Masters Running


Monday March 10th Master Boomer Runs (Read 567 times)

Marathon Maniac #957

    Good Morning! I’ll guess I’ll start us out with a non-running post. Thank you everyone for all your wonderful birthday wishes. Being snowed in for the day allowed me to have a very pleasant and relaxing birthday puttering around the house and eating too much. Smile No run today – light x-training instead, taking it easy on the legs: bench dips, butterflies, dumbbell curls, incline dumbbell presses, leg lifts w/weights, face-up and face-down, 12-minute ab/core video. Teacher conference this morning, followed by doctor appointment and then dental cleaning, then off to work. Happy Monday!

    Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

      Wow! This is the furthest up the page I have ever been, must be daylight savings time slowing people down today. An easy 8 miler in 8 degrees this morning. Luckily roads were clear making footing good. Hoping everyone gets off to a good start and has a great week.

      i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

        Good morning! Careful on the digging out up there. I had to get up at 4:30 to take DD2 and her BF to the Airport. Somehow they landed free tickets to the Virgin Islands for Spring Break. So I had time for a short recovery run and X-training. 2 Magical, get the blood flowing, Healing Miles with Tory (10:23 pace, AHR 134). All felt good after yesterday's 23 miler and the cold is better today and the back less sore. Amazing what a long run can do for ya! 2x20 PU's, 3x20 hamcurls, 20 lunges, 3 x 30 sec front, right, left planks Have great runs! Steve

        Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova


          Good morning Boomers. Intervals today after a rest day yesterday. One mile warmup at 9:31 followed by 40 minutes of intervals with 8:21 work and 9:47 rest speeds. Finished with a cool down mile at 9:31. I know intervals are necessary, but they never seem to get any easier! Hope everyone in Ohio and Indiana got plowed out. That was one wicked storm. Nice 23 miler yesterday, Perch. Glad your back is feeling better. Cranium, the temps have to warm up soon, don't they? 8F is still pretty cold for the middle of March. Holly, good luck with teacher conference and your appointments this morning. Do you usually try to do them all in one swoop? How was your birthday cake? Good Monday runs, everyone. Jeanne

          Marathon Maniac #3309

            Good morning Smile So happy you had a nice Birthday Holly...but sorry about the bad weather you all had in Ohio....wasn't quite as bad here, about 8 to 10 inches of snow. I'm hoping we are seeing the end to a very long harsh winter. Nice 8 in 8 Craneium.....that's a pretty cold morning run. I imagine the time change is slowing people posting. Glad you are feeling better Perch Smile and wow, great job on your 23 miler!!!! I had a weird weekend of running...Sat 8.5 miles in 8 inches of fresh snow and still coming down, and super windy and cold. I think this was the hardest run I have ever had, having to pick my legs up a lot further than normal to make it through the deep snow. Finished off the weekend with a 10.6 mile run Sunday morning, and the streets were fairly clear, with a few slick spots I had to be careful on. Was planning to run further, but I was super sore from Sat's snow run. Got my new polar foot pod calibrated and when I reached my 5 mile mark, my watch said 5.04 miles which I thought was good Smile Temps are suppose to be in the 50"s this week Cool Can't wait to run without it taking 30 minutes to dress. Have a wonderful Monday all, Tim

            Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!


              I think I have managed to shake 80% of the crud so I went to the gym this morning for a light workout to get started back again. Hopefully I'll get a run in tomorrow. I saw a couple birthday threads so belated Happy Birthday to those who had one over the weekend. 10° this morning. I don't mind the cold but most people around here (where I live, not the forum) are getting pretty tired of it so I'm getting of the complaining. I look at it as one less day of mowing the grass.



                Good morning, all! Holly - belated happy birthday! Bet you'll remember this one with the blizzard blowing through Ohio. 15 miles on the treadmill Saturday morning followed by a 2 hour walk with Jesse. Another 2.5 mile hike with Jesse on Sunday morning with another hour walk Sunday evening. I'm pooped! We had torrential rains and winds Saturday afternoon - just blew through and brought nice 55 degree balmy temps Saturday evening. Then the temps dropped again, so the trail was frozen Sunday morning. The alarm came much too early this morning, but I managed to get up and do 6 nice easy miles on the treadmill. Core work scheduled for noon. Good runs too all!

