Masters Running


Thursday April 10th Master/Boomer Runs (Read 595 times)

    Good morning everyone! 14 miles total with 5x4 mins. moderate, 2 mins. rest between. I ran 6.5 miles before starting the repeats, then 4 miles after them to end it. The repeats were run at 7:48, 7:52, 7:50, 7:46, and 7:35 min/mile pace. The average HR overall was only 140. Confused Coach changed this one from "hard" to "moderate" after last week's "hard" intervals. I think he was afraid I'd get ahead of myself and get injured at this late date. I agree with his assessment of me, by the way. Blush Bill

    "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

    Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

      Wow Bill - great run to start us off today! Out for 5 miles this morning with Brinkley. He was much more into the run than I was though. I could not get a jingle out of my head this morning: mm mm good Campbells Chicken and Rice Casserole Possibilities . . . If you have never had it - it is pretty good! Wink 9:48 / 148 9:49 / 152 9:47 / 162 9:51 / 165 10:20 / 166 Cheers! ~Mary


      "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
      It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."


        Great workout Breger! You are running so well and hitting those marks right on. Hopeful4ever! I am humming the Campbells tune now! Funny. Speaking of funny, Enkephalin...I was laughing out loud at your post yesterday.....great humor in your posts. Thanks. Out the door at 5:45 AM for me under foggy (or is that in?) overcast skies. 46F on the way to 70F today. Eight easy and no watch miles through around an apple orchard. Buds and green things (finally) everywhere. Enjoy the day folks CNYrunner

        Marathon Maniac #3309

          I second "WOW" Bill....sweet paces Smile LOL Mary with the jingle, and very nice run with Brinkley...I sometimes wish I had a doggie friend to run with, but I live in an a apartment and can't have animals Sad It is great to see all the signs of spring CNY, and I hope you handle the taper crazies ok Smile Today will be a well deserved rest day for me...and looking forward to it...but will still feel a little guilty as we all do at times. Have a wonderful day and workouts all, Tim

          Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

          i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

            Good runs Breeger, Hopeful and Brinkley! I ran by feel again today, gotta make taper interesting... This time it was "Easy" target going at a comfortable pace with one breathing cycle for every 4 foot falls (each time the right foot hits the ground is a footfall). This turned out to be an average 8:50 pace with AHR 145 for the 4 miles. Tory is improving. Have great runs!

            Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova

              Hi Tim! No guilty feelings on rest days!!! It's all a part of training (but I know what you mean too....). CNY MTA----Glad Tory is better Perch...scary when that happens. Boogie limps after beagle badness episodes (jumping on things that he shouldn't especially at 13 yrs. old), but I still take him to the vet.
                Good morning, all! Bill - some smokin' repeats! Mary - I'm going to come to your house at 2:00 am and sing that jingle......... CNY - isn't it nice to see the spring colors emerge? {{{{{{Tory}}}}} There was an owl hootfest going on this morning while I was walking Jesse. There were at least 4 owls in the trees next to the house making huge racket. I was glad I wasn't trying to sleep through it. DH and I passed a house on fire on the way to the track this morning. From the looks of it, I think the house was gutted - I hope the family was able to get out. 8 very sproinky track miles at an average 9:08 pace. It sure feels good to be running in shorts again. btb - Jesse is doing quite well in obedience class. The instructor uses her for demos and would love to steal her from me. She had not worked with any Aussies before, and now she wants to own one. Good runs to all!

                Sue Running is a mental sport...and we're all insane! Anonymous

                Marathon Maniac #957

                  Good Morning! Breger – nice repeats! Do you program those into your Garmin, just like when you do repeats based on distances rather than time? Hopeful – not the Campbell’s chicken soup, but today I have Campbell’s Golden Mushroom soup in the crockpot with some red wine and round steak to make beef burgundy for dinner. CNYrunner – spring is suddenly exploding here as well, with the dogwoods almost overnight in full bloom and the grass is green, green again. Perch – I was concerned about Tory yesterday when I read your post. Glad the vet thinks it’s minor. Vista – yes, I’m getting a little excited about Boston, but unfortunately all the drama about the house is eclipsing that. (I’ve been sparing you the details, but the saga continues.) Evryday – spunky is good….. RunninginDC – good luck with your final thesis project (and your foot). Sue – I wish I could say the same about Dexter. He mostly does what I ask, unless he doesn’t want to, when instead he just tilts his head sideways and gives me a quizzical look, even though I know he knows exactly what I want. 7.1 bare-legged miles today in 47 degrees – a mix-it-up run that included 7 x 100m striders, 4 trips up and over Big Hill Road, and the last mile @ MP. This may be my last workout on Big Hill Road, since we are scheduled to move before my legs are ready for hill work again. However, the new house (if we get it), is on top of an even bigger hill, in a hilly neighborhood. The first time we drove it I though, oh my goodness, that will be a tough hill to climb to get home every day....

                  Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                  Hill Runner

                    Good morning everyone, Nice run Bill! Cheryl, that was scary reading yesterday..I hope that you're OK. 10 MOH @ 8:53 pace...stunning morning here. 52F, sunny, no wind, flowers & trees blooming all can't ask for anything better that that. Good runs to everyone today.

                    Upcoming Races:

                    Boston Marathon, Boston,MA 04/15/13
                    Grandfather Mountain Marathon,Boone NC 07/14/13
                    Thunder Road Marathon, Charlotte NC 11/13

                    King of PhotoShop

                      Bill, you are going to have some monster Eugene. That is one of the best workouts I have seen you do. Well done. Joey, you can tell all the baseball stories you want as far as I am concerned. I agree it was too bad about that Alomar incident. I think it tarnished his career; one bad mistake. speaking of spitting, I had an uncle who used to save $50 a day. He took the subway to work and they had a sign that said "$50 fine for spitting" so my uncle didn't spit. Liz, I was glad to read your update on "the foot." You are very patient, which is good, since I am one of the few people who know you have the power to just push one red button there in D.C. and blow up half the world. We're still getting more of Wildchild's weather, so I will go out and try to pick my way from bog to cement for about 3 miles. How are our visitors in Austin and San Antonio enjoying Texas? Spareribs
                        Holly asked: "Breger – Do you program those into your Garmin, just like when you do repeats based on distances rather than time?"
                        Yep! I love the Garmin for lots of reasons but Interval workouts are really nice when set up in the Garmin. Push the Lap button to start the 1st repeat and then just follow along by time or distance - whichever the workout calls for on that day. Bill PS: You're moving to a BIGGER hill??? Oh my.

                        "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

                        i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

                          Breeger... If you have some variations in your speed work out portions, don't worry it's partly the Garmin's accuracy: Example: If I ran exactly 1 mile in 7:30 and the Garmin measured 0.99 it would show 7:35 pace and at 0.98 it would show 7:39 pace. I find measued routes best if you are looking for consistency but the programmed way of doing is great for most of the workouts where you want time in a zone. Steve

                          Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova


                            Good morning Boomers. 6.5 miles in 59:00 this morning, then tried to jump rope. Only made it 4 minutes before the rope kept slipping out of my hands and hitting me in the head. Enough! Sixth day in a row of either running or cross training and my arms and legs don't seem to be in sync anymore. When I read Breger's posts about his workouts I keep thinking "I'm not worthy...I'm not worthy." I don't know how you do it, Bill. You are truly amazing. Sounds like the Boston group is pumped up and ready to go. Sure hope the weather is good that day. Mary - your Campbell's jingle will be on everyone's minds today. I keep seeing the Planter's cashew commercial for the woman with the unibrow that all the guys are hot for. It's hilarious! All you people talking about spring, green grass and flowers are bringing me down. 31F and stiff winds out of the north here this morning, with a major winter snowstorm scheduled to hit the state starting tonight. I think the global warming theory is a myth! The good news is "30 Rock" is back on tonight. Love that show. Good Thursday runs, everyone. Jeanne
                              Wow.....some good running out there already this morning. Maybe some of you are facing the beautiful weather that greets me this morning. I will do my run over lunch hour in 70 degree sunny weather. Perch.......glad that Tory is going to be alright. I think you scared a lot of us. I feel like he is one of the Boomer runners.......well.....HE IS. SueT.......that owl story was a hoot.....(sorry, couldnt' resist that one) (((Holly)))......sorry about the housing drama. It will work out eventually, just don't let it take the joy out of this GREAT Boston trip that you have worked so hard to achieve. I laughed at you saying you looked at the hill near the new house. I would expect a lot of runners make the checking of the running route, a prerequisite for picking a new home. One more baseball story that Spareribs will enjoy and probably remember. A solid veteran player on the Mets who finished his career on that team that went 40-120, was Richie Ashburn. He had enjoyed a great career prior to that, mainly playing for the Phillies. The story is told that one day during a game back in the 50's, Richie hit a foul ball into the stands at the old Veterans Stadium in Philly. The ball hit the wife of one of the newspaper sports editors, breaking her nose. Play was stopped while they brought a stretcher down to carry the lady off. The umpire finally decided to allow the game to resume and Ashburn dug back into the batter's box. On the very next pitch, Ashburn hit another foul ball which actually hit the same lady now on the stretcher as she was being carried out. Can you imagine? Something tells me that the umpire probably held up the next pitch until the stretcher was well out of sight. Joey

