Masters Running


Sunday, November 23 Runs and What-Not (Read 516 times)

    anachrotech, it's good to hear from you. It's been a long time. I'm sorry to hear about your husband being laid off. WRFB and hopeful, neat tattoos. When I did my marathon, I briefly fantasized about getting one but figured my family, especially my daughter, might die of shock. Nice long runs for fatozzig, breger, and PDR. Last night my daughter called. She's been working in a running store since going back to college. While chatting with a customer, it came up that he'd been in several races that I ran, he's in the same age group, and I usually beat him. His name didn't ring a bell with me so I'll have to look for him in future races. They established that I was 64 with a birthday real soon. He was apparently happy that I'd be leaving his age group and said he might send me a birthday card. We thought it was sort of funny. This morning it was in the high teens with just a bit of breeze. I got in 6 miles in a little under 59 minutes for a 9:47 pace. A good day and good runs for all. TomS

    i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

      Funny Tom! Lou.. I first thought you just got real drunk last night and woke up with a tatoo Big grin Really nice one! I do alot of thinking during long runs.. real random stuff. Today I was comparing running with the economy. When we keep running we feel stronger and stronger and push harder and harder. Then come the little hurts in new places which we may ignore or back off immediately..or.. keep running and then a real soreness appears which we may run through until it gets so bad it shuts us down.. can't run. We are forced to back off and conserve and heal and then very slowy work our way back. We usually come out stronger in the end. The economy has been running full steam ignoring the injury signs for some years and now we're paying for it. 2 miles with Tory at 9:40 pace then 15 miles of hills Total 17 miles in 2:31:09 (8:53 pace, AHR 149)

      Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova

        Tramps: you're upgrading to a roof antenna. That sounds about as advanced as I am. I still call my service "cable" but am quickly reassured by others that I have "satellite." Tattoos.....I feel like I'm the only unpierced, unmarked soul out there. I once wanted a cup of coffee tattooed on my arm....I never gave in to the temptation. (David Lynch's daughter, Kelly, has such a tat) 7.2 at 1:04:24....I cut my 8.5 loop short. Wasn't feeling the love today. The wind, on the other hand, I felt quite strongly. Walt
          Lou.. I first thought you just got real drunk last night and woke up with a tatoo
          Thanks everyone (and Mary I really like yours, too!). Perch - the artist and I spent a couple of weeks going back and forth until we found the "right" one. BTW, I checked with "the artist" if it's ok, and it is, so I'll mention that she is none other than our own Aija -- you can see more of her work at (there's some really neat stuff there).

          Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |

          Renee the dog

            I like tatoos, but like Tramps, can't commit. I guess I don't want to define myself in ink yet. Hey, I'm only 44. Maybe later. Big grin I think it is odd when women get the Chinese symbol for woman (seen it on 3 so far, all caucasian) tatooed on them -- like, was there any doubt? Or do they think Chinese readers might not know? Clowning around While it is a pleasing character to look at, for a little more ink, you could go from 女, to 安, which means tranquil/peace/content, and seems to have more meaning than just labeling oneself a gender that is already apparent to the world. Personally, I find WRFB's and hopeful's much more interesting! Good use of ink!

            GOALS 2012: UNDECIDED

            GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!

            Marathon Maniac #957

              .just can't seem to generate any speed when I'm wearing 18 pounds of clothes...
              I'm with you there, and I noticed again today that my percieved effort in the cold is way higher - I think I'm chugging along at a brisk pace, only to find out when I download the Garmin that I was actually going MUCH slower than I thought....and don't listen to Craneium...running in the cold is NOT like any other run, at least not for me...on other runs I don't have snotcycles when I get home... Jlynne - I wear Saucony Trigon Rides.... WRFB and Hopeful Mary - nice tats! Lou - is Aija someone who posted at CR before?

              Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                Good monring friends. I am taking a mate break right now and decided to log in to wish the Tamster a very happy birthday. Daily life is viewed so differently when there is a dying person in the home. Wow these past three days has been filled with mixed emotions of sadness, sorrow and joy. Thanks for your caring heart my friends. It means a big deal to me and my family. My FIL is hanging in there. I think he is more than ready to go, but there is that hope, dream and wish that he will make it until Thanksgiving to be able to celebrate their 50th anniversary. I am the 24/7 caregiver for this week (we are taking turns). What an honor it is for me to be here with my in-laws in such a special moment in their lives. He is more like a father to me than just a mere FIL. I had the time to get out of a 12 miler yesterday on the beach...with IRC. My hope is to get out an hour a day this week for a heart healing run. Thanks for being there for me.

                "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

                  Lou nice tattoo! Cool Half marathon this morning, disappointing 1:59:40 about 1:59:10 chip time but there weren't any chips. Woke up today at 5:30am to 8F, brrr...82 mile drive to the race. 15F at race time, roads were mostly clear although there was several icy spots with 2 of them on turns, this wasn't bad considering it had snowed 4 straight days. Course was a flat double loop through a Cleveland Metro Park. I was shooting for 1:54 , right on target at 6 miles. The monster that lives in my right hip woke up and it started to tighten up. By mile 8 it feels like a nail is being hammered into my femur head. My stride is shortened due to the tightness. I stumble my way to mile 10 at exactly 1:30, I know I can't slow down or I'll be over 2:00 Black eye I keep pushing thru the line and come in under 2:00. 5 minutes slower than Flying Pig Confused But that's alright I only enter races so that I have incentive to train. Good news is DW took 2nd place in 5k Big grin I put liquid bandage on my heel blister with a large band-aid and it give me no problem.

                  Courage ! Do one brave thing today...then run like hell.

                  MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                    fitness running mostly for exercise isn`t usually very glorious but up-and-downing some Seattle hills as the rising sun painted Mt. Rainier from rose to gold until its snowy white emerged on the horizon was a gift of what glorious must be all about. I wonder if we`ll be seeing any tattoos on the already-dozen plus boomer gods and goddesses in the hot tub or lakeside actiivities at the June Seattle RnR?

                    "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)


                      Nice tattoo Lou! You too, Mary... yours is nice and simple but cute! Holly, Aija used to post as Egret. She posts on KR now. Nono, I'm with you and Tramps on the tattoo stuff. I've thought about it, but I see a 80+ year old woman with a big tattoo on her back and it's really not a good look.... I keep thinking of how all these girls with the tattoo on the small of their back will look when they're a lot older... Nice thoughts, Steve. I think about stuff like that, too. That's why I like running alone... don't want to feel I have to talk to anyone else. All you guys running long are making me wistful to get back out there. Patience! I keep yelling at myself. Today is day #21. The outer edge of my promised 2-3 week hiatus. I'm hesitant to say this is as good as my foot will get, because it's still not 100%. But maybe it never will be. Maybe this is the "new normal" for me and I'll just have to manage it as a chronic condition. I talked to my dad last night, who has the same deformity (but much worse) and his, even with corrective surgery, is still getting worse and causing him problems. So, not sure what to do at this point. I will try to get to the pool this afternoon while DS2 is at soccer, get in a "long run" in the pool. I've been on the elliptical too much this past two weeks and my 30 minutes of pool running yesterday were harder than they should've been. Time to get back to running form in some fashion.
                        Happiest of Birthdays, Tammalah! Mariposai, your view on tending to your FIL is refreshing; so many people would be feeling put upon or resentful. Perhaps another change we can hope for in our country is a different approach to our treatment of elderly people. Just b/c I'm interested, when you are home and have a chance, what are your thoughts on Kubler-Ross and her theories on counseling families about death and dying? --glad to know you made time for yourself and a run. r2farm--we're trying to get some interest in Ft. Collins first weekend in May--there's a full, a half, and I think a 10K. Check it out and let us know? 4 miles with DH out and about in the neighborhood at a 12+ mile pace. And Pedey's not making any noise! Big grin Tim, I think the supermarket is an excellent idea. Women buying turkeys, though, I'm thinking may be attached. Look for ones with smaller carts buying ingredients for a side dish [like brussel sprouts!] or pie. [did someone say pie????] Southern chums, we are signed up for Tallahassee early February. grins, A
                        Masters 2000 miles

                          I've wanted to do that Tallahassee race, but I remember having a hard time figuring out how to get there. But I probably didn't try very hard.


                            9 miles for me earlier this morning. Good runs to all Masters.
                            Quit being so damn serious! When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. "Ya just gotta let it go." OM
                              11 miles @ 10:41 pace, which was a little faster than I expected, so I did have a good run today after my carpy one yesterday. Beautiful sunshine, cool 40F slowly warming up. I saw almost every regular runner in the neighbourhood out on the trails today. I wish they would pass me when I don't have snot running down my nose, but I guess that would be never. And another gross thing, yesterday on the TM the guy beside me had a little cup that he was occasionally using to spit in, after he loudly cleared his throat and sinuses. That's a new one. Yuck. My hamstring is still tight and making noises so I think I better back off. I went from zero to 40 in one week without being able to stretch properly, so I am really pushing my luck. Nice Tattoo, WRFB. {{{Nancy}}}

                              "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

                                8 miles on the treadmill at 7:32 mile pace. Last mile in 6:10. Dark Colt did 5 miles on the next treadmill. Dark Horse
                                I'm a dark horse, running on a dark race course.