Masters Running

Monday, April 19th Boston Runs (and Refresh Display clicking) !!! (Read 736 times)


    Joey that's funny.     thanks for the updates.  


    well as far as I can tell everyone's made it in safely.   Smile.   I see George at 4:10:44, & Perch at 4:19:54. 

    What incredible accomplishments, looking over all of these results, and remembering all the struggles, all the efforts.   congratulations, every one of you.

      I'm already over at the bar waiting for my virtual friends.  Everyone is doing so well, according to his or her current conditioning, that is really nice to see.  Sorry that Kimmie didn't get her sub 4 though.


      I can't believe how fast Karin and Erika are.  I KNEW Erika was going to PR this race based on her training paces this winter.  I almost wished I had bet money on it but gambling on our friend's Boston times seems a bit tacky!


      At 11am (2pm there) I ran 4 slow miles in honour of those struggling during the last 4 miles of this marathon, whomever they be.

      "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."


        I think by about 6 minutes & 15 seconds.     woohoo!!


        .... (is there some kind of prize for over-posting?)


        Hi Tet!   Hi Tammy, I was wondering where you were.  Did you get to watch it?


        cool, a PR for Karin too!  I missed that.


        Lamerunner's in, 3:49:19, an 8:45 pace!  ;D


        nope, didn't get to watch any live coverage. We don't get that channel on our cable at the office and I couldn't get a live feed of it either.

        but I did commit <refresh overuse> today.

        A good friend of mine finished in 2:53, which may just be his fastest Boston yet. Typically, he's trained at 100+ mpw for Boston but this year had to cut it back due to some hip and achilles issues.


        so many wonderful performances at Boston today! I'm excited for everyone!


        Roy C

          That was an exciting looking race with excellent results for the masters.  Thanks Vista for the updates.


            Hi Enke!  I'm at the bar too!  (Well not really I'm still at work, but not working very hard...)


            Yay for all our masters friends!  Everyone did great!  Quite a few BQs too - I think Mainerunnah, CNYrunner, PBJ, Aamos, Erika, Rtravers, lamerunner, and fortunate one all BQ'd.  And Perch and George both did awesome considering they're coming back from injuries. Hope everyone's still walking OK this afternoon...   It looks like Holly and Kimmie ran together for over half the race, and that must have been a big highlight for both of them!  Very sorry to hear that Lou was a DNS - I wonder what happened?  Too much beer drinking yesterday?


            I went out for a slow 3 miles after everyone was accounted for at Boston... avg pace 11:34.  At that pace it would have taken 5:03 to finish a marathon which wouldn't qualify me for Boston even if I was 70 years old.

            I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.


            Trails are hard!

              A quick report in from the 20 mile mark.  I was happy to see all the Fantastic finishing times.  Every one that went by was smiling and looked great.  Karin and Erika were flying so not surprised that there were PRs involved.

              Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.


                I went out for a slow 3 miles after everyone was accounted for at Boston... avg pace 11:34.  At that pace it would have taken 5:03 to finish a marathon which wouldn't qualify me for Boston even if I was 70 years old.

                 I hear ya dearie.  But I have you beat.  My run was 12:02 pace today, which means I won't qualify until I'm 95 or something like that.  I better stick to beer drinking instead.


                Kevin - could you even see Karin fly by?

                "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."


                  congrats all runners

                  we just heard that wbz - channel 4 is going to allow all runners to see themselves crossing the finish line tomorrow (enter bib #)




                    Enke, with our paces today, we'd both qualify when we're 75!  Women ages 75-79 need a 5:15:59 and we were both under that.   Now we just need to work on not getting any slower. Oh, yeah, and on running further.

                    I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

                      Nice going Boomer/Master Bostonians!



                      A since the rest of us are at the virtual bar, drinks are virtually on me.  

                      Quit being so damn serious! When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. "Ya just gotta let it go." OM

                        I doubt that I can add anything to what's been said. Great, great running today by the Masters. What did Erica do, set her Garmin for "PR" then take off? CNY ROCKED, but we knew that. Congratulations all. I can't wait for the reports.


                        Oh and I ran 3 recovery miles this afternoon. Walt.

                        Maniac 505

                          So good to see everyone's apparently successful Bostons.  Now we just need the race  reports and pictures.


                          I felt surprisingly sproinky on my 5 miler today considering I ran a marathon Saturday, 


                          anxiously awaiting the Boston reports


                          Avenger Doggie

                          protector of my dad

                            So good to see everyone's apparently successful Bostons.  Now we just need the race  reports and pictures.



                            anxiously awaiting the Boston reports


                             Like wise


                            Dad and I both had rest days..After yesterday's run, we planted 55 trees.

                            Sniffing Butts, Tag

                              Thank you for the shout outs Masters! thanks for being so supportive. Great job Perch! race report later. Right now it's. Sam Adams Summer, a burger, and the Bruins game. Congrats to all the runners today!



                                Yay!! Great Job by all the Masters at Boston!!  Smile


                                Runners run