                                Welcome to Thursday! yesterday... Teresa- sounds like you're enjoying your stay in TX! biketm- finding that balance of training is definitely tricky. Perhaps one week you could focus on running, then the following week focus on biking, and keep alternating like that. Sarge- sorry you are under the weather, and bad timing having it happen on your night out. Feel better soon. Thank you for the well wishes! Aamos- you are no longer the devil. Now you're just plain out of control! deez4boyz- I'm glad you got a massage, hopefully you can see her again. Keep at it, ok? Regarding "Spirit of the Marathon", you can go here to sign up for email updates about when it will be released. The latest update I got said October 2008. Feel better! Craneium- Glad to hear you survived another day! I love the sound of your job! TomS- glad Mr. Hippie let you get your run in! BCMorant- Thank you for your nice message yesterday! Smile Ribs- sounds like your wife is doing really well. Continued success to her with her training. You'll be out there passing her water again soon enough at the rate you are progressing. enke- good thing you like foggy weather! Coffee and banana? Ick! henrun- I'll bet the gardens and the commons are finally showing signs of spring! Nice way to celebrate your special day! dg- hope your parts are telling you to kick some workout butt today! halllar- you wooose! Wink Running 5 miles in a constant headwind equals an 8 mile effort, so you're good. Glad you are trying the unpronouncable workouts. But give it more than a week. That's the problem with a lot of programs, people don't give them enough time and quit before the real effects kick in. So stick with it. If it takes 8 weeks to do the program, and that means a year from now you are still running strong and healthy, isn't that worth it? vista- I don't detect any Boston excitement. It must be that active imagination of yours again. perch- glad Tory will be ok. Phew! You need your running buddy! PJH- did you enjoy the show? Tammy- yay, she's back to running! I hope it continues to go well! Wildchild- Another storm? Sheesh! Decisions, decisions regarding your race. The only one I would probably avoid would be that downhill one. It may sound appealing, but running downhill for that long is a real quad/knee buster. Have fun choosing! evryday- spunky will more than do, as long as you're still doing it! runningindc- thanks for coming up for air! Keep at it please! So much for the comp entry, just goes to prove there is no such thing as a free lunch! Get done what you need to get done, but don't forget about us please, cuz we don't forget about you. biketm- of course we don't get tired of hearing about your amazing workouts! Speaking of workouts, the one you did sounds like a real knee and quad buster! Wow! Mariposai- I'm sure you turned loose a very well prepared bunch of students! Smile SteveP- see the "test" thread for some pointers. mainerunnah- nice day for your recovery run! today... breger- a great post about a great run to start us off. hopeful4ever- you weren't hungry on your run by any chance this morning, were you? CNY- love those foggy runs! biketm- you shouldn't feel guilty about doing something that is a necessary part of training and improving. perch- to make your next run interesting, see how many footfalls it takes to sing Mary's Campbell soup song. Good news about Tory! SueT- I forgot to mention the other day that I was thinking of you. Driving home after work, the weather was nice so I had the car windows opened, and I heard a ton of peepers as I passed a creek. It made me smile. Smile There are a couple of owls in my yard, it's amazing the rackett they make! Somebody's life changed overnight, with that housefire. Sad Nice 32 lap run! Glad to hear Jesse is behaving! Holly- Good morning back! Ummm, what time is dinner being served? That sounds yummy! Nice workout! You did you last workout on Big Hill Road in style! Jeanne- you are worthy, and don't think otherwise. That was a great run you had, but it sounds like it's time for a day off! vista- soak up and enjoy those temps today! Another morning at the gym, with 30 minutes of biking followed by 90 minutes of elliptical. I almost fell off the darn thing 3 times. After getting only 3 hours of sleep last night, I was pretty tired and woozy. After lacrosse last night, I get a call from work that one of the servers was sick and throwing up data all over the place. So after scarfing down some pizza, I had to head to work and nurse the poor sick computer back to health. Emergency surgery was required, but the patient luckily lived. After putting it to bed, I finally was able to get myself to bed around 1am. Up at 4am to go back to work to check on the patient, pull out the stitches and make sure there was no bleeding. Looks like it made a 100% recovery. Aren't happy endings great? I was thinking of you guys who just signed up for races, or are thinking of signing up for the first time. Don't let the pressure, either real or perceived, of reading about other people here and their races, influence your decisions. You aren't "excluded" if you don't race. Do it because YOU want to! Don't let the pressure of having to train detract from what running was really meant to be - something to be enjoyed and cherished. That's not to say you can't race and still enjoy your running, but often times a looming schedule leads you to do things you normally wouldn't do on certain days, leading to injury or detracting from the enjoyment of running. First and foremost, enjoy your running. If that enjoyment includes racing, then great. If it doesn't, then that's great too! Enjoy your Thurday, gang! Smile