Masters Running

Wed Apr 29 Runs and Workouts (Read 517 times)

Marathon Maniac #3309

    Could ya imagine, if there were someone visiting here for the first time today.... Roll eyes Smile Thanks Leslie....I don't feel like a freak or something Surprised Tim

    Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!


      You mean not everyone duscusses cat turds on the internet....


        Wow, Holly, see what you started re: helping around the house? I, too, do the brunt of the housework, but all 3 of us take turns cooking dinner. The person who cooks is also supposed to clean the kitchen afterward, but somehow that usually falls to me. When DH cleans the kitchen, he gets miffed if I don't notice and thank him - even though I look at it as his turn to clean. But I guess thanking him is a small price to pay if it means he'll actually clean up. Leslie, too funny about your DH's laundry! I'll wash my DH's stuff if it's IN THE LAUNDRY HAMPER. If it's on the floor, no go. DD has been doing her own laundry for several years now, but she, too files it on the floor in her room. I never can figure out how she knows what's clean and what's dirty. She seems to know, though, because unlike boys, teenage girls like to look nice. Tall, sorry you're still dealing with your angry ex-wife. I'm sure it can be hard to continue to take the high road but do what will make your daughters proud of you. Fight back, but fight fair. 4 miles at lunchtime, 74° and sunny. I was kinda surprised I didn't melt, but I actually felt pretty good.

        I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

          Could ya imagine, if there were someone visiting here for the first time today.... Roll eyes Smile
          ....yes, and I'm Appalled........... and while I'm thinking about it, who was it talked me into ordering ''CatCrap'' to defog my sunglasses????

          ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....


            ....yes, and I'm Appalled........... and while I'm thinking about it, who was it talked me into ordering ''CatCrap'' to defog my sunglasses????
            That wasn't WRFB was it??


              no, seems like it was a ''Tammy'' Something or Other.

              ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

              Renee the dog

                There will be no peeing wars in my house. My goal is for my kids to be appealing enough so that someone will want to marry them at some point and take them off my hands....

                GOALS 2012: UNDECIDED

                GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!

                  and while I'm thinking about it, who was it talked me into ordering ''CatCrap'' to defog my sunglasses????
                  If this really works, I'm going into business for myself (says the owner of 5 cats). Big grin

                  Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                  Trail Runner Nation

                  Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                  Bare Performance


                    Tallrunner sorry about events with your soon to be X. It seems like things always end up this way. I hope that somehow everything gets under control as you are right -- in a divorce battle only the lawyers win. On the deer front, I have been using Liquid Fence and it seems to get them to eat elsewhere. On the housework front, I want to chime in on the part of my half of the species! In my house the DW is the slob not the DH! When we moved I insisted we get a place where she would have her own office into which I can periodically toss all of the papers, magazines and other mail she leaves all over the place in piles. Saved our marriage! Smile

                    Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                    Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->

                      who was it talked me into ordering ''CatCrap'' to defog my sunglasses????
                      I'm pretty sure it was hally. She told me to get the same stuff. I am the one who recommended spitting on the glasses instead -- works better and cheaper Big grin

                      Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |

                        ...yep, I think you're right..........after spitting, CatCrap, and WD-40 (hey, I'm Southern)........ ..the Right Answer was ''Ventillation'' some sunglasses that were less curved, and it worked

                        ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

                          heh! I finally trapped twocat into a planned dinner (anticipating introducing him to Eugene's worst cuisine...starting off with wheatgrass shooters). Evil grin evryday, thanks for setting Woods straight....Woods, evryday has good tips on making that log work! You're doing great and a PR just may be in the works for you on Saturday. You go girl!

                            I'm wholly in favor of shooting the wheatgrass.


                              ...hey dg//........I just read your last week pre-vacation post........'s a video of the road we drove in to get to the vacation it took over an hour to drive 20 miles, I still don't know where we were.

                              ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....


                                hey tw, I was just going to ask if you played the dulcimer. did you? OK, I'll go look at the video of your road. SRL... were you the patient? Re wheatgrass... not that I'm disagreeing... but what are the benefits? Woods Lady... please define a fake runner. If any of you run low on cat turds... (sorry Leslie)... there's this raccoon I know....