Masters Running


Thursday Jan. 17th Master/Boomer Runs (Read 629 times)

    A slogging 6 mile recovery run this morning at 9:10 min/mile pace. I guess yesterday's hard tempo run took it out of me as I felt basically every step. A warm 71 degrees at 5:30 AM too. Avg HR 137. I guess that's why we have recovery runs after hard days. Go figure ... Everyone have a good day and a better run. Bill

    "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

    Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

      Good job stickin' with it Breger!! 71 degrees sounds so wonderful right now!! Yesterday, Rochrunner asked if I lived on another planet as I still struggle with my Garmin. Well, I guess I do. This morning was another wierd one. Clear skies - 25 degrees - should have a solid satellite lock - HA! More "false" readings, and now I have a couple more "March '07" runs. At 8 p.m on March 31st, I ran 31 miles in 5:09:46 - who knew!? I will be calling Garmin today and requesting a new unit. Maybe this also has something to do with my higher than "normal" heart rate readings too. Oh, back to this mornings run: 3.5 miles - don't know the pace - don't know the heart rate either. Wink ~Mary


      "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
      It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."



        I miss Brinkley How is your SIL Mary????


        Marathon Maniac #957

          Good Morning! Breger – your recovery pace is my GA... Smile Mary – you’ve given that unit more than enough chances. I had another lovely run today with CNYrunner in a balmy 30 degrees and light snow. 10 miles at a brisk GA pace (ave pace 9:00, ave HR 145) with 3 @MP. I always run a bit faster with her, prolly because my legs are trying to keep pace with my running mouth… Big grin Happy Thursday!

          Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

            Breger - Great way to stay with it on a tough recovery day. I find I get a ton of benefit on those recovery days. I believe those slow ez runs on recovery days are key to overall future success. If you did the hard workout the day before the right day, your recovery day should be hard. That means you were successful the day before. Mary, hope your Garmin woes are taken care of soon...what a pain. For me it was 15 EZ, then 20 at marathon pace then 15EZ. Overall good, although it was tough doing all of the 20 at MP since many parts of the road are still snow covered and slippery. But I ran them hard anyway. Although I am only now starting to train harder, I feel in better fitness than at this time last year. Something I can attribute to overall body conditioning (lots of core work) and smarter running (ie: read less redlining) and then maybe the nice lady in my life helps too (-: For you dog lovers (not Spareribs), here's a picture of Darby my golden, who my wife now has )-: At least the girls still see her. Take care guys and gals Tall

            Recent Best times: None recently


              Good morning, 4 miles for me this morning in 40:04. I'm feeling a little run down and tired. I don't know what that's about. Mike

              Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

                I miss Brinkley How is your SIL Mary????
                Brinkley misses you too! He really misses running with me, but I have about .75 miles of ice to deal with before I hit clear roads - hopefully soon I'll be reporting on the adventures of Brinkley again. My SIL is doing pretty good. She is back to work and has set up an appointment for counseling to help work through this awful tragedy. Thanks for asking. TALL - Darby is beautiful! Makes me think - we need to start our "Pets" page again. ~Mary


                "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
                It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."



                  Mary - I have found that garmin customer service is great, but there is some variability of the units. I have had to return several of them, which they were happy to replace. One of mine was tracking backwards, i.e., at some point in a run, the further I ran, the lower the total distance! Tall - I hope you are talking about km, not miles! I like goldens. We have a carpy coonhound. Smile I did a 12 miler this morning, with 12x2.5min hard (2.5 min intervals). This was a good (almost fun) workout, but I ran out of time before coming to work, so I have no statistics to share. Good runs, all.

                  Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |

                    RunninginDC—glad to hear you seem to be doing much better; don’t rush it though. Evanflein—crackly frozen hair in 6-degree temps? Yee-ouch, you’re tough. Tall—nice pic WRFB—that coach has you working hard. Very sluggish 7.8 miles @ 9:30 pace today in some light snow.

                    Be safe. Be kind.

                    Hill Runner

                      Good morning all, A wintry mix of snow & mostly a windy rain this morning. 8.08 miles of hills @ 9:15 pace. I have to remember that it's a bad idea to wear heavy cotton socks when running is this type of the end of my run my feet were sloshing inside my wet socks, that hot shower never felt so good as it did today Big grin

                      Upcoming Races:

                      Boston Marathon, Boston,MA 04/15/13
                      Grandfather Mountain Marathon,Boone NC 07/14/13
                      Thunder Road Marathon, Charlotte NC 11/13

                        It wouldn't be the daily thread if someone didn't post a huge larger than life photo. At least Tall didn't post a larger than life photo of himself--that would crash the site. Off to the gym now. Dark Horse
                        I'm a dark horse, running on a dark race course.
                          Looking for a place to Happen, making stops along the way - The Hip

                            My foot/heel is still sore from Tuesday's run, so instead of running I went to the gym for 40 minutes on the ET. That was an interesting thread on raising children a couple days ago. I have a 21 year old daughter moving back in with us and having a baby in 2 months so I can only give advice on what not to do. (If I could figure it out)



                              Our trip to AZ is now history. We had a great time. Meeting mc was a highlight. He's as much of a "good guy" in person as on the internet. We also saw brother Dave (selb3) a couple of times. Daughter Sandy and I were happy with our half marathons (race report to follow) and we enjoyed our stay with my wife's brother and his wife. I got in an 8 mile run on Tuesday followed by a 7+ mile hike in the mountains (approximately 1500 elevation change). We met several people running on the steep rocky trail we found tough to walk. The weather was great and all the travel went smoothly. As always, though, it's nice to be home. While gone, I got a couple of chances for a quick skim of the forum but no chance to post. So much happened that I won't comment on everything. I do want to send my condolences to hopeful's sister as she deals with the emotional results of her accident. I also want to say that in the picture of Tall, his new lady friend,and her daughter, that the smiles say it all. It looks like a good start to the day with Holly and CNY getting in a nice long run together, Tall a long run, and WRFB a long run with intervals. This morning it was in the mid 20s with a light wind. I did 5 miles in enough under 47 minutes for a 9:17 pace. A good day and good runs for all. TomS

                              Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

                                Romper Stomper Domper Doo - I see Lyndenrunner!! Wink My Garmin is on it's way back to the company. They'll have it tomorrow and ship out a new one to me - luckily I have the ol'e faithful 201 for a backup! Welcome home Tselbs - can't wait to read your report. ~Mary


                                "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
                                It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."


