybody you could getter done at the Monkey.



        I would guess MarathonJunkie, but I have no idea. Could be Nobby himself for all I know.
        MarathonJunkie would want to take her under something else so I'm betting on someone else.

        I ran a mile and I liked it, liked it, liked it.

        Oh Mighty Wing

          Well you sure showed them everybody you could getter done at the Monkey.
          Big grin twas my goal! Sorry you have to run at lunch! If you don't start to get outside soon I will guilt you big time! I will give you till next week to get a long run done outside... Smile


            MarathonJunkie would want to take her under something else so I'm betting on someone else.
            hee hehehe. That would explain the need for the heart monitor. Shan, good luck on your 10K. I think you can easily run that sucker under an hour. Good luck!



              Yes, good luck, Shan! And Bugs and I both need to get a nice outside run in. Today is another really nice mid-teens mild day, and I'm stuck inside. Sure wish we'd get days like this on the weekend, but tomorrow the high will only be about 10 and snow is likely. STILL, I'm going to get out there. Too much treadmill time. Bah. Good luck also to sleep-deprived Murphy. Hope he can run on fumes cuz that's what he'll have in the tank at the rate he's going.


                Erika, you are so funny. It is in the teens and you think it is nice out. pointing out that my race is a winter butt cold race seems to got you guys convinced I need to run outside? Big grin I ran with my asics storm pants and some plan cotton shorts underneath. It was 22F and legs were cold (where shorts did not cover) but not miserable, but legs moved and stride was much better than if I had worn the UA tights. Could be 0F for race, I will need more for that day then, maybe regular tights not UA. The sidewalk had patches of snow on, which I wouldn't have fallen on but were slowing me down, so I ran on the road. Legs felt like old self and I had issues running slow. So tomorrow I head outside with the same plan. Busy weekend. Painting the bathroom and last week before my party on Monday.


                Oh Mighty Wing

                  so today is my 1st planned off day since my break in august... and it was the WORST day!! ugh I want a run so bad!


                    so today is my 1st planned off day since my break in august... and it was the WORST day!! ugh I want a run so bad!
                    Sorry about the bad day. Work? You really think a one mile JOG is going to blow your rest day?


                    Oh Mighty Wing

                      I'm good at following rules. I was told if I could go 1 mile and not break a sweat then fine, but that really I should take the day off and stretch or x-train and think about running and my race. So would it blow it no, but at this point I feel like not listening wouldn't be the smart thing either. So this morning on my way to work (bout 1.5 miles down the road) a car and i were about to pass when BOOM the car hits a dear, the dear flies in front of my car and goes under it. I pull off to the side of the road in hysterics - screaming. DH's phone is off so I can't get ahold of him. So I check out the car to make sure it's ok and drive to work. Couple hours go by and then I have my one student who is driving me crazy. Now I like most of the "bad" kids and I would take them any day over this kid! He sits all class and stares - at the wall. He doesn't take notes, he doesn't do anything!! We've talked a bunch of times because I hoped warm and fuzzy might help him or maybe if I can give him a chance it will be ok or he will get over some of his anxiety at least in my class or will try to stay focused or SOMETHING! He said he has trouble deciding what to do first so I sat him up front so I could re-direct him. Well today he decided to inform me that he doesn't have to take notes because he knows what he's doing... 37% in my class but he KNOWS what he's doing. Anyway, then I yelled at my last period because I have to give the same direction every day - so I made them sit in silence for half the period. I hate being like that! I prefer to be a happy teacher, but it was too much for 1 day... I just wanted to go for a nice run... instead I went to the market to buy food -finally- where some woman stopped right in front of me with her cart and then LEFT it to go look at something in another isle while I just sat there as this cute old couple passed... I smiled a strained but polite smile and as she passed she leaned in and informed me that Jesus loves me... I almost cursed at her... and now here I sit WISHING I didn't listen so well so I could break the rules and go run for a good hour or so!

                        heh, I would. But that's me. You're a good teacher, Shan. The bad ones have bad days all the time and don't realize it.

                        Oh Mighty Wing

                          heh, I would. But that's me. You're a good teacher, Shan. The bad ones have bad days all the time and don't realize it.


                            and now here I sit WISHING I didn't listen so well so I could break the rules and go run for a good hour or so!
                            That made me smile Smile My running week ... sucked. 2 miles so far. But my legs feel great. And now I'm coming down with a sore throat. Probably will run anyway tomorrow. Hopefully i can get back on track next week. If I'm going to have a recovery month, December has to be it and then back at it for the National in March.

                            I ran a mile and I liked it, liked it, liked it.


                            Oh Mighty Wing

                              That made me smile Smile My running week ... sucked. 2 miles so far. But my legs feel great. And now I'm coming down with a sore throat. Probably will run anyway tomorrow. Hopefully i can get back on track next week. If I'm going to have a recovery month, December has to be it and then back at it for the National in March.
                              I'm glad I made you smile! Smile Sorry to hear your week of running isn't going well. But i'm glad your legs feel good! Try some honey and lemon for your throat. I agree that if you need a month December is the month to take.

                                First time for a "double" at the gym in ages. Today at lunch I went to the gym and did a short elliptical warm up, then 30+ minutes of upper body weights. Then this evening, I did another short elliptical warm up (15 mins total for the day), and another half hour of weights tonight while DS2 was at basketball tryouts. I had enough time for 30 minutes of pool running too. Geez, Fridays used to be my rest day, and I think this was my toughest workout day all week! DS2 made the JV basketball team too! He's pretty excited, but very tired and went to bed early.