Lydiard Training


2013 "Brag" Thread (Read 17 times)


    This is a brag post, but it’s also a thank you post. It’s a brag post because 2013 was an incredible running year for me. It’s a thank you post because I don’t think it would’ve happened without this little forum. I have an almost irrational sense of accountability here. I’m compelled to run, and to post about running, and to learn, and to try to help others learn from what I’ve learned. I’ve learned so much from this group! So, THANK YOU, everyone, for making 2013 a really great year!


    Tomorrow, barring any last minute disasters, I will:

    • Extend my current running streak to 77 days – easily my longest such streak;
    • Run more than 300 miles in a month for the first time ever;
    • Continue a string of personal weekly mileage records over the last 4 weeks;
    • Hit 2,620 miles for 2013, my last minute goal, which equals the distance of 100 marathons.

    I hope everyone had a safe, enjoyable holiday season, and has a wonderful, happy new year’s! May 2014 bring you happiness and success in all your endeavors, running-related and otherwise.

      SubDood,  Congratulations!  Those are very impressive accomplishments!  I also wanted to say a big "THANK YOU" for the sage advice and encouragement you have generously offered me (and others) many times this year.  In particular, your encouragement to attempt to break 20 minutes in a 5k was what prompted me to give it a try (successfully) in my last race of the year.  Again, thank you and everyone else here who helped me improve as a runner in 2013...and here's hoping that 2014 brings much happiness and success (running and otherwise) your way.

        Nice work, SubDood! I tried to chase down your yearly mileage, but looks like I'll come up just a little short. It's still a distance PR for me, big time. Here are my other brags, most of them aided by this forum and Running Wizard training:


        Longest Streak: 62 days, over 693 miles. I'm shocked.

        10K PR: 37:59 (not a certified course, arguably 0.01/0.02 miles short, so feel free to add a few seconds). Residual fitness from marathon training.

        1/2 Marathon PR: Martinsville. Helps to not take wrong turns like I did the year before.

        18 races this year: 5 wins, 1 second place, 1 third place. These were all small races, but I don't care.

        A wet and muddy trail race in sandals, won my AG.

        Top 10 in the Umstead Marathon. Love those people.

        Victoria Marathon: not the finish I wanted, but that chip seal was nasty on bare feet. Very proud to have run the first half in under 1:30 on that stuff, though.


        PROUDEST MOMENT: Getting off course in an out-n-back 10K on an airport runway. I can get lost anywhere.


        Looking forward to a new year of neurotic training indecisiveness! Thanks everyone for the support.


          Ditto to what you have all posted, i have gained so much from the forums here and from reading everyone's input. This little forum page is one of my favorite places to visit online!  It is so awesome to be able to have so much encouragement and support. Thanks to everyone for keeping this forum alive and active!!


          My biggest brag is my BQ in Columbus. I never thought that that kind of run would even be possible for me, and it is huge that I was able to hit that goal in my second marathon. I am really looking forward in 2014 to hearing everyone's Boston stories and keeping up with your guys' training! Fingers crossed that I will be there in 2015!!


          My little silly brag is that I joined the Holiday Running Streak and have run almost forty days (?? not really sure, I need to go back and total it up) in a row. I have never done anything like this before, my longest streak before was probably 4 days or something!! so this is huge for me and the surprising thing is how much I have enjoyed it!! I might even keep it going a bit past New Years  Smile


            slothful1 -- You've got great momentum heading into 2014. Keep up the good work!  Possibly a sub-19 5K in 2014?

            Josh -- I just read your "sign-off" on your blog. I'm very sad to see it go -- VERY entertaining stuff! I also saw a picture you posted of ... is that the Strait of Juan de Fuca? Maybe that mountain is in Canada? Beautiful in any event. I'm jealous of your location (as I sit here, it's -1 deg F outside).

            christirei -- Great job on the BQ, and on the streak! You had some great races this year -- it seemed like you were 1st or 2nd in your age group about a dozen times this year!


            I've got a 14 mile race on New Year's morning, and temps at start time are forecast to be about -5 deg F.  Dreading it, but it'll be fun to post about the ice on my face afterwards (maybe with pictures).


              Stay warm, my friends!

              cats staying warm

                I also saw a picture you posted of ... is that the Strait of Juan de Fuca? Maybe that mountain is in Canada? Beautiful in any event. I'm jealous of your location (as I sit here, it's -1 deg F outside).


                Yes on both counts. That's Mount Baker, which has this eery tendency to look tiny and far away on some days, and gigantic and close on others.


                We are VERY happy with our decision to move here.


                   Yes on both counts. That's Mount Baker, which has this eery tendency to look tiny and far away on some days, and gigantic and close on others.


                  We are VERY happy with our decision to move here.

                  Have you ever seen submarines out there?

                    Have you ever seen submarines out there?


                    I haven't, but my wife has. We sometimes hear underwater explosions when the military is doing their military things.


                    Because the harbor is so deep, I get to see gigantic ships (usually shipping logs to China) anchored very close to shore. Also lots of fun birds to watch.


                      I have been on the Strait of Juan de Fuca, on a submarine, in 1991. My last time "at sea" in the Navy.

                      MTA: That was sort of a non-running brag thing -- sorry. But it is where "Sub" "Dood" (i.e., "dude") comes from.

                        I have been on the Strait of Juan de Fuca, on a submarine, in 1991. My last time "at sea" in the Navy.

                        MTA: That was sort of a non-running brag thing -- sorry. But it is where "Sub" "Dood" (i.e., "dude") comes from.


                        That kind of makes us neighbors, if you disregard that whole fourth dimension thing.

                          slothful1 -- You've got great momentum heading into 2014. Keep up the good work!  Possibly a sub-19 5K in 2014?



                          I hope will be tough, but that's on my goal list for 2014...along with improving my 10k time, and running a 15k and/or 20K and maybe a half marathon or two.   Looking forward to some new challenges.


                          And good luck with that extremely COLD New Years Day race!  Yipes!


                            Final numbers for 2013:

                            • 2647.2 miles -- enough miles for 101 marathons, plus 1 mile for good measure.
                            • 326.9 miles for December -- Holy crap! Blew way past my previous monthly high.
                            • 75.7 miles the last full week of December -- squeaked past previous high from previous week.
                            • 79 day running streak (74 day streak if you only count days with more than 3 miles run). It helps that I am on a 7-day-per-week RW plan
                            • All-time PR's for Marathon and Half Marathon, and "old guy" PR's for 5K and 1-mile.

                            I love these numbers. I didn't set goals for these things when 2013 started. If I had, the above numbers would have seemed unreasonably optimistic. I am lucky, perhaps, to have stayed relatively injury-free.


                            Forecast for tomorrow's race: -13 deg F, with 6 mph winds that should be pretty much in my face during the last 7 miles. They handed out nice fleece jackets and penguin hats at packet pickup today, so that was nice. Happy New Year!



                              That kind of makes us neighbors, if you disregard that whole fourth dimension thing.

                              Hi Neighbor! I only know you through the 2-dimensions of my computer screen, so I'm willing to ignore the 3rd, 4th, and any higher order dimensions as well!


                                Not too cold at the race today -- a balmy -8 F at the start, warming up to -7 F by the finish:



                                I pulled my face mask down early on, since it actually didn't feel too bad out. Later, when I turned into the wind, I tried to pull it up to cover my face, but it had frozen into a neck guard of sorts. Oh, and don't let my happy expression fool you -- I smiled once during the race and my face froze like that.

                                Some guy ran the 10k wearing skimpy boxer briefs, shoes, and body tattoos. He was fast!