                Sue Running is a mental sport...and we're all insane! Anonymous

                Hill Runner

                  Good morning all, A chilly start for the week 32F here going into the 60's' later. 10.23 miles of hills @ 9:11 pace. Good running to everyone today.

                  Upcoming Races:

                  Boston Marathon, Boston,MA 04/15/13
                  Grandfather Mountain Marathon,Boone NC 07/14/13
                  Thunder Road Marathon, Charlotte NC 11/13

                  Hill Runner

                    ...Brand new Saucony Hurricane 8's this morning...aaahhh!

                    Upcoming Races:

                    Boston Marathon, Boston,MA 04/15/13
                    Grandfather Mountain Marathon,Boone NC 07/14/13
                    Thunder Road Marathon, Charlotte NC 11/13

                    Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

                      It was all I could do to get out of bed to get ready for work - let alone get up early enough for a run. So it is lucky for me that today is a scheduled rest day. My quads are a bit sore from the runs over the weekend. I was experimenting with my stride yesterday along with watching my heart rate and think that may have done it. It is a good kind of sore though. Happy(?) Monday! ~Mary


                      "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
                      It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."



                        Who turned out the lights?? I thought I'd missed having to run in the early-morning dark, but of course today we were back into it with the clock turned ahead to 6:30. I actually had a decent run of 2.2 miles at a 10:30 pace, and think that if I continue doing easy runs with two days off between, I'll be on the road to a full recovery. And even those short runs relieve a lot of the mental tension that I've been having during my long (or at least feels long) layoff, so things are looking up. Now I've got to catch up with the weekend's posts. I spend so much time on the computer during the work week that I generally stay off of it on weekends. And here's an example of how geeky I can be for an old guy: I watched a DVD this weekend that I had heard about and requested for our library to get. It's a documentary called Helvetica. That's right: it's a movie about a font! Actually, anyone here who works in graphic arts would really enjoy it. It wasn't quite as interesting as I'd hoped, but it has had me paying more attention to signs, logos, ads, etc. Erika: Good luck on your DH's surgery. Shoulder injuries can be a bummer, but they can work miracles these days.

                        Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

                        "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"

                        Renee the dog

                          Good runs to everyone! Today is a total rest day (well, unless you call mopping floors and doing laundry cross training -- I don't!). btb, since Mondays are always my couch potato days, Sunday afternoon is usually my rum time. That's basically my training plan. I do recommend it. Wink I really curb the alcohol use as I approach a race day, but still have my Sunday afternoon one...luckily next race is on a Sunday morning (3/30 Ocean Drive's 10M), so that afternoon rum should be extra sweet. Helvetica, eh? Have to put that one on the Netflix list. Thanks for the recommendation Rochrunner.

                          GOALS 2012: UNDECIDED

                          GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!

                            Life sometimes gets crazy. With basketball season entering the "Dance" section of the season, my schedule changes quickly. Add to that my brother being sick and communication back and forth being ongoing, the "norm" of life seems to have taken a back seat. For the first time in a long time, I did not run AT ALL over the weekend. Most likely the rest will have been of benefit to me anyway. However, it is a bit discouraging when you realize you missed the opportunity to run. My brother has cauterization proceedings today and the medical people will determine what and when the next phase of his treatment needs to take place. He made sure he got a good phone call in to me yesterday, "just in case" things don't go well over the next few days. He tried to make the call sound casual, but knowing him as well as I do, I knew he had a list of family and friends that he was calling. I have not posted a lot lately, but do manage to lurk on most days for the daily thread. There has been some good running going on. Good job folks. Have a good day and a great week

                              Rest day!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank goodness. There's a minimum of 50F temp difference between last week's run and this week's. Today the temp difference is nearly 80F. Last week....I was startled by lizards and egrets....This week - it ain't likley. Last week....sweaty and smelly after 10 min......This week - I'm just smelly. Last week....Shorts and tank top.....This week - shorts, tank top, tights, long sleeve tec, sweat pants, leather gloves, hooded sweat shirt, stocking cap and mittens. Last week....the voices in my head were proven to be imaginary....This week - they're presenting good ideas.



                                Eika, I just did some catching up on the dailies. Hopefully DH's proceedure goes well.